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Chapter 1323 - The Expected Change

If it is in a normal state, it is not so easy for Azadas to quickly restore the magic power consumed by successive uses of powers.

But in Ulduar, the city of titans, due to the existence of the furnace of will, the activity of arcane magic power will be several times stronger than that of the outside world.

Therefore, Azadas, who knows Ulduar's characteristics, can say that he can recover in 15 minutes.

And it is true.

Fifteen minutes after the punctual time, Azadas, who had been closing his eyes to rest, opened his eyes.

"I've recovered and I'm ready to fight."

As the controller of the power of the earth, Azadas is an honest and kind person. He is not full of calculations and lies like Loken. He has always said that one is one and two is two.

Now that Azadas had clearly stated that he had recovered, Raiden and Thorim chose to believe him without hesitation, and Sharlayan and Valeera, who were sitting together meditating, immediately got up and took out their weapons.

Standing in front of the gate leading to the inner hall of Ulduar, Thorim, who was the vanguard, pressed his two powerful hands on the door, and turned to look at Raiden who was in charge of giving orders.


Leiden took a deep breath, and looked around at everyone present with a serious expression.

"Get ready, then... Thorim, open the door!"


As Thorim pushed hard on the heavy steel door with both arms, a disgusting and strange aura drifted out along the gradually opening door.

"This is……"

Sharlayan wasn't too surprised by this, but raised his eyebrows slightly.

"The smell of the power of the void is extremely strong, worthy of being the lair of the ancient gods."

Raiden accepted the words with a solemn expression, "This also shows from the side that Yogg-Saron is trying to get rid of the seal, and its influence on the outside world is getting stronger and stronger."


After the door was completely opened, before Thorim retracted his hands and pulled out the thunder hammer, a series of extremely cold ice edges attacked first.

"Don't think about it!"

Azadas stomped on the ground with his thick left leg, and an earth wall rose from the ground. All the ice edges hit the solid earth wall, making a slightly dull sound of hitting objects.

However, the moment Azadas perfectly defended against the enemy's attack, a large number of emerald green vines grew out of the earth wall without warning, and soon broke the earth wall from the inside to the outside.

The vines that grew wildly with the help of the soil swept towards Thorim who was at the front.

Just when the vines that seemed to have life were about to wind up on Thorim, a gray withered force enveloped the vines that stretched their teeth and claws.

Infected by the breath of death, which is completely opposite to the power of life, the vines that were full of vitality a moment ago quickly lost their vitality, and fell limply at Thorim's feet.

This series of moves took only an instant, and there was only a time gap of about 1 second before Thorim opened the door.

Thorim may have a more brainy mind, but in terms of combat ability, apart from Layden who can be crushed by strength, he is the undisputed number two among the few people present.

Almost overwhelmed by the enemy's unexpected attack, Thorim, frightened and angry, activated the thunder and lightning power bestowed on him by the Titan.

The blazing thunder suddenly exploded in Ulduar's room where the sky could not be seen, and a long and thick thunderbolt heavily bombarded an open space not far from the gate.

It is not accurate to say that it is an open space, so there were several giants with different postures standing in this open space just a moment ago.

At the same time as Thorim's thunder fell, the giants who were locked on the target displayed their magical powers to disperse and dodge.

Only the largest strange object stood firmly on the spot, ate Thorim's lightning counterattack head-on, and seemed to be unharmed.


Just as he countered the vine catalyzed by Freya, Sharlayan consciously found the direction where Freya was avoiding and chased after him. On the way, he took a slightly surprised look at the big guy who had hard-wired Thorim's lightning.

"The principle of the lightning rod...? Sure enough, it has been prepared for a long time."

In the cognition of mortals, thunder and lightning represent the power of heaven and earth.

According to the barrage, in the world they are in, the gods who control the power of thunder and lightning have a high status in various myths. Even if they are not god kings, they are at least one of the important components of the mythology system.

Sharlayan didn't know what the titans came up with to give the secondary titans their respective powers. As a result, the three guardians of the titans all used thunder and lightning as their main power.

These three are the Great Guardian Raiden, the Storm Guardian Thorim, and the Wisdom Guardian Loken.

The strange robot driven by Mimiron relied on scientific principles to guide Thorim's lightning into the ground, and also charged a wave of energy for his body by the way.

In the process of dodging, Loken used the power of the same source to offset part of the lightning attacking him.

It's easy to guess what Thorim was thinking. Out of hatred for Loken, more than 60% of the power of this thunder was aimed at him.

Although compared with generals like Thorim, Loken, who is known as a think tank, is indeed inferior in combat ability, but he is still a sub-Titan after all, and it is not too difficult to receive an attack of 60% of Thorim's strength. .

"Loken!! Give back the life of my wife Sif!"

Before the battle, Raiden repeatedly emphasized the need to find the opponents assigned to them. However, after entering the battle, Thorim still got hot-headed. He picked up his warhammer and chased Loken to attack wildly.

【Ah this...】

[Sure enough, the plan still can't keep up with the changes. 】

[Hey~ It's not too surprising, Thorim's brain is only at this level, after all, his prototype is Thor, the God of Thunder who is full of recklessness. 】

[Unexpected, reasonable. 】

[No way, come up with a backup plan, Tian Ji, let's race horses. 】

The backup plan is a remedial plan formulated by Salayan in anticipation that Thorim might lose control in advance, which is the Tian Ji horse racing mentioned in the barrage.

To put it simply, when the high-grade Matorim is held back by the opponent's low-grade Maloken, your own low-grade horse Azadas must resist the attack of the opponent's high-grade Mahodir. To delay the battle until the enraged Thorim takes Loken.

Fortunately, Azadas inherited the power of the shaper Kazgros, not to mention the attack power, but in terms of tenacity, no one in the audience could compare with him.

Azadas, who seldom goes to the battlefield in person, will definitely not be able to defeat Hodir, but with the tortoise shell defense of the power of the earth, it should not be a big problem to wait until Thorim makes a contribution and respond.

Raiden raised his hand and released a golden thunderbolt at the only enemy present with a different painting style, forcing the opponent to cross his claws to defend with all his might.

"I can't help it, switch to plan B! Let's all move!"

Sharlayan and Valeera looked at each other for the last time, and the two exchanged glances tacitly, and then rushed towards their goals at full speed.

Under Raiden's full pressure, Vezaks could only maintain a defensive posture and kept retreating. Loken and Thorim also chased and fled deep into the Hall of Guardians.

Azadas took the initiative to find Hodir, whose eyes were a little dazed, and led him away from where he was to find another battlefield.

As Sharlayan used the power of death that Freya instinctively loathed to lure her away, only Mimiron's clumsy robot and Valeera, who had long since disappeared, remained in place.

Just as Mimiron was planning to manipulate the robot to chase other enemies, the robot over 10 meters tall suddenly made the buzzing sound of gold and iron clashing from its left hind leg.

"Old friend, where are you looking?"

Before Mimiron caught the trace of the enemy, Valeera's erratic voice came from another direction.

"Stay and play with me, let me see if your craftsmanship has deteriorated over the past tens of thousands of years."

On the other side, Sharlayan led Freya, who was chasing after her with a look of hatred, to a cold palace, which should be Hodir's residence in Ulduar.

Under the suppression of the severe cold temperature, the plant life activity catalyzed by Freya will be reduced to varying degrees, which can create a battlefield environment that is more conducive to Sharlayan.

"Long time no see, Freya."

Sarlayan looked at Freya's slightly dull eyes and sighed softly: "I still remember your help back then, but I didn't expect that when we meet again after so many years, we will fight against each other."


Sharlayan drew out his Valagar swords and took a fighting stance: "In order to wake you up from the illusion woven by Yogg-Saron, this is the only way I can do it!"

The mother's condition is fine, except for a broken bone. After discussion, she decided to treat conservatively, but she must have to stay in bed for a while.

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