Chapter 1337

In order to compete for the maritime supremacy of Azeroth, the two island nations of Kul Tiras and Zandalar once fought fiercely. In the end, Kul Tiras, with its stronger navy, won the victory in this sea battle.

After losing the golden fleet that roamed the world, the Zandalari had to turn their attention to the island and take out their anger on the blood trolls who had already grown up.

As a result, the Zandalari hate Kul Tiras even more than Quel'Thalas, who repeatedly thwarted their plans.

In the same way, Kul Tiras has never let down its vigilance against this powerful competitor for maritime supremacy.

After learning that the Zandalari encouraged the Drakkari trolls to cause trouble in the Arctic continent, Daelin, who was about to retire, agreed to provide reinforcements for the new Sandalar in this war, vowing to defeat another round of the Zandalari. Continental Balance Program.

The Continental Balance Plan is a new term mentioned in the barrage. It is said that an island country in their world proposed a national policy that lasted for hundreds of years several centuries ago. It was originally called the Continental Balance Plan.

The general policy of this plan is to balance the strengths of the continental European countries. Whoever is too powerful will support its opponents to jointly target it. The core point is to prevent any country from having the possibility of unifying the continental continent and avoid infringing on the interests of the island country.

When talking about this topic with Danmaku, Sarlayan was a little bit dumbfounded.

It is true that in the past ten years, with the deepening of domestic reforms, Quel'Thalas, which had been stagnant in development, has gradually radiated new vitality. It has also attended many international events with full attendance, and its sense of presence has become more and more obvious.

However, even so, Quel'Thalas' national power is still not as strong as that of the Dark Night Republic.

Zandalari didn't want to target the most powerful country in Azeroth. Instead, they picked up the weak persimmons and started with Quel'Thalas, which had the most obvious rising momentum. This made Sharlayan really speechless.

From a strategic point of view, it is not difficult to understand that the Zandalari chose Quel'Thalas to start.

As we all know, during the heyday of the Night Empire, Azshara has been overwhelming the Zandalari.

The Zandalari Empire, whose ancestors were once rich, temporarily swallowed their anger due to the situation, but this does not mean that they have forgotten the original humiliation.

After finally waiting for the Dark Night Empire to disintegrate, Zandalar was sadly thrown to an isolated island in the sea.

When they started researching shipbuilding technology from scratch, and finally pieced together a fleet that can only go to sea, they were shocked to find that although the strength of the night elves had declined, Azeroth was still in charge.

Compared with the prosperous night elves, Quel'Thalas, the country established by the descendants of the highborne that split from the night empire, would undoubtedly be easier to deal with.

Just in the past ten years or so, Quel'Thalas has been active around the world. Not only did he maim the forest trolls headed by Amani, but he also had a bloody conflict with the frost trolls in Northrend.

Zandalari claims to be the suzerain of all the trolls, and the younger brothers under him have been bullied by the high elves one after another. Who else can they target if not you?

However, to Zul and Rastakhan's surprise, Quel'Thalas, who had feuded against forest trolls and frost trolls one after another, actually established a good bilateral relationship with a very weak forest troll clan.

What Zur didn't expect was that this small clan named Darkspear, with the full support of Quel'Thalas, actually overthrew the suzerain clan of the Gurubashi Empire, and the serfs became masters.

This made Zul very uncomfortable. He originally wanted to use the mentality of the same hatred to pinch the three major empires to jointly target Quel'Thalas. Unexpectedly, before the plan was formed, a "traitor" jumped out of the jungle troll's team first. ".

This wasn't what made Zul vomit blood the most.

The Darkspear trolls are an upright and dignified integration of large and small jungle troll clans that defeated Gurubashi head-on. Their superiors can't find any faults in the troll social rules where the strong are respected.

Moreover, this small clan that was once very humble is still very good at being a man. Just after the throne was confirmed, the new Gurubashi chief Senjin sent his son to study in Zandalar, giving Rastakhan enough face.

Relying on his natural charisma and eloquence when meeting people, Wojin accumulated a lot of contacts during his study abroad in Zandalar. His popularity is very good, and he even integrated into the second generation of Zandalari dignitaries headed by Princess Talanji. circle.

However, Zul didn't like this Darkspear prince. He always felt that this guy came to Zandalar with a certain purpose, not just to learn knowledge.

To put it a little bit bigger, Zul doesn't like the Darkspear clan who has made great contributions to the top at all. He hopes to see an easy-to-control jungle troll clan ascend to the top, so that it will be easier for the Zandalari to intervene.

Although Sharlayan has not yet formally met Zul, he has already guessed about Zul's psychological changes and possible subsequent reactions through the information gathered by his allies, including Woking and Bwonsamdi. Seven or eight.

Want to knead the three major empires and rebuild the Zandalari Empire? I won't let you do what you want.

No matter what Sharlayan, who does not have much racial discrimination, thinks, the troll clan headed by the Zandalari still have deep prejudices against the elves as a whole, and a Darkspear clan cannot represent the trolls. mainstream thinking.

In the eyes of most trolls, the so-called night elves are just inferior races degenerated from the traitors of the trolls, the dark trolls.

However, the irony is that the inferior race in their eyes has firmly stepped on the head of the troll civilization for tens of thousands of years, and it still hasn't turned them over.

Zandalar is now ruled by the radical Zul, and from the standpoint of Quel'Thalas, Sharlayan will not sit back and watch them sow discord against Quel'Thalas.

The Gurubashi Empire is dominated by Darkspear trolls, and Sharlayan is not worried that Sen'jin will turn against Quel'Thalas without warning.

With the fall of the Amani suzerain clan, Xiezhi became the most powerful clan of forest trolls.

The Vilebranch clan that settled in the Hinterlands is far away from Eversong Forest, and they cannot threaten Quel'Thalas for the time being.

Compared with forest trolls and forest trolls, frost trolls and Quel'Thalas directly border on Northrend, and wars between neighboring countries due to territorial disputes are not too common.

It would be unrealistic for Sharlayan not to force the Drakkari trolls whose territory was taken away to let go of their dissatisfaction with the high elves.

The main goal he wanted to achieve was to drive the Zandalari out of Northrend while hiding behind their backs and jumping up and down.

In the words of the barrage, the affairs of Northrend can only be negotiated and handled by the locals of Northrend. What does it matter to you, an extraterritorial country like Zandalari?

Malak, the Frost King, is not stupid. He also knows that the Zandalari have other motives in providing help to Drakkari.

However, before starting the fight with Quel'Thalas, Malak believed confidently that with Drakalai's years of accumulated troops and the help of the demigod loa provided by Zandalar, there should be a greater hope of regaining the lost territory.

However, the development of the battle situation gave the smug Malak a sap.

To this day, the troll alliance has still not been able to gain an advantage on the front line.

The red-eyed Malak originally planned to stud for the last time, and Yujia personally went to boost morale and make another wave.

If it still doesn't work, the pragmatic Malak plans to change his mind and sell Zandalar to Quel'Thalas for truce negotiations.

The appearance of Sharlayan just skipped the failure process of Malak's personal conquest, and instead saved a lot of troops and resource consumption for the Drakkari trolls who were bound to fail to achieve results.

Now that the matter was over, Malak followed suit and walked down the steps offered by Sharlayan.

"Yes, the insidious Zandalari are behind our backs to encourage us."

In front of the Zandalar envoys, Malak, the Frost King, performed a face-changing show, and he did not hesitate to throw all the blame on Zandalar.

Under the unbelievable stare of the Zandalari envoy, Malak, who was determined to abandon his car to save his handsome man, sputtered a lot of nonsense.

The central idea of ​​his blame-blame rhetoric is... We, Drakkari, didn't intend to cause trouble at first, but Zandalari threatened us with the demigod loa, and we had to succumb to Zandalari's despotic power due to the situation.

Everyone present knew that Malak was talking nonsense, but it didn't matter. The important thing was that his attitude had changed significantly.

Sharlayan was a little dumbfounded by Malak's performance, but there is a saying in the barrage that knows current affairs is a hero.

It doesn't matter what Malak thinks or how exaggerated the performance is, as long as the final result meets expectations.

"I am very glad that Your Excellency has made a wise decision, since this is the case..."

Sharlayan turned his head to look at the ashen-faced Zandalari envoy with a half-smile: "Let Drakkari handle this Zandalari envoy hiding behind the scenes, Warchief, don't let us down." oh."

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