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Chapter 1339 Kill Zul with tears?

At this moment, Zul couldn't hear Sarlayan talking to himself from thousands of miles away, but as an evergreen tree in the Zandalari political arena and an old fritter skilled in scheming, he could vaguely feel the wind direction of Dazar'alor recently. Not quite right.

With the contract and blessings obtained from the kings of Loalezan, God King Rastakhan, who looks like a middle-aged man, is more than three times the age of the old Zur in real life.

Due to Rezan's tough attitude as always, Rastakhan, who was the contractor of Rezan, was involuntarily pushed to the position of a representative of the hardliners.

After experiencing the defeat in the naval battle with Kul Tiras, Rastakhan, who was not stupid, clearly realized that blindly being tough would only bring the weakening national power of Zandalari to a dead end.

Using his wife's death from illness and the failure of the war as an excuse, Rastakhan, a representative of the hardline faction, pretended to be crazy and retreated, temporarily handing over the power of Zandalari to the leader of the relatively moderate Zanchuli Council - the Prophet Ancestor. you.

Rastakhan, who had been hiding behind the scenes, did not just fall into a slump. He has been secretly planning the big event of replacing the kings of Loa, hoping that through the downfall of Rezan, the pillar of the hardliner, Zanda, who is still ignorant of himself, is advancing rapidly. Pull and step on the brake in time.

Acting always has to perform a full set. It is inconvenient for Rastakha who "lost his fighting spirit" to go out. His only daughter, Princess Talanji, naturally became the agent of the God King.

Although the Rastakhan father and daughter put most of their energy into various preparations for the replacement of the kings' loa, this does not mean that they are indifferent to the war in Northrend.

Facts have proved that Zuer's policy of kneading the three major enfeoffment empires into one foreign policy seems to be out of date in the current era.

Rastakha temporarily handed over the power to Zul, his old partner who has cooperated for many years, out of trust, but Zul's performance made him very disappointed.

The Northrend war, which was originally thought to be a sure thing, was unable to make a breakthrough for a long time. The blood trolls that had been suppressed a few years ago are showing signs of resurgence. Enter Nazmir for a piece of the pie.

The wise Rastakhan knew that Zul could not be blamed for the ensuing bad news, but other members of the Zanchuli Council did not think so, including Talanji, who was still young and inexperienced in governing Princess.

Sharlayan had recently heard from Vol'jin, who was behind enemy lines, that Princess Talanji had repeatedly complained privately that Zul had led the Zandalar into a quagmire.

At the beginning, this evaluation was only circulated in the Zandalari second-generation dignitaries circle with Princess Talanji as the core, but after all, paper cannot contain the fire, and related gossip has gradually begun to flow into the people.

First of all, it needs to be clear that the Zanchuli Council is by no means monolithic, and there are many high-level Zandalari who are jealous of Zul's power.

As the saying goes, everyone pushes against the wall. Seeing that Zul, who has suffered setbacks one after another, is showing signs of losing power, some conspirators who are trying to take the opportunity to rise to power have begun to operate secretly, waiting for the final result of the Northrend war.

From Sharlayan's point of view, Zul simply took too many strides.

Although the Zanchuli Council is powerful, the Zandalari Empire is not the dual system of Quel'Thalas' early days.

Since it is called an empire, the emperor's authority is always supreme... unless the current emperor is a fatuous person visible to the naked eye.

Letting not mention Rezan, who is stubborn and stupid, the old and refined Zanchuli Councilor knows that Rastakhan's decadence is deliberately pretended, which means that the power of Zandalari is still in the hands of the God King.

Prophet Zul? It's just that the god king temporarily delegated the power of governing the country to him, and he can take it back at any time.

When Zul was fully promoting the plan to knead the three major empires, he ignored the hidden dangers from within the empire.

That is to say, Rastakhan hasn't spoken yet. Once the news of Northrend's defeat comes back, even if the God King doesn't want to, he can only let Zul, who is currently the ruling leader, take the blame.

[Slaying Ma Di with tears? 】

[It's kind of like that, but I don't think Zul, who has a heart higher than the sky, will honestly take the blame. There may be some turmoil in Zandalar. 】

[The more chaotic the better, many people in the upper echelons of Zandalar have not yet recognized their situation in the current era, and still cling to the glory of their ancestors in the past. 】

[It's time to give them a big blow. If you don't learn some lessons, those old trolls with noses that grow to the top of their heads will never learn what it means to be pragmatic. 】

With Vol'jin, the insider, passing the information on his behalf, and Bwonsamdi's subordinates behind the scenes, the internal turmoil in Zandalar will happen sooner or later, but it is not clear how large the turmoil will be.

After the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Calpurnia, rushed from the mainland, Sharlayan, who was temporarily in charge of the military and political power as the Grand Duke, completed the handover with her, and planned to go home without incident.

As the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, Vereesa will stay in Northrend for the time being, and will not return the military power to Lailas until the results of the diplomatic negotiations are released. She and Alleria will return to the mainland together.

Having been "fooled" by the Zandalar twice in a row and failed twice, Malak finally made up his mind to draw a line with the Zandalar.

However, as the saying goes, it is easier to ask the gods than to send them away. Although Malak chopped off the head of the Zandalari envoy with his hands, he did not dare to make any disrespectful actions to the Direhorn Loatokali.

Although Tokali signed a contract with the Zandalar, she didn't care about the death of individual Zandalar... After all, the messenger who was hacked to death was not her follower.

In the future, there is a high probability that Drakkari will have a tussle with Zandalar, and will only disconnect from Zandalar after finding a way to send the great god Torkali away.

However, these post-war miscellaneous matters have nothing to do with Sharlayan. Officials from various departments who came with Calpurnia will properly handle the aftermath.

On the fifth day after the armistice between the two armies, Sharlayan finally waited for Onyxia who returned from Zandalar Island.

Since both snakemen and foxmen are not good at arcane magic, Onyxia, who retired after completing the plan, could only fly across the sea to Boralus, the capital of Kul Tiras, and then use the portal to reach New Sandra.

After reconciling with the Black Dragon Princess, Sharlayan and his party returned to Silvermoon City through the portal in a low-key manner.

Stellagosa, who has not yet recovered from her injuries, returned to Unicorn City under the care of Tinagosa, and Sharlayan and Valeera needed to go to the Sunstrider Royal Court to report on their duties first.

Onyxia, who had been busy for a while, was going to reward herself. She planned to put down all the chores and relax for a while in the bustling Silvermoon City.

The battle of Ulduar was over, and the big stone weighing on Sarlayan's heart was finally let go. With Raiden and other guardians guarding Ulduar, at least in a short period of time, there was no need to worry about Algalon's death.

If there is no accident, Sharlayan will rest in the country for a long time.

He might go out intermittently due to various small things in the middle, but at least until Deathwing jumps out to do big things, it is unlikely that he will be out for a long time like this time.

In order to ensure the victory of the battle of Ulduar, Sharlayan made a lot of preparations, but due to some accidents, many of the backhands were not used much.

For example, the Pillar of Creation artifact used as a bottom-of-the-box trick.

Except for the use of the Shield of Aggramar and the Hammer of Khazgoros at the same time in the Guardians' final siege against Yogg-Saron, the Eye of Aman'Thul borrowed from Suramar was placed in Saron from beginning to end. Leian's space package was filled with ashes.

Including the great guardian Raiden, the guardians of the titans have little understanding of the power of time, but Nozdormu, who is proficient in this way, was unable to enter Ulduar to participate in the decisive battle. Until the end, no one took the Eye of Aman'Thul Take advantage of it.

After returning to Silvermoon City after the war, Sharlayan entrusted Kael'thas to arrange trusted henchmen to send the Hammer of Khazgoros and the Eye of Aman'Thul back to Gaoling and Suramar respectively.

Before leaving Ulduar, Sharlayan specifically sought Raiden's opinion, and the Great Guardian agreed that Sharlayan would keep the Shield of Aggramar for his own use.

At least in the next few years, the titan guardians will be busy rebuilding Ulduar, and it is unlikely that they will go to the front line to participate in the battle.

Rather than letting the Aegis of Aggramar sit in Ulduar, it would be better to let Sharlayan make the best use of it.

After marriage, Kael'thas no longer works all day and night like before, and he will consciously squeeze out some time to spend with Queen Anveena.

After sending away the old king Anasteria with his own hands, Kael'thas realized the value of his family, and he didn't want to regret it after losing it.

Excluding those people who are not close to each other, Anveena is the most important family member of Kael'thas. He is determined to maintain this relationship, and Anveena will be with Anveena for a long time in the future.

"So many things happened behind this war."

After listening to Sharlayan's detailed description, Kael'thas sighed with emotion.

"Thank you for your hard work. Fortunately, you are running around on my behalf. I don't have the energy to take care of various important events at home and abroad at the same time."

Sharlayan smiled and shook his head: "It should be, but I plan to take a good rest for a while, so let me ask you for a leave."

Kael'thas responded gently: "It is indeed time for you to rest, things are endless, spend more time with your family, don't be like me... In your words, if you want to raise a child, you can't wait for your relatives." .”

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