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Chapter 1347 Khadgar: Where are you touching?

The Virgin of Chastity is similar to the Saint of Sorrow who was formatted in the Hall of Rocks and restarted her mind not long ago. They are the most noble high-level Titan creations below the status of Titan Guardian.

Corresponding to these so-and-so saints are male stone giants such as Utna and Utun, and the relationship between the two is equal.

These stone giants with high intelligence usually serve as the lieutenants of the guardians of the titans, such as Elonaya, who was once the lieutenant of Tyr and later turned to assist Azadas.

Of course, not all stone giants can be assigned to the titan guardians, and some of them shoulder other special tasks. For example, Utna was sent by Odin to guard the treasure house of Aggramar.

The Sorrowful Maiden guarding the Rock Hall was originally Azadas' adjutant. At the beginning, he and Tyre left too hastily and failed to take away all the subordinates and dependents in time.

Without exception, Azadas's remaining subordinates, including the Holy Maiden of Sorrow, were brainwashed by Loken and Yogg-Saron. Before the Guardians marched into Ulduar, they finally regained their self-awareness by restarting their minds.

By the way, Freya also has a female stone giant adjutant named Aurelia, whom the barrage "kindly" calls Catwoman... although the so-called cat here is actually a leopard.

In the civil war between the titan guardians, even high-level titan creations like Aurelia are not eligible to participate.

After all, they have not stepped into the threshold of demigods, at best they are mortal-level high-level combat power with relatively strong bodies.

During the Battle of Ulduar, this catwoman who was patrolling around with a few leopards was unfortunately knocked out by the passing Salayan with a sword hilt, which did not interfere with his decisive battle with Freya at all.

Sharlayan didn't specifically ask Medivh, but according to the information provided by the barrage, the Virgin of Chastity seems to have entered the Tower of the Guardian in order to track down the excessively strong evil energy in Karazhan.

Then... there is no more, under the eyes of the demon king Sargeras, a mere high-ranking stone giant can't find anything.

On this point, the old butler Moros also confirmed the barrage statement.

"If I remember correctly, this stone giant who claims to be the virgin of chastity seems to have appeared after the little master's temperament changed drastically. The specific situation..."

Moros frowned and recalled for a while: "No, I can't remember. My memory was very confused during that time."

The confusion is natural. According to Sharlayan's speculation, Moros should have lost his life during that period, and was resurrected as an undead by Medivh, who still had some instinctive consciousness.

He hoped that the old butler who had witnessed his childhood and growth would always be by his side.

Since Medivh was born, he rarely had the opportunity to see his famous guardian mother. He was raised by his father Nelas Elan and Moros.

In Medivh's mind, Moroes' status was even higher than that of Aegwynn, who gathered less and left more, and would only severely educate him on the way of the guardian every time he met.

As a result, the undead Moros gained another kind of eternal life, but since Moros woke up, he has not met the revived Medivh.


Having said that, Sharlayan turned his head to look at Khadgar with a strange expression: "Did I mention it to you? Medivh and Aegwynn, the guardian mother and son, are actually still alive."


Khadgar looked over in surprise, and Moros's dead face twitched violently.

"Medivh is still alive? How is that possible! I clearly did it myself..."

Although Khadgar didn't speak a complete sentence, everyone present could hear what he meant.

Sharlayan shrugged and said, "Do you really think that the astral mage will die so easily? Even if his body dies, his soul is still intact."

"After the soul left the body, Medivh drifted in the Twisting Nether for a long time, and obtained a lot of important information about the Burning Legion for Azeroth."


Khadgar shook his head dumbfoundingly: "So? Where is Medivh now? Why didn't he return to Karazhan to reclaim his property?"

Sharlayan smiled and patted Khadgar's shoulder: "Don't worry, since he passed Karazhan to you, he has no intention of taking it back."

"Both Medivh and Aegwynn are at the Sanctuary of the Guardian in Dalaran, assisting their old friend Merry Winterwind in rebuilding the Council of Tirisfal."

"When you go to Dalaran to join the job, Medivh should take the initiative to come to you, so be mentally prepared in advance."

"Hey~" Khadgar sighed helplessly: "Moros, you should come with me then."

Moros put his chest on his chest with one hand and bowed slightly: "It's an honor, and I haven't seen the young master and the old master for many years."

"Okay, let's stop the gossip first."

Sharlayan stepped into the hall where the Virgin of Chastity was sealed, and despite Khadgar's dissuasion, he placed one hand on the calf of the Virgin of Chastity that was exposed outside the metal leg armor.

Khadgar: "...If I hadn't known that this saint was made of stone, I would definitely suspect that the place where you attacked was a deliberate hooligan."

Sharlayan rolled his eyes angrily: "It's just you who talk too much, why are you shrewd, just watch it honestly."

Relying on part of the Great Guardian authority from Raiden, Sharlayan easily "hacked" the main system of the Virgin of Chastity.

Referring to the demonstration made by Layden, Sarayan followed the format of the gourd painting and restarted the mental module of the virgin.

Due to the sealing effect of the magic circle, the Virgin of Chastity had been half-kneeling on the ground to maintain a dormant state.

After Khadgar took the initiative to remove the barrier under Sharlayan's behest, the Virgin of Chastity still maintained the same posture, squatting on the spot for several seconds before responding.

Everyone present could see a ray of golden light shining from the jewel-like eyes of the virgin virgin... It wasn't a rhetorical trick, but it was really shining.

"The system is restarting... The restart is complete. The self-test of the mental module shows no abnormalities. The stone giant is numbered 015 and code-named 'Holy Maiden of Chastity'. Listen to the instructions of the Great Guardian."

With the completion of the restart of the mind module of the Virgin of Chastity, the golden light in her eyes gradually retracted, and she lowered her head with a dazed expression to look at the fragile mortal in front of her with the authority of the Great Guardian.

"You are? Mortal, why do you have the authority of the great guardian Raiden?"

Sharlayan smiled and spread his hands: "Because Raiden shared it with me, so let's count it as a repayment."

The authority of the Great Guardian, and even part of Raiden's authority, was a gift from Raiden after Sharlayan rescued him from the underground palace of the Throne of Thunder.

Before the official start of the Battle of Ulduar, in order to ensure that Raiden's combat effectiveness was at its peak, Sharlayan gave back part of the lightning power he shared with him, but the authority of the Great Guardian continued to be retained with Raiden's acquiescence. down.

After being stimulated by Raiden's power of thunder and lightning for a long time, Sharlayan also awakened his own thunder and lightning...or the power of storm, which perfectly complemented the druid's wind and thunder skills.

"How long have I been unconscious? What's going on in Azeroth now?"

The chaste maiden asked Sharlayan, who had an inexplicable sense of closeness and surrender, with a blank expression, "That traitor Loken is still entrenched in Ulduar? Has Lord Raiden returned?"

Sharlayan shrugged helplessly: "Well... it's a long story."


The strength of the Virgin of Chastity is far inferior to the secondary Titans who are the highest-level Titan creations.

However, according to Sharlayan's estimation, her combat power at her peak should be similar to that of Elonaya and Aurelia, both reaching the peak level of a mortal.

But just like Alonnaya who just woke up from a long slumber, 100% of her strength can't show half.

At this time, the Virgin of Chastity was still very weak, and Sharlayan kindly injected her with a lot of pure arcane energy to alleviate her severe lack of energy.

It's not that Khadgar, Little Xingxing, and Tina are unwilling to help share the expenses, but that the hard-headed saint of chastity can't believe these flesh and blood creatures of unknown origin. She only recognizes Sharlayan, who has the authority of the Great Guardian.

Fortunately, with the permission of Khadgar, the master of Karazhan, Sharlayan can draw energy from the tower of the guardian to supplement consumption at any time, and the arcane energy infused into the chaste maiden will soon be replenished.


After listening to Sharlayan's description, the Virgin of Chastity smiled wryly and patted her forehead: "I didn't expect that I would hit the fallen titan by winning the lottery. for so many years."

Sharlayan said comfortingly: "Don't say it's you, even the Guardian of the Titans is helpless against him, you won't complain if you lose."

"Now that Ulduar is in need, it is time to employ people. If you need it, I can immediately send you to Crystalsong Forest in Northrend."

"Unfortunately, due to the furnace of will being overhauled, the state of the magic net in the storm cliff is very chaotic, and the road to Ulduar can only be walked by yourself."

"Hmm..." The virgin of chastity bowed her head honestly for a moment before shaking her head: "Don't worry, there is a good saying, there is a beginning and an end."

"I hope to follow you to witness the final outcome of this once fallen tower, and I can also provide you with some help when fighting the Eredar named Malchezaar."

The antigen is positive, and it is determined to be recruited. These two days will be a bit difficult.

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