Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1333 Lost in the snow, unexpected joy?

While sand sculpture netizens were busy arguing with each other, Salayan noticed a detail.

He and Valeera participated in this trip to Ulduar together, but Raiden's invitation only mentioned him.

'Could it be...'

Salayan asked thoughtfully: "Did you encounter any unexpected situation when you were fighting Yogg-Saron?"

Layden smiled meaningfully: "Indeed, but it's not too surprising."

"As we guessed before, the reason why the battle to seal Yogg-Saron went so smoothly is because he was already injured."

"Oh?" Sharlayan raised his brows slightly: "Did you really get hurt by my unknown attack? Interesting."

Both Raiden and Sharlayan still have a lot of troublesome things to deal with, and some topics that may involve a wider range of topics have not been discussed in depth at this time.

However, based on Raiden's "discriminatory treatment" attitude, and the strange expression when he mentioned Yogg-Saron's injury, Salayan probably had a guess in his heart.

'Invitation to become a guardian, the power of protection...? '

According to Layden, the battle to defeat Yogg-Saron was really nothing to talk about. The whole process went smoothly. It was nothing more than a process of opening monsters, focusing fire output, and winning. There were no "surprises" in the middle.

It's not that Yogg-Saron doesn't want to continue to help Vezax and Loken to make a comeback, but that he no longer has that ability at that time.

When fighting Yogg-Saron, Raiden and others could clearly feel that he was powerless. The golden dragon's breath that Sharlayan took before had obviously caused him a lot of damage, and it came from the soul level trauma.

Although Sharlayan did not personally participate in the final battle, his contribution cannot be erased.

Sharlayan and Valeera, who were about to leave, followed Raiden and the others back to the colonel field outside Ulduar.

After a long period of consuming each other, only three or four out of ten titan creations are still active on the colonel field, and quite a few of them are already on the verge of being scrapped.

Raiden formatted all the steel creations brainwashed by Loken with the authority of the Grand Guardian. At this time, the battle on the Colonel Field was over, and stone fragments and steel parts were scattered everywhere.

Layden shook his head with a bitter expression: "Sure enough, the loss was heavy. Fortunately, the final result was good. Their sacrifice was not in vain."

Today's Ulduar is in dire straits, requiring a large number of titans to assist in completing a series of reconstruction and revival plans.

Except for those mechas that can no longer be repaired at a glance, all surviving Titan creations, whether steel or stone, will be sent to Ulduar to be repaired by Mimiron and Azadas together.

What? Freya?

Is it wrong to use the life power to the inorganic objects such as stone and steel?

Since the Forge of Will is undergoing emergency repairs, Ulduar... and even the entire magic web of the Storm Peak have become very unstable due to its influence. Sharlayan and Valeera dare not open the portal in this chaotic magic environment .

After bidding farewell to the Titan Guardians headed by Raiden, Sharlayan activated the avatar of Rukhmar and left the devastated battlefield with Valeera.

However, the luck of the two was not very good. On the way back to New Sandra City, they encountered a snowstorm by chance.

This kind of extreme climate is very common in the storm cliffs. Except for the Titans and their descendants who have already adapted to the environment, it is difficult for other races to survive in this extremely cold mountain.

Affected by the blizzard, Sharlayan had to lower his flight altitude, try his best to spread the unskilled flame power of the Firebird, and rely on the cover of the mountain to make a detour to the south of the storm cliff.

This blizzard seriously slowed down Sharlayan and Valeera's journey. The howling wind in the sky blew snowflakes flying all over the sky. Even with the Eagle Eye technique activated, the visibility during the flight was very poor.

When the two flew out of the mountains against the wind and snow, what appeared in front of their eyes was not the beautiful Crystalsong Forest, but a frozen plain that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

"This is..." Valeera showed surprise on her face, "Zudac? How did you get here?"

Zudak, the lair of frost trolls, can be roughly divided into three major regions, the core of which is undoubtedly the upper capital city centered on Gudak, the capital of Dakkalai.

From the capital city to the west is the middle-level farmland area where food can be grown, and if you continue westward, you will enter the lower-level fortress area where the Daksaron Fortress is located.

Because Drak'Saron Fortress was captured by the high elves, the entire lower fortress area fell into the control of Quel'Thalas, and the Drakkari trolls were forced to temporarily build a defensive wall on the edge of the middle area.

Among the three major regions of Zudak, the capital city, which is covered by heavy snow all year round, has a cold climate and cannot grow any crops.

The fortress area occupied by the high elves was originally an extremely cold ice field. After the castrated version of Bandinoril's enchantment in New Sandara City included it, the ice and snow near the Dak'Saron fortress were affected by the warm climate. gradually melted.

Today, the fortress area has long been covered with trees, in stark contrast to the frozen soil in the farmland area of ​​Dakkale next door.

Sharlayan and Valeera accidentally crossed the mountains and came to the middle-level farmland area of ​​Zul'Drak. The Drakkari trolls who concentrated their forces on the front line did not notice the arrival of these two uninvited guests.

"That's right, look over there."

Following the direction of Sharlayan's finger, Valeera saw a very troll-style temple altar.

Valeera remembered the information she had read, and immediately said in a daze: "That is the temple of the poisonous snake Loasiletus, but there seems to be no one there."

"Of course no one."

Sharlayan patted the snowflakes on his body and explained: "This local war has reached a fever pitch at this stage, and the Drakkari trolls, eager to win, have bet all their cards on it."

"If I'm not mistaken, all the loa including Siletus should be fighting on the front line, and their priests should of course follow along to protect their own gods."

As the natural animal gods of Azeroth, most of the Loa have their own set of life-saving methods.

Even if their bodies die, their souls still have a high probability of surviving, waiting for the day when they will be resurrected in the future.

Therefore, most loa will behave very bravely in the battle, if they don't die, they will do it to death.

With the help of a large number of Loa, one can imagine the pressure facing the Daksaron Fortress.

If Kul Tiras, Grizzly Throat, and Nerubians had not successively sent reinforcements, it would not have been so easy for Vereesa and Stellagosa to hold the front line.

Considering the huge pressure on the front line, Valeera touched her chin thoughtfully: "Although it was a mistake, but they are here, should we go to the rear of Drakalai to surprise them? "


Sharlayan hesitated for a while before saying: "It's not impossible, but with our current strength, we can participate in disputes between mortals... To be honest, it's a bit of a dimensionality reduction attack."

In front of Raiden and other titan guardians and ancient gods, Sharlayan and Valeera can only be regarded as newcomers among the demigods, and their strength is only marginally transparent.

However, demigods are, after all, supernatural beings whose personality is superior to that of ordinary people, and their quality in all aspects is far superior to that of ordinary people.

No kidding, if there were no enemies of the same level to stop them, Sharlayan and Valeera would have been able to rush into the crowd of thousands of horses and have a high probability of being able to retreat unscathed.

Take the Zandalari as an example. In their heyday, they had many demigod-level loa including Rezan, but they rarely used such strategic weapons.

On the one hand, Loa has his own reserve, and will not easily intervene in the battles between mortals.

On the other hand, Zandalar is also to avoid being attacked by other countries and races.

In the words of barrage, Mu Xiuyu Linfeng will destroy it.

If the Zandalari can mobilize all the loa to attack at once, theoretically, no country can stop their hysterical full-scale attack.

...Of course, considering the different personalities and ideas of the Loa, this situation is almost impossible, unless the Zandalari encounter a huge crisis enough to wipe out the genocide.

The Zandalari god-kings of all ages have a steelyard in their hearts. After all, the external power is not their own. No one can guarantee whether the Loa with different personalities will listen to their requests and help them at critical moments.

If other countries feel the huge threat from Zandalari and join forces to attack, and the Loa fail to help as expected, the Zandalari civilization will inevitably be destroyed, even if it will not perish. sex blow.

Because of similar but different concerns, Sharlayan rarely took part in battles between mortals after breaking through to become a demigod. This was one of the reasons why he began to study battlefield command.

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