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Chapter 1368 Chips? I'm the chip

From Krill's point of view, Nefarian, who had been severely reprimanded by Deathwing several times, had already worn out his vigor, and now he was just an echo of his master, unable to make any tricks.

But is this really the case?

Sharlayan and Onyxia didn't think so.

Onyxia knew her own brother very well. From her point of view, Nefarian was a stubborn donkey who would never hit the south wall and never look back... It can even be said that even if he hit the wall, he still wouldn't go back. will look back.

A few setbacks in the area will not wear down Nefarian's fighting spirit, and the flames of resistance must still be burning in his heart.

After hearing Nefarian's call, Sharlayan turned his head and glanced at the closed door, confirming that the door was sealed from various aspects by a rather wonderful power before releasing the transformation.

"Long time no see, Black Dragon Prince Nefarian."

Nefarian looked at Sharlayan who looked very relaxed, and asked with a half-smile: "You dare to stand in front of me alone now? It seems that you are very confident in your ability to escape."


Sharlayan shook his head and laughed, "Why should I run away? If my identity is exposed, you should be the one who is more anxious."

"Really?" Nefarian asked with a noncommittal smile, "Why can't I treat you as a nomination certificate for my father? You don't think I can't take you down at such a short distance, do you?"

"It's hard to say, and... if Deathwing finds us together, based on your recent behavior, do you think he will really believe your rebellious son's words?"

Both of them kept formulaic smiles on their faces, but they were engaged in a very gunpowder-flavored verbal confrontation with each other.

"Also, if you judge my combat effectiveness only by experience, you will suffer a lot."

The two looked at each other in silence for a long while, and then Nefarian took the initiative to look away: "Heh~ I haven't seen you for a few years, my good brother-in-law, I didn't expect you to grow to this point. Sure enough, my original choice was correct. of."

"Okay." Nefarian put away his smile and signaled Salayan to take a seat: "Let's stop here for the boring temptation, there is not much time left for us to talk."

"The only good thing about that loyal stupid dog outside is that he is cautious. He won't let me hide in the room alone for a long time."

"Sharlayan Deep Shadow, I know what you want, how about you? Do you know what I want?"

Sharlayan hooked his lips meaningfully: "Of course, the thinking mode of an idealistic lunatic like you is not difficult to guess, and I do hold some important information that you dream of."


Nefarian asked with interest: "Idealistic lunatic? I like this title, so tell me, what do I want?"

"Colorful dragon."

Time was running out, Salayan was too lazy to continue going around in circles with Nefarian, and said straight to the point: "No matter what your original intention of studying colorful dragons is, if your research can really make breakthroughs, it will be a big deal for the dragon clan. Good thing."

There are definitely not many dragons who can perfectly integrate the five powers of the dragon clan like Sharlayan, and it can even be said that there is no one in a million.

If through Nefarian's research, the dragons can take into account other powers other than their destiny, it will definitely be able to effectively improve the overall combat effectiveness of the dragons, and even... find another way to break through the acquired shackles that have stuck countless dragons.

Except for Deathwing, who introduced the power of the void to drink poison to quench thirst, the four guardian dragons have all been stuck at level 66 for tens of thousands of years.

All guardian dragons can clearly feel that this is the limit they can reach, and the hope of moving forward is sealed by an unbreakable invisible wall.

This is the inevitable sequelae of accepting Titan's external force infusion to achieve instant strength. At least so far, the Dragon Clan has not found an effective means to break through the bottleneck.

There are very few dragons like Stella Gosa who can resist the temptation and not take a shortcut to break through, and this road is not accessible to everyone, talent, hard work and opportunity are all indispensable.

This time, after Onyxia returned from the Obsidian Holy Land, she suddenly realized a problem.

Her younger brother Ebisian, who was raised outside the village since childhood, didn't seem to have accepted the coming-of-age ceremony of the Dragon Clan either.

In other words, like Stellagosa, Ebisian broke through and became an adult dragon purely through personal efforts.

This means that Ebby Sian's upper limit will not stagnate at level 66 because of counterproductive reasons. The potential of this seemingly simple and honest young black dragon is also extraordinary.

If Ebixian can be given enough space to grow, sooner or later, he will surpass his elder brother, sister, and even his parents, and become the most powerful black dragon in history.

Of course, this is just theory.

In this world full of disasters, it is not easy to fully realize one's potential. Even Sharlayan can't guarantee that he will survive every battle with many foreign enemies in the future.

From a certain point of view, Nefarian's multicolored dragon research is actually rewriting the gene sequence of the dragon race, but he has not made a breakthrough so far, and the colorful dragon beast Chromaggus is only a semi-finished product. .

Applying Inas' evaluation, Nefarian is indeed very talented in genetic engineering.

Unlike Inas, who has obtained a lot of genetic engineering knowledge from another world, Nefarian has made it to today step by step through his own efforts. As a result, he really made the semi-finished product of Chromaggus. .

Although it is still only a semi-finished product, the birth of Chromaggus at least shows that Nefarian's direction is correct, but there is still a lack of polishing in many details.

"Colorful dragon..." Hearing this term, Nefarian's eyes were in a trance for a moment: "Of course, colorful dragon, that is my lifelong dream. Research on colorful dragons!"

That's why Sharlayan said that Nefarian was an idealistic lunatic.

In order to achieve his goal, Nefarian completely put morality behind him, and the number of four-color dragons who died in his hands and became experimental materials probably exceeded three digits.

For the Dragon Clan, whose fertility rate is very impressive, this is definitely not a small number. Even the Dragon Clan did not lose so many adult dragons in the first Quicksand War that year.

Of course, the loss of hundreds of four-color dragons was accumulated by Nefarian over the past tens of thousands of years, and it was not an explosive growth in a short period of time.

Even so, Nefarian has long been on the wanted blacklist of Wyrmrest Temple. Once captured by Wyrmrest Temple, there is only one fate waiting for him—killing for life.

Under the precise operation of Inas for hundreds of years, Sharlayan became the first truly colorful dragon in the history of the dragon clan, which can be called a perfect finished product.

Inas herself generously admitted that even if she was asked to reproduce all the processes perfectly, the chances of a perfect multi-colored dragon being born would be very small. The existence of Sharlayan was a veritable miracle.

Sharlayan began to consider a few years ago, if Nefarian and Inas were allowed to cooperate in research, whether these two genetic engineering experts could break through the genetic lock that restricts almost all dragons, so that they can already see at a glance Will the dragon clan at the end of its potential get a chance to grow again?

The answer is the unknown, and the unknown often means infinite possibilities.

Therefore, when Nefarian offered an olive branch in a roundabout way a few years ago, Sharlayan agreed with Onyxia to have in-depth contact with the black dragon prince whose hands were stained with the blood of his own race.

Sharlayan will not try to clear Nefarian's name. Sooner or later he will have to pay for his crimes.

But Sharlayan would not let Nefarian die easily before draining Nefarian of his remaining value.

If a series of follow-up cooperation can be negotiated with Nefarian this time, Salayan is willing to bite the bullet and go to Wyrmrest Temple to intercede for Nefarian, and ask Wyrmrest Temple to delay the punishment of Nefarian's crimes.

When Salayan's brain was still running at high speed, Nefarian asked Salayan sarcastically: "Colorful dragons are indeed my lifelong pursuit, so here comes the question, how do you plan to meet my trading requirements? "

"The Seed of the Shadow Flame is the ultimate treasure of the black dragon family that Deathwing entrusted to me for safekeeping. Even if I am found to have 'accidentally' lost the treasure, the end waiting for me will inevitably be very tragic."

"Why should I take a huge risk to hand over the Seed of the Shadow Flame to you?"

"Show your chips, Sharlayan, and you know that there is not much time left for us to bargain."

"The bargaining chip is... me."

Sharlayan pointed to himself calmly: "I am the perfect colorful dragon you dream of."

"If you give me the Seed of the Shadowflame and are willing to reach a series of follow-up cooperation with us, I can cooperate with your research to a certain extent... Of course, it needs to be carried out under the supervision of my mother Elena Strassa .”

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