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Chapter 1370 WWII Veteran Delwin Storm Hammer

Chapter 1370 WWII Veteran Delwin Stormhammer

When Sharlayan and Nefarian met privately in the secret room to exchange information, Onyxia hid in an uninhabited cave outside the deserted island.

After notifying Nefarian through the special communication channel of the Black Dragon Royal Family, the Black Dragon Princess sat down beside the entrance of the cave and dozed off bored.

Don't look at Onyxia's laziness fishing, in fact, she has been paying attention to the situation of Sharlayan.

Once there is a sign of the collapse of the talks, Onyxia will immediately support Sharlayan to evacuate the enemy's stronghold.

Good news, Sharlayan and Nefarian didn't talk about it.

Bad news, the unexpected attack caused the two to temporarily interrupt their communication before they could reach a conclusion.

Feeling the familiar force from the explosion, Onyxia helplessly sighed.

"Why is it activated's really not the time."

As Sharlayan expected, the person who targeted the Twilight Dragon's Lair to launch an attack was Elena Strasza who had been hiding and observing in Northeron for a while.

As an elite dragon clan who is also a veteran, Inas is slightly stronger than Nefarian in mastering two powers of destiny, but it is also very limited.

If the two fight on the battlefield, there is a high probability that they will be in a stalemate for a long time, which will cause Inas to be unable to achieve the expected goal - destroying the Twilight Dragon's lair.

The arrival of Sharlayan gave Inas an excellent opportunity to attack.

Although I don't know why, but from the results, Nefarian did leave the hall temporarily and left the front line of high alert.

Inas, who had been waiting for a long time, obviously would not let go of this opportunity. Only relying on Krill and other ordinary black dragons and twilight dragons, it is impossible to stop the long-planned impact of Inas.

This is indeed the case. Inas, who had been preparing for a long time, started with a large-scale two-color dragon's breath. Creel, who was inspecting the Twilight Dragon's lair, was carbonized by the dragon's breath on the spot without even saying his last words.

Compared with the weak goblins, the black dragons sent by Deathwing to protect Creel with difficulty resisted Inas's first wave of dragon breath.

After finally breaking free from the dream dragon's breath that directly attacked the soul, the huge Twilight Dragon Lair has become a mess, and all the dragon eggs have been completely destroyed by the intruders of unknown origin.

Inas, who was alone, didn't want to be blocked by Nefarian who came from Wen Xun, so she chose the one-hit-and-go guerrilla warfare method that was not greedy for merit.

After successfully destroying most of the twilight dragon's lair, Inas regretfully took a last look at the lair where more than a dozen twilight dragonlings remained, and sped away without looking back.

When Nefarian arrived at the scene at the "fastest" speed, Inas had already fled, and what Nefarian presented was a large number of broken dragon eggs and Kriel's scorched and curled up corpse.

Leaving aside how Nefarian, who was secretly happy in his heart, cleaned up the mess, Inas, who deliberately shrank and retreated, soon realized that there were "chasers" behind him.

However, when she used the corner of the mountain to try to ambush in the opposite direction, the "chaser" who was following her suddenly actively exuded a breath of life that made her feel familiar.

"This is……"

Inas froze for a moment, then immediately reacted.

"So that's it, Sharlayan has already arrived... It seems that Onyxia is still there."

After hiding at the corner of the mountain and waiting for a few seconds, a firebird with a very strange appearance appeared in Inas' sight.

If he hadn't recognized Sarlayan's unique breath of life in advance, Inas would never have recognized this gorgeous firebird as his son.

"...What kind of new avatar is this? Son, have you encountered any adventures in the past few years of my retreat and research?"

Sharlayan, who carried Onyxia on his back, smiled and said perfunctorily: "This is a long story, mother, follow us to find uncle and father and they will have a round."


Inas was not surprised that Julian would follow, but she did not expect that the leader of the Backlight Blade, Welles, who was busy every day, would also participate in this search operation.

"It's a big deal." Inas said with a wry smile, "I just lost contact for a while. Is it necessary to mobilize the whole family like this?"

Sharlayan, who was flying ahead to lead the way, complained angrily: "Who gave you a criminal record? Of course, your disappearance will make the whole family go crazy."

"Okay, my fault."

Inas stuck out her tongue helplessly: "No way, I can't send messages anytime and anywhere like you, but I clearly left a message for the little guys in Vermilion Sanctuary, didn't they tell you?"

"Ha..." Speaking of this matter, Salayan was very speechless: "Mother, you should know the efficiency of the Dragon Clan's work. When they deliver the information, the day lily may be cold."



When the small island where the Twilight Dragon's lair is located was in chaos, the three spies, Valeera, Villes, and Julian, had already arrived at the rear stronghold of the Wildhammer dwarves on the high ground. — Cushaven.

After Valeera showed the token of Falstad the Dragon Raider again, the xenophobic Northaron Wildhammer dwarves let them enter the village.

Compared with Sandemar Town, which was gathering troops to launch a counterattack, the atmosphere in Cushaven Village was more peaceful and peaceful, and the turmoil ahead did not have much impact on this small village.

The three of Valeera successfully found Falstad's old comrade-in-arms, Delwin Stormhammer, in a Holy Light Church.

The gryphon knight with war patterns engraved on his face was happily bragging about his heroic performance on the battlefield to a female dwarf priest who lacked interest.

"Derwin Stormhammer?"


Welles' question interrupted Delwin, who was bragging, which made him a little upset, and he turned around with an ugly expression.

"Outsiders? Do I know you? Why do you want me?"

The dwarf priest who had been impatiently entangled for a long time just took advantage of Delvin's turning back and left, which made Delvin even more unhappy.

Welles casually threw the scarred badge in his hand to Delwin, who was still wrapped in bandages.

"We need your help on important matters, and this is a token from your old friend."


Realizing that something serious was coming, Delwin quickly restrained his temper, and stroked the badge in his hand with some nostalgia.

"Falstad? Heh~ It's hard for His Excellency to remember me."

Although he still spoke unforgivingly, Delwin's attitude has obviously changed.

"Tell me, what does that old boy Falstad want me, a wounded man, to do?"

"Let me mention it first, my griffon Maria has not yet recovered, so I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you for a walk too far away."

The Wildhammer Gryphon Knights who had experienced the Second War of the Orcs all participated in the tragic air battle with the orc red dragon knights. The orcs who controlled the red dragons at that time were from the Dragonmaw clan.

Because of this, the enmity between the Dragonmaw orcs and the Wildhammer dwarves had been forged more than ten years ago.

As the saying goes, both live in Northeron Highlands, and there will inevitably be friction between the two races. With the blessing of new and old hatred, it is impossible for the Dragon Roar orcs and the Wildhammer dwarves to sit together before one side is defeated. Come down to negotiate peace.

This is also one of the main reasons why Zulushid has difficulty suppressing the radicals in the clan. When enemies meet, they are extremely jealous.

After finally regaining the help of the dragon creature, the dragon-maw orc, who had been suppressed for more than ten years, vented all his grievances over the years.

Facing the turbulent public opinion, no matter how hard Zulushid tries to cool down, it will not help.

"Hoo~" After listening to Welles' well-organized analysis, the seemingly rough Delwin's eyes flashed with thought: "It turns out that the group of Dragonmaw orcs themselves are not stable, which is undoubtedly good news for us. .”

"If I'm not wrong..." Delvin looked at Welles with a half-smile and tentatively said, "You probably want to make use of the internal contradictions of the Dragonmaw orcs, right? But what does this have to do with me, a big bastard? "

"Of course it does."

Welles said with confidence: "You are a veteran who participated in the Second Orc War, and you are also a local who is familiar with the airspace, terrain conditions and climate changes in Northeron."

"We have a way to detonate the conflicts among the Dragon Roar orcs, but before we officially start the operation, we need a guide who is familiar with the local environment to provide us with guidance in all aspects."

"Mr. Delwin, Lord Falstad recommended you to us. Are you sure you can complete this difficult and important task?"

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