Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1331 Algaron: There is a kind of heads-up!

Loyalty to one's duty is a beautiful virtue, but when you meet someone as stubborn as Algaron, it will turn into a big headache.

As Raiden said, Algalon didn't know the actual situation of Azeroth, he only saw the data report presented to him by Loken.

Judging from this report alone, Azeroth, where the curse of flesh and blood is spreading, is indeed looking like it will end at any time.

But in fact, among the only three remaining ancient gods, C'Thun has been re-sealed, and the end of Yogg-Saron is basically doomed. Only N'Zoth, who is hiding in the deep sea, has a relatively healthy life.

But this is only because the mainstream civilization of Azeroth is land creatures, and it is difficult to set foot in the depths of the ocean. This is the natural environmental advantage that N'Zoth accidentally obtained during the great change that year.

With the orthodox naga headed by Azshara falling to the defenders of Azeroth, the deep sea with extremely strong water pressure is no longer a forbidden area that cannot be entered at all.

However, before marching into Ny'alotha, the prison of N'Zoth buried deep under the sea, the countries of Azeroth must first conduct targeted discussions and research on how to enable their soldiers other than Naga to fight normally in the deep sea environment.

The superficial allies of N'Zoth and Azshara haven't completely broken their faces for the time being, and they are still in the stage of throwing rats at each other.

If Deathwing returns and the new Nightmare Lord takes the opportunity to make trouble, Azshara and her naga alone will be hard to resist the full force of N'Zoth's forces.

Therefore, the basic policy of Sarlayan's strategy against N'Zoth is to defeat N'Zoth one by one, first cut off its right and left arm, and make it a bare-bones commander like Yogg-Saron at this time.

Of course, N'Zoth is not stupid, he will not let his capable subordinates come up one by one to give away their heads.

Once it decides to take a formal action, there is a high probability that all high-level combat forces including Deathwing and Varothen will act together, opening up multiple battlefields to draw the attention of the defenders of Azeroth.

At the current stage of the Battle of Ulduar, there is actually no suspense, but the losses caused by this guardian civil war are really not light.

After the Creator Engine shut down due to a malfunction, the Nalaksha Engine, which also operated at high intensity for a long time, did not last long.

At this moment, the titan-forged melee that was still going on at Colonel Ulduar was like a ruthless meat grinder, crazily consuming the numbers of the two factions of titan-forged.

Sharlayan could have foreseen that by the time he and Raiden and other guardians had dealt with the problems of Algaron and Yogg-Saron, the war of attrition outside should be coming to an end.

At least 80% of the existing titan creations in Azeroth will be destroyed in this tragic civil war.

With the Creator Engine and Nalaksha shutting down successively, it is impossible to mass-produce more Titan Creations.

In other words, after the Ulduar War is over, the task of guarding the safety of Azeroth will truly be handed over to mortals.

At most, the Titan Guardians can only lead the remaining remnants to join in some high-end battles in the future, and cannot influence the overall situation.

From Sarlayan's point of view, this is a pity, but this step must be taken.

As long as Loken and Yogg-Saron are still there, the furnace of will that can help the star soul grow will never be restarted.

No matter how many demigods Azeroth accumulates, they are extremely powerless in the face of a terrifying existence of Sargeras' level.

Titans can only be dealt with by Titans. With only souls left in the Pantheon, and most of them are captured by Sargeras, the growth progress of Azeroth, the future strongest Titan, is undoubtedly the most important.

No matter how much the price was, Sharlayan, Rayden and others were determined to take back Ulduar and restart the furnace of will as soon as possible.

These secret information inside Azeroth are not known to Algalon, who is obsessed with obscurity, at this stage.

Raiden tried to persuade Algalon to hold off, explaining to him in detail his plan for dealing with the future crisis of the Old Gods and Azeroth.

However... Algalon didn't intend to listen to the "quibble" of the great guardian corrupted by the curse of flesh and blood at all.

The two generals, Thorim and Hodir, were the first to rush into the observatory that was already under attack, followed by Freya, Mimiron, and Azadas.

The two outsiders, Sharlayan and Valeera, deliberately walked in the back, giving up the performance stage to the guardians.

In all fairness, as the observer of the stars personally appointed by the Pantheon, Star Saint Algalon's strength is not weak, at least equal to Thorim.

However, when faced with the unreasonable beatings of a large number of guardians, even the powerful guardian Raiden would be beaten into a pig's head, let alone the slightly inferior Algalon.

Although Algaron tried his best to resist, in this just double fight, he still put down the battle without any suspense, and was caught by Thorim and Hodir. One arm knelt in front of Lydon.

Yogg-Saron's problem hadn't been resolved yet, and Raiden didn't have the time to patiently persuade Algalon to change his mind right now.

"Put him down and imprison him temporarily. We will deal with his problem after we seal Yogg-Saron again."

Mimiron asked hesitantly: "Are you really going to do this? Algalon should have sent a report to the Pantheon about the situation in Azeroth, in case the Titans blame it..."

A strange look flashed in Raiden's eyes, and under the hint of Sharlayan's eyes, he quickly settled down and shook his head pretending to be calm.

"The Pantheon probably won't be able to spare time to care about Azeroth's affairs... We will discuss the specific situation later, but the most urgent task is to solve Yogg-Saron first."

"Okay." Mimiron spread his hands helplessly: "You are the great guardian, you have the final say, anyway, you will be the first to withstand the collapse of the sky."

Watching Thorim, Hodir and others escort the silent Algaron away, Raiden turned his head to Sharlayan with a bitter face.

"Should I be glad that the Pantheon can't respond for the time being? If I let them know the current situation in Azeroth, maybe they will really send down the wrath of Thunder."

Sharlayan shook his head: "Many things have both positive and negative sides. If you think about it from the perspective you said, the loss of the Pantheon is indeed a good thing for Azeroth."

"However, from a macro point of view, without the suppression of the Titans of the Pantheon, all kinds of monsters and monsters in the universe are starting to move around, and many of them have already set their sights on Azeroth."

"For example... the Lord of the Void and a certain prisoner in the Shadow Realm."


Under Raiden's order, the subdued Algalon was temporarily imprisoned in the archives in the front hall of Ulduar, under the personal care of Sharlayan and Valeera, who did not participate in the final battle.

Led by the Grand Guardian himself, all Guardians re-entered the inner halls of Ulduar.

With the defeat of Loken, Raiden regained most of Ulduar's authority as the Great Guardian.

In order to concentrate on the decisive battle with Yogg-Saron, Raiden remotely invoked authority to block the entrances and exits of all other halls.

Watched by Sharlayan and Valeera, the guardians manually closed the gate connecting the inner and outer halls, and marched towards the final battlefield with resolute expressions.

Valeera turned her head to look at Algalon who was still silent, and asked Sharlayan with some anxiety: "We really don't want to participate in this battle? What if..."

Sarlayan calmly interrupted her worry: "There is no chance, with our current strength, we are not qualified to participate in this level of battle, and joining rashly will become a loophole in the formation that Yogg-Saron will focus on. "

"Don't worry, leave it to them. The guardians have cooperated with each other for many years, and the cooperation is very tacit. The preparations for this battle are also sufficient. Yogg-Saron alone can't make any waves."

"What we should be worrying about is Ulduar...and even the rebuilding of the Storm Peaks after the war."

Sharlayan sighed regretfully: "There are too many Titan creations lost in this battle, and it will be difficult to make up for them in the foreseeable future. I hope that guy N'Zoth will not take this opportunity to jump. Come out and do something."

Valeera also nodded solemnly: "All countries are still recuperating, and the Dragon Clan has just experienced a great battle. Now we don't have many troops to deal with N'Zoth's attack."

"not only that."

Sharlayan rubbed his brows and said: "The war in Zul'Drak is not over yet. After Ulduar is done, we have to rush over to deal with the aftermath and force Drakkari back to the negotiating table as soon as possible."

"This time, we will not be soft on the Drakkari trolls who change their faces repeatedly, and we must give them a slash in diplomatic negotiations!"

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