Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1383 Pre-war preparations for the Hinterlands

Onyxia had a great time that night. She slept until noon the next day before getting up slowly and yawning.

Others are not as lazy as her.

Stellagosa got up early and came to Sharlayan's office, continuing to perform her duties as the chief secretary.

Jaina returned to Dalaran with Sharlayan's mission early in the morning, and she might have to spend a lot of time talking.

Since Little Xingxing was busy dealing with the backlog of official duties in the territory, she temporarily handed over Tinagosa's daily homework to Valeera to supervise.

In this family, only Stella Gosa treats little Tina the strictest, and everyone else wants to spoil this girl to heaven.

But at least she was entrusted by Stella Gosa, Valeera was still sternly competing with Tina Gosa in the name of honing her actual combat ability in the training ground.

Sharlayan, who has the blood of the red dragon, has extremely strong vitality. After the battle last night, he was able to go out to do business in the morning refreshed. I slept until noon.

After several months of research and verification, the National Defense Weapons Research Institute sent the first... an unknown number of design drawings of the armored combat vehicle to Sarlayan's desk.

According to Danmaku, the latest version of the armored vehicle is already very similar in appearance to the armored vehicle from another world they are familiar with, except that it is different in artistic design such as patterns and edges.

Yes, artistic design.

Even with the emphasis on simple and practical weapons of war, the designers of Quel'Thalas still couldn't hold back the artistic cells cultivated since childhood, and more or less would include some private goods in the design drawings.

Sharlayan was quite critical of this, but Kael'thas thought that this small problem was harmless. After all, it still needed to make some unique features so that outsiders could see that it was Quel'Thalas' weapon of war.

Now that the Sun King has spoken eloquently, Salayan can't say much.

Anyway, armored vehicles at this stage are still only in the stage of design drawings and prototypes.

When it really comes time to put it into mass production, if those guys who like to carry private goods can't guarantee the quality and quantity, Sarlayan will inevitably have something to say.

Although the design and production of the track has been completed, the latest version of the armored vehicle design still uses tires to ensure mobility.

According to the different weapons carried by the vehicle, the chassis of various types of armored vehicles are slightly different, with four wheels and six wheels.

The larger the caliber of the weapon, the higher the stability requirements for the lower plate.

The most mature version at present is the machine gun armored vehicle, which has been confirmed to be ready for practical use at any time after the Sunfury Legion's actual combat test.

Self-propelled gun armored vehicles equipped with magic guns also need to solve the problem of energy supply.

After all, the main function of these vehicles is to attack. If it is only for defending the homeland, the demand for carrying magic cannons on vehicles to move and fire is not high.

If you want to fight away from Quel'Thalas, the self-propelled artillery vehicle that cannot get the energy supply from the Sunwell must consider the issue of ammunition supply.

The specific situation also requires the researchers to communicate directly with the chariot soldiers who actually operate the armored vehicles. This kind of new weapon research that breaks the old battlefield pattern cannot be rushed.

After inspecting the latest results of the weapons research institute, Sharlayan was invited to the Sunstrider Court to meet with Kael'thas.

I don't know if it's because of the nourishment of love or the healthier life and rest, but Kael'thas' complexion looks a lot rosier than when he worked overtime a few years ago.

"Sure enough, someone still needs to take care of it."

Sharlayan jokingly said to Kael'thas: "Your complexion looks much better than before. That's right. Work is endless, and combining work and rest is the right thing to do."

Kael'thas complained angrily: "Are you too embarrassed to criticize me? Can you strictly implement the concept of combining work and rest?"

Sharlayan smiled and shrugged his shoulders: "After all, I have the blood of the Dragon Clan, and my body is more resistant than yours. It's no big deal for me to go without sleep for ten days and a half months, but you can't."

Kael'thas smiled wryly and waved his hands: "Yes, yes, let's not talk about this spoiling topic."

"I heard that you plan to attack the Hinterlands formally?" Kael'thas quickly straightened his face when he mentioned this topic: "Do you have a detailed plan?"

Sarlayan also retracted his joking attitude, and nodded solemnly: "I have already disclosed this idea to Falstad and Kurdran."

"Kurdran is now one of the representatives of the Council of Three Hammers, a high-ranking member of the Kingdom of Khaz Modan. He cannot blatantly use the resources of the entire kingdom to benefit the Wildhammer clan."

"However, according to what Kurdran said in the letter, the Black Iron representative and the Bronzebeard representative do not object to the Wildhammer clan using their own forces to quell the situation in the Hinterlands."

Kael'thas pondered knowingly: "That is to say, it is good news that the Wildhammer clan can do things cheaply."

After the integration of the three dwarf clans, the three clans with different specialties cooperated with each other, which significantly improved the national strength of the Kingdom of Khaz Modan.

But on the other hand, the autonomy of each clan was inevitably affected.

Before the start of the Battle of Northeron, the Wildhammer clan had reported to the Council of Three Hammers sitting in Ironforge in advance.

Moreover, this war is essentially a defensive war, because Northeron has always been the inherent territory of the Wildhammer dwarves, and the Dragonmaw clan is the foreign invader.

The upcoming Battle of the Hinterlands is different. Strictly speaking, the forest trolls are the aborigines of this land, while the Wildhammer clan is the latecomers.

However, Azeroth is a world that relies on strength after all. If the Wildhammer clan is confident enough to defeat the Vilebranch trolls who are busy dealing with their powerful kin, the Council of Three Hammers will be happy to see it.

After all, if more land in the Hinterlands can be won, it will also be a huge credit for the representatives of the Three Hammers Council to expand their territory.

The Wildhammer dwarves and the Vilebranch trolls have been fighting in the Hinterlands for many years. So far, the comparison of combat power between the two sides is basically in a balanced state, and no one can do anything to win the other.

The Witherbark troll attracted by Sharlayan's tricks is an important tool to break the balance. The key to this battle is not the number of troops, but the Wildhammer...or the timing of the alliance army's entry.

Although the only countries participating in this local war are Khaz Modan and Quel'Thalas, both of them are members of the Alliance after all, so it is not a problem to say that the Alliance army is going out.

However, because the plan has not been fully finalized, Kael'thas has not made a formal report to Lordaeron, the host country of the alliance.

These political issues are not for Sharlayan to worry about. His task is to ensure that this local war can be won at the lowest possible cost.

"Witherbark trolls and Vilebranch trolls are fighting in full swing in the troll-controlled areas of the southern Hinterlands."

Sharlayan walked to the huge map hanging in Kael'thas's study and pointed, "When the Evil Branch trolls focused on other small and medium troll clans in the Hinterlands, the Deadwood trolls caught them by surprise. The raid took Shadraloh."

"The reaction speed of the evil branch trolls is not slow. Before the imposing army of deadwood trolls invaded the Altar of Zul, they transferred their troops back from the eastern Sharvasa and Wanghai Cliff."

"The Vilebranch trolls originally wanted to concentrate their forces to take down the Stormfeather outpost established by the Wildhammer dwarves in the south of Seradan, but the sudden backstab of the Witherwood troll disrupted their plan."

Sharlayan's finger drew a circle in the northern part of the Hinterlands: "While the two forest troll clans were busy with the civil war, Falstad quietly connected the three strongholds of Eagle's Nest Mountain, Quel'dani and Stormfeather. It has become a front line, recently cleaning up a large number of ooze monsters near the hidden stone."

"Before Stellagosa returned from Northrend, she made a special trip to Wyrmrest Temple to say hello to Ysera."

"Ysera made a promise on behalf of the green dragon clan. The dream guardians of Seradan will not easily intervene in this dispute between mortals, but..."

The corner of Sharlayan's mouth curled up into a meaningful smile: "I heard that among the four guardians of dreams, Lethorn, who is in charge of Serradun in the Hinterlands, is very dissatisfied with the evil branch troll who wantonly sacrificed living people."

"Recently, the young dragons under Lythorn's command seem to be a little ready to move, intending to teach a small lesson to the evil branch trolls who have been blaspheming their lives for a long time."


Kael'thas showed a mysterious smile knowingly: "That's really a pity, you can't live with your own sins."

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