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Chapter 1329 Mimiron's Speculation

Mimiron has always been very clear about his own position...of course, in a normal state where his mind is not convulsed.

This great inventor never thought of himself as a warrior, so he would not have the dignity of a warrior, and he would never hesitate to confess.

Valeera was a little baffled by Mimiron's sudden sobriety, she didn't do anything, just hit his steel head with the hilt of her sword.

"Sharlayan, is this the kind of ... the most simple and easy-to-understand slapping mechanical repair method you mentioned?"

[Grass, it’s true, the old TV in my house just didn’t make it uncomfortable. 】

[TV: I really admire you, old 6. 】

"Don't treat me like a machine!"

Mimiron didn't know whether to laugh or cry at Valeera's words, and hurriedly waved his hands to explain: "The main reason why I can regain consciousness is that Yogg-Saron has withered! It has nothing to do with your nonsensical mechanical repair method of slapping, okay?"

Sharlayan's expression moved slightly when he heard the words: "Yogg-Saron wilted...?"

Sensing the strangeness in Sharlayan's tone, Mimiron made no secret of his curiosity.

"What? Is this about you?"

"That's right."

Sharlayan rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "But I'm not sure yet, after all, your single sample is not enough to draw an accurate conclusion."

"Damn! That's not easy."

Mimiron shook his head and said, "Let's go find Hodir and Freya. If I'm not wrong, they should soon be able to get rid of Yogg-Saron's tens of thousands of years of spiritual pollution."

"Freya doesn't need to confirm." Sarlayan smiled and explained: "She woke up earlier than you, but because of her reckless use of power over the years, her magic power is seriously short, and now Trying to get back in shape in the temple of your own life."

Mimiron shrugged unsurprisingly: "As expected, I also created a lot of weird things in a dazed state of mind, and looking back now... they are all rubbish! "

Although it is impossible to see the specific expression changes from Mimiron's stiff mechanical dwarf face, it can be roughly concluded from his tone that this great inventor is very disgusted with the things he created in a brain-dead state.

"Forget it, let's talk about these trivial issues later."

Mimiron put his hand on his forehead and sighed: "I won't ask you what happened to the time travel for the time being. It's important. Let's go to Hodir first to see the situation."


Hodir and Thorim are the individuals who are responsible for fighting among the guardians of the titans, directly under the chief manager Odin.

Unlike Thorim, who was full of recklessness, Hodir became calmer in battle.

Purely in terms of personal combat power, Hodir, who controls the power of ice, is slightly inferior to Thorim, the guardian of the storm.

However, in the countless sparring sessions with Thorim, Hodir was always able to draw with Thorim in terms of overall record by virtue of his superior combat wisdom.

Because of the influence of Yogg-Saron, Hodir was in a state of deliriousness for a long time, which to a certain extent affected his performance in battle.

When Sharlayan turned into a dragon form and brought Mimiron and Valeera to the last unfinished battlefield, the situation was already very clear, and there was no need for Sharlayan to join the battle.

While Sharlayan turned to look for Valeera and Mimiron, Thorim, who let go of his burden, immediately rushed to reinforce Azadas.

After all, Azadas is just a civilian guardian who is mainly responsible for logistics.

Although as a blacksmith, his combat effectiveness is slightly higher than that of Freya, Mimiron, and Loken, but it doesn't make much sense when facing Hodir who is a professional fighter.

Fortunately, as Sharlayan planned before the war.

Azadas's strength can't pose a threat to Hodir, but if he gives up attacking and defending with all his strength, relying on the tenacity of the power of the earth, it will be no problem to hold Hodir for a while.

In addition, under the reminder of Sharlayan, Azadas chose the battlefield that was most beneficial to him-the Great Forge of Ulduar that originally belonged to him.

The ultra-high temperature of the great forge suppressed Hodir's ice power to a certain extent, which allowed Azadas, who was focused on defense, to persist until Thorim came.

Thorim and Hodir are old comrades who know each other well, and the number of battles between them is countless.

Under normal conditions, Hodir could fight Thorim for hundreds of rounds without being able to tell the difference, but now...


Before the three of Sharlayan entered the great forge, they heard the roar of thunder from Thorim.

Turning the last corner, what the three of them saw was a picture of the battle that had ended.

Hodir, whose body was slightly scorched, half-kneeled on the ground panting heavily, while Thorim and Azadas stood side by side in front of him.

Thorim's appearance was the same as before, but Azadas still had a lot of ice edges hanging on his body, and his left hand was even frozen into a large block of ice.


After the battle, the exhausted Azadas sat down on the ground, and by the way, stretched out his frozen left hand into the large forge with boiling magma to thaw out.

Thorim still pointed the thunder hammer in his hand at Hodir, who had not completely lost his fighting power. He didn't dare to relax his vigilance until the opponent regained consciousness.

"Hodir, can you understand me?"


Hodir, who was half-kneeling on one knee, just imitated Azadas and sat on the ground with his center of gravity shifted back, with a wry smile and raised his hands, in a completely defenseless posture.

"Understandable, the wasted tens of thousands of years... It's like a nightmare with no end in sight."

Seeing that Hodir was finally able to communicate, Thorim also breathed a sigh of relief, and finally put down the weapon in his hand.

"I'm glad I didn't have to knock you unconscious...but how did you break free from Yogg-Saron's influence?"

"I can't tell."

Hodir showed doubts on his face: "It's as if... the shadow that has been hanging over my mind suddenly dissipated, it's hard to describe."

"Let me tell."

Mimiron stepped between the three colleagues with his short legs, and put his hands on his hips in a serious posture.

"If my conjecture is correct, it should be related to the new power that Sharlayan can't perfectly control."

"Sharlayan?" Hodir looked at Mimiron in a daze: "Who? Your new friend?"

"Not a new friend." Mimiron shook his head and said, "You may still have the impression that Sharlayan helped us incognito during the war with the Dark Empire."

"Dark Empire? Wait a minute..."

Hodir looked thoughtfully at Sharlayan and Valeera who were following Mimiron: "You mean, he helped us from behind in the battle against C'Thun back then." The mysterious person?!"



Although Hodir was a fighting guardian, his mind was much faster than Thorim's.

At this time, Hodir asked hesitantly: "Can I say this now? Will it not cause a space-time paradox?"


Mimiron complained angrily: "I said it without hesitation, what are you afraid of? Those things back then have long been established facts, and we don't have to be as cautious as we were back then."

"Don't talk about these messy things with you, let's get back to the point first."

Mimiron explained solemnly: "Sharlayan's situation is quite special. He also has the genes of the five dragons in his body."

"This has led to him being promoted to a demigod and still unable to find his natal power, but from another perspective, this may be a good thing instead."

"Hmm..." Hodir took over the words thoughtfully: "Does this mean that his upper limit will be higher than that of dragons with a single power?"

"That's right."

Mimiron continued to explain: "According to Sharlayan, after integrating the powers of the five dragon clans, he briefly used a brand new power that he had never seen before."

"It was with the help of this power that Freya was able to quickly get rid of Yogg-Saron's control, and was the first to regain self-awareness."

"According to the information that Loken inadvertently revealed during the battle, both he and Vezax have temporarily lost contact with Yogg-Saron."

"From this, I boldly speculate that Salayan's blow should have injured Yogg-Saron's body, making it unable to use the ancient god's innate ability to manipulate souls to affect our will."

"This information is very important to us."

Mimiron, who has always been very detached, said in a very serious tone at this time: "If Yogg-Saron is really injured, we should take the initiative before his injury recovers, and completely solve this problem that has affected Ulduar for tens of thousands of years. Scourge!"

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