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Chapter 1344 Personnel Changes in the Kirin Tor

Chapter 1344 Personnel Changes in the Kirin Tor

Griffin doesn't know the specific personnel composition of Titan Guardians, but as long as the name contains the word "Titan", it can often be labeled as tall and unknown.

During the reign of Queen Azshara, the Dark Night Empire excavated many Titan ruins, and also briefly cooperated with the fallen Titan Sargeras.

As the descendants of the high elves, the high elves learned of the terrifying power of Sargeras through the records of the history books.

No kidding, if Sargeras had that idea, he could split a mere planet of Azeroth in half with his sword.

Don't doubt, Sargeras has done this kind of thing.

The reason why he didn't choose this simple and rude way of dealing with it was because Sargeras wanted to bring the Star Soul of Azeroth, the future strongest titan, under his command.

According to the historical records left during the Night Empire period, the Titan Guardian is a kind of highest-level titan creation called a lesser titan.

Although there is a sub-level in front of the name, it can be called Titan anyway. In the minds of most high elves who have read history books, Titan is synonymous with high-end atmosphere and class.

Sharlayan, who was good at observing words and expressions, noticed the change in Griffin's demeanor, which caused some ripples in his heart.

‘It turns out that the title of Titan Guardian is so useful? It seems that if I want to continue to come up with designs that transcend the times in the future, I can blame Mimiron for the origin, and he won't mind if I think about it... right? '

This time Sharlayan went to Ulduar not for Mimiron, what he was looking for was Azadas, the guardian of the earth.

In the Battle of Ulduar, although he only briefly used the very wonderful golden dragon's breath, Sharlayan has basically figured out its origin after reviewing the incident.

If nothing else, this power is the product of his integration of the five powers possessed by the guardian dragon.

According to Danmaku, the nature of this power is very similar to that of Dragon Soul.

The production principle of the Dragon Soul is to infuse the essence power of the five guardian dragons into it, and fuse it together through a special technique obtained by Neltharion from nowhere, forming a golden orb shaped like a disc.

Sharlayan speculated that the special fusion technique that Neltharion brought out was most likely by N'Zoth.

Thanks to the gift of his mother Inas, Sharlayan has the potential to master the power of the five guardian dragons at the same time from birth.

Applying Nefarian's theory, he is the real perfect chromatic dragon.

So far, Sharlayan has successively activated the four powers of dreams, life, arcane and time, and only the last power of the earth is left.

Although he studied hard with Onyxia for a period of time, because the invisible gene of the black dragon's bloodline has not been officially activated, the power of the earth that Sharlayan has mastered at this stage is still very lame, and cannot be called real power.

There was no movement on Nefarian's side for the time being, and Sharlayan could only wait patiently for Onyxia to communicate with him.

Taking a step back, even if he traded the Black Dragon Supreme Treasure Shadow Flame Seed from Nefarian, Salayan still needs someone to help him use this artifact to activate the black dragon gene in his body.

With Neltharion, the Black Dragon King, having already betrayed Azeroth, only Azadas is qualified for this job, and Sinestra, the Queen of the Black Dragon, is a little bit less interesting.

Coincidentally, more than a month after the end of the battle of Ulduar, Sharlayan also needs to return to Ulduar to check the maintenance of the furnace of will.

Both the Furnace of Will and the Furnace of Origin are important equipment left by the Titans to help the star soul grow. Only when the two furnaces are in operation at the same time can the star soul of Azeroth grow at the fastest rate.

Time does not wait, facing those hostile forces that are secretly or explicitly staring at Azeroth, the most once and for all solution is to give birth to the strongest Titan Azeroth as soon as possible, so the furnace of will must not be missed.

Moreover, Sharlayan also wants to take advantage of the opportunity of the restart of the furnace of will to try, whether he can directly communicate with Ai Jiang's will again, and maybe he can get some rewards and inspirations from her.

Sharlayan has personally verified that the existence of the star soul of Azeroth is unique to Azeroth with countless timelines, and it also transcends time.

In other words, Sharlayan may be able to get some enlightenment about the future from Ai Jiang's mouth. Even a little piece of information can help him plan for the future in advance.


Now that the base station has been laid in Quel'Thalas, and the mass-production imitation of the mobile phone is going smoothly, the next step is to start experimental use.

In order to avoid fatal loopholes before large-scale popularization, Sharlayan decided to conduct a small-scale trial among government officials after discussing with Kael'thas.

After leaving the court of the Sunstrider, Sharlayan ignored those high-ranking officials and dignitaries who came to flatter him, and used teleportation on the spot to return to Unicorn City.

The neglected dignitaries were not surprised by Sarlayan's indifferent attitude. They all knew that the grand duke who had repeatedly made meritorious deeds and held a high position at a young age had such a temperament.

If anyone can be treated differently by Lord Deep Shadow, they will feel uncomfortable instead, and maybe they will join forces to suppress this unique "lucky guy".

Back home, Salayan saw Stellagosa in the living room who had finished her retreat and was chatting with Valeera and Onyxia.

"Stella, has your injury healed yet?"

Facing her partner's concern, Xiao Xingxing replied with a smile: "It's not a serious injury that hurts the source. After your treatment and a period of cultivation, it will be fine."

Onyxia still had an unmotivated expression, she leaned on the sofa and asked lazily: "Look at your slovenly appearance, how long has it been since you took care of yourself?"


Sarlayan subconsciously touched the stubble on his chin, and said with a wry smile: "Recently, I have been busy with the technical staff of the Weapons Research Institute, so I don't have time to shave my beard."

Valeera, who was acting temporarily for the territorial affairs, raised her eyebrows and asked, "You should have seen Griffin, right? What about the phone?"

"What else can I say, try it out."

Sarlayan walked up to Valeera and sat down. Onyxia immediately slapped the snake and squirmed her body on the stick and leaned forward, but Valeera pushed her forehead with disgust and made a fuss.

Seeing this scene, Sarlayan smiled speechlessly, and Stellagosa also complained dumbfoundingly: "Oni, don't always find opportunities to deliberately stimulate Valeera, don't you feel tired of playing like this often? "

Onyxia replied confidently: "I don't think so, because Valeera will respond every time."


Valeera was furious: "You have nothing to do, right? Why don't you come and help me with some business?"

"don't want."

Onyxia crossed her hands in front of her chest in an X shape without hesitation.

"You can handle the chores in the territory by yourself. Otherwise, why would Sare raise a whole team of secretaries? You only need to sign the agreement, and one more person won't improve the efficiency much."

Sharlayan patted Onyxia's dragon horn in a funny way: "Okay, let's end the joke first... What about Tina?"

Stellagosa sighed: "I went to Dalaran, and said I want to play with Jaina."

"Oh, right."

Speaking of Dalaran, Sharlayan just slapped his palm and asked, "How is the infighting in the Kirin Tor council going?"

Onyxia curled her lips: "What else?"

"With the help of Jaina and Aethas, Ronin successively brought Kalai and Ansrem, who were already determined to stop, to his side through the transfer of part of the benefits. The helpless Modera finally got his wish and entered the palace for the second time. gone."


Sharlayan sneered and complained: "I'm glad to hear that, this kind of cancer of the old era that fights insiders and outsiders is incompatible with today's Dalaran, which is striving to forge ahead."

"If she had self-knowledge, she should have tucked her tail and acted as Ronin's answerer. If she insisted on jumping out to find a sense of existence, wouldn't that be a proper way to find out?"

Valeera nodded and added: "Now Luo Ning can just use Modera, a veteran member of parliament, to stand out and secure his position as the chairman of the Kirin Tor."

"Ansrem and Callai's opposition to Ronin was not firm in the first place, and their attitudes changed in a timely manner. Only Modera, who couldn't turn back, could only bite the bullet and go to the dark, and then... There's no after that."

"Second entry into the palace." Sarlayan twitched the corners of his lips sarcastically: "This time, Modera's political career has been completely cut off. No matter which country she goes to, her reputation will be completely stink. No one would dare to use a guy who only knows how to engage in infighting."

"Let's not talk about her." Sarlayan turned to Stellagosa: "Did Tina say who will fill the vacancy left by Modera?"

Stellagosa smiled and asked back: "Of course, who do you think it would be?"

"You two stop playing charades." Onyxia yawned lazily: "Who else could it be except that kid Khadgar?"

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