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Chapter 1341 Sharlayan: The mistake I made when I was young

Inas is a very assertive and action-oriented person, as long as she recognizes one thing, she will unswervingly complete it.

Although Sharlayan still didn't know why she left Quel'Thalas suddenly without saying hello, but presumably there must be some reason why she had to leave.

Inas is an ancient dragon who has grown up before the War of the Ancients started. Her qualifications are older than Onyxia who also surpassed Long Live, and she is half a generation older than the new generation dragons such as Chromie and Merlinsera.

In the long years she has passed, Inas has witnessed too many life and death.

In order to be able to stay with her lover without time constraints, Inas asked the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza to give her partner Julian the blessing of life.

So far, Sharlayan's father got rid of the life limit of being a mortal. As long as he does not die unexpectedly, theoretically, he can also live the same life as the dragon family.

However, as we all know, Azeroth is a world full of disasters.

Due to the existence of Azeroth Star Soul, the strongest Titan in the future, there are countless people with ulterior motives in the universe who are eyeing this primitive planet that has not yet stepped into the interstellar era.

In the final analysis, Inas's parents died because of the conspiracy of the ancient gods.

Whether it is to make herself and her family live on this perilous planet more safely, or to avenge her parents who have passed away long ago, Inas is determined to solve all the threats of the ancient gods in Azeroth.

From a certain point of view, Sharlayan can be regarded as having inherited his mother's ambition.

Under his leadership, C'Thun the Demon with Thousand Eyes and Yogg-Saron the Demon with Thousand Roars were sealed again, leaving only N'Zoth the Demon with Thousand Beards hiding in the deep sea still lingering.

Her son is so capable, and Inas, who had suffered a big loss at the hands of N'Zoth, did not force herself to continue to fight against the ancient god.

Many years ago, Sharlayan entrusted Inas, an expert in bioengineering, with an important task concerning the future development of the high elves.

Perhaps because of the balance of natural laws, the fertility rate of the long-lived species including the dragon race is very tragic, which has caused the population growth rate of the high elves to remain at an extremely low level.

Rational analysis, this balance derived from the laws of nature is not unreasonable.

For example, if a mortal race with an endless lifespan were allowed to have a strong fertility rate like humans and orcs, at most thousands of years later, the entire planet would be overcrowded, and the resources in the planet would be exhausted rapidly.

Birth, aging, sickness and death are an irreversible part of the laws of nature.

Demigods like Sharlayan with unlimited lifespans are only a minority after all, even if such rare individuals let go of life, they won't have any impact on the natural balance.

But if the improvement in fertility is extended to the entire ethnic group, the meaning is completely different.

Sharlayan has only gradually realized this truth in the past two years.

One thing to say, from the standpoint of Quel'Thalas, this is hard to accept. Fertility has always been one of the biggest problems plaguing the high elves.

Many high elf families longed for the birth of a new life from the beginning of marriage, but troubled by racial characteristics, a few high elves could not even give birth to even a single offspring until they died.

Because of this, Sharlayan, who had not considered comprehensively in the early years, always wanted to improve the miserable fertility of the high elves.

In the past two years, thinking from a more macro perspective, Sharlayan gradually realized how unreliable his original thinking was.

Not to mention the consumption of planetary resources.

A long lifespan coupled with a strong fertility rate may greatly promote the development of high elves in a short period of time, but from a long-term perspective, this is not a good thing.

Because of their long lifespan, the turnover of officials in various positions of the high elves is extremely slow.

At this stage, due to the small number of newborns, the metabolic problems of high elf officials are not too obvious, but once the fertility problem is solved... Sharlayan can only imagine how serious social conflicts will be caused by this.

In the words of the barrage... This is called not changing the widows but suffering from inequality.

After returning from Ulduar this time, Sharlayan is planning to engage his mother to discuss with experts from various parties in Quel'Thalas, what is the most appropriate level to adjust the fertility rate of the high elves.

According to Sarayan's vision, he does not intend to continue to allow mothers to study other high-end technologies that promote fertility, but to invest more energy in the already established test-tube baby project to reduce the cost of this technology.

The technology of test-tube babies must be firmly held in the official hands of Quel'Thalas, so that the growth of fertility can be more conveniently controlled.

If this technology is allowed to flow uncontrollably among the people, Sharlayan can fully imagine that those dignitaries with the most resources will inevitably become the biggest beneficiaries.

This situation will obviously go against Kael'thas and Sharlayan's general policy of encouraging commoners to compete with nobles in order to promote social vitality.

Since his mother was away for some reason, Sharlayan could only shelve the idea of ​​holding relevant meetings for the time being.

Anyway, in the next few years, he will spend most of his time in the country to assist the Sun King in handling internal affairs, so there is no need to rush for a while.


Sarlayan suddenly remembered something, raised his head and asked Valeera, "Did Uncle Welles mention the whereabouts of my father? He didn't go out with his mother, did he?"

"No, that's not true."

Valeera shook her head and said, "When Inas' mother went out, the teacher happened to be on a reconnaissance mission in Stratholme. There should be no prior communication between them."

Valeera understood what Sharlayan meant: "Perhaps the teacher will know the reason why Inas's mother went out, but we can only ask him after he returns from his mission."

After the Battle of Seamount, the general environment of Azeroth is one of self-cultivation, but this does not mean that there will be no friction between countries, that is impossible.

Rather, it is precisely because all countries have focused their energy on internal affairs that the diplomatic conflicts between them will become more prominent.

Having experienced several wars in succession, all countries have a tacit understanding that they will not escalate conflicts to armed conflicts, and will try their best to resolve disputes through dialogue.

Today, the region with the most acute contradictions in the entire Eastern Kingdom is undoubtedly the Kingdom of Lordaeron and the New Scourge, which have blood feuds with each other...or the undead organization of Free Will.

Under the guarantee of Sharlayan, Free Will has moved to Draenor to settle in a large scale under the leadership of the new Lich King Solas.

But before the undead gain a firm foothold in the new world, they still have to leave a stronghold in their home world that can be used as a retreat.

The Icecrown Citadel, which is always watched by the Shadow Realm, is obviously not suitable.

After free will high-level discussions, Solas finally made a decision to temporarily hold Stratholme City in his hands, and Lord Rivendell, the lord of Stratholme, will decide when to return it to the jurisdiction of Lordaeron.

After a period of hard work, free will has gained a firm foothold in Frostfire Ridge. With repeated urging from Lordaeron, the return of Stratholme has gradually been put on the agenda.

The intentions of the two parties are basically the same in the general direction, but there are still considerable differences in some specific details.

Originally, among the undead of the Scourge, many were Lordaeronites. Not all the undead were free to let go of the fetters left by the past, and followed Solas to Draenor to start a new life.

Among the undead left in Azeroth, many are people who still have nostalgia for their past lives.

For these undead, Stratholme, which allows the undead to live with the living, is their last pure land.

The opinion leaders of this part of the undead are the Baron Rivendell family who have managed Stratholme for generations.

After several rounds of negotiations, Calia agreed that Baron Rivendell would still manage the returned Stratholme, but the two sides still had a huge disagreement on whether to keep a large number of undead in Stratholme to live with the living.

"The city of Stratholme, which is the center of the storm, has not been very peaceful recently. People with different opinions will give public speeches on the streets and alleys every day."

Valeera said with some concern: "The Sun King and Uncle Welles were worried that Stratholme would go off, so they ordered the teacher to bring a small team of Backlight Blade elites into Stratholme to monitor the situation nearby. The flames of conflict were snuffed out in the bud."

Sharlayan nodded thoughtfully: "It's not too surprising. The city where the undead and the living live together is a good thing from our point of view."

"But for the locals who actually live...or are about to return to live in Stratholme City, it is not an easy thing to accept."

"After all... there is indeed a huge difference in life form between the undead and the living. Titus' ideals are beautiful, but the reality may not be what he wants."

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