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Chapter 1388 Siege of Sinsaro

Stella Gosa is the partner who has accompanied Sharlayan for the longest time other than Valeera, her childhood sweetheart, not even one of them.

Influenced by Sharlayan, Stellagosa also recognized the idea that war is logistics.

The logistics referred to here includes resource supply and intelligence acquisition. In Sharlayan's words, this is called a decisive victory thousands of miles away, and a lot of relevant preparations must be made before the war officially begins.

Although there are resources provided by the native Wildhammer dwarves and Viletooth trolls, there are some resources that only Quel'Thalas can provide.

For example, special solid ammunition specially used to fill magic guns and magic guns, and magic lattices used to power trial armored vehicles.

Although Sharlayan had long planned to take the Hinterlands, the official finalization of the offensive plan came after the unexpected situation of the Battle of Northeron, and there was not enough time to prepare.

Moreover, the trial armored vehicle was only recently forced into the Marine Corps by Valante. Since this weapon test plan was launched hastily, the Weapons Research Institute did not prepare many magic lattices for the armored vehicle.

The north-south trade route through the east coast has been basically opened up, but it still takes a lot of time to transport materials from the Eversong Forest to the Hinterlands, and the cost of logistics transportation is relatively high.

Therefore, when Sharlayan formulated the final plan, he first made it clear that this unexpected raid must be resolved quickly, and the enemy's headquarters must be taken down in the shortest possible time.

As expected, Lethorn was very conscientious. Before Melinthra came out to persuade him, he vented a lot of anger and stopped attacking Xin Saluo on his own initiative. He brought a dozen young dragon heads and did not return return in the direction of Seradan.


Melinsera looked at the direction in which Lethorn was leaving, and the corners of her mouth curled up in an inexplicable arc.

"You are acquainted."

It took less than half an hour for the green dragon to attack Xin Saluo, but the green dragon who wanted to vent his anger did a lot of damage to Xiezhi's lair.

The Xiezhi trolls who stayed in their hometown were more or less splashed by the green dragon's acid dragon breath, and many people were still hiding in the troll-style buildings in embarrassment and howling in pain.

As we all know, the troll race has a strong self-healing ability. As long as it is not a fatal injury, they can automatically heal their wounds in a short period of time by virtue of their racial talent.

However, the green dragon's acid happens to be the type of attack trolls fear most.

The corrosive damage caused by the acid will continue to affect the wounds of the trolls, suppressing their self-healing ability to a minimum, not to mention that they cannot heal the wounds, but will greatly consume their physical strength due to the continuous activation of their natural abilities.

No way, no way? No one thinks that the troll's self-healing ability is free, right?

According to the law of conservation of energy, this is obviously impossible.

When healing itself, a troll greatly consumes the energy stored in its body.

Those with magic power consume magic power, and those without magic power can only consume physical strength.

Spellcasters are often very talented. The witch doctors and sorcerers of the evil branch trolls do not account for a large proportion of the total population. Most of the evil branch trolls are physical professions that work hard.

When Lethorn was finally satisfied and left with his younger brothers, Xin Saluo was already in chaos.

Even the evil branch chief Hex was unlucky enough to be affected by the acid dragon's breath, and right now he was furious, holding his corroded and riddled ugly face.

... There is one thing to say, even if he was not hit by the dragon's breath like acid, Sharlayan didn't think that an old troll hag with a blue face and fangs could look so good.

But Hex obviously didn't think so. As a female, disfigurement was one of the most unacceptable tortures for her.

Sinsaro is a typical troll-style city. Because it is built on top of a mountain, the different floors are connected by bluestone-paved stairs.

After the infantry of the High Elf Marine Corps formed a formation, they took advantage of the turmoil in Xin Saluo and advanced step by step to the upper level.

As for those prototype armored vehicles...


Sarlayan looked at the armored vehicle parked at the bottom floor and couldn't climb the stairs with confusion: "Sure enough, the tires still lack adaptability to the terrain. If they were replaced with crawlers, they should be able to climb the stairs."

A weapon researcher who accompanied the army spread his hands helplessly: "Where there is gain, there is loss. Although tires do not perform well in complex terrain environments, they can show far more maneuverability than tracks on the plains where the two armies confront each other. sex."

Sharlayan nodded approvingly: "Indeed, instead of letting these armored vehicles stop here stupidly, it is better to transfer them to the direction of the Altar of Zul to block the enemy's counterattack."



Sharlayan turned his head to look at the Chenfeng Legion that was waiting in full battle, and ordered Liadrin, the regiment commander who stood upright in the military posture: "These prototype armored vehicles will be handed over to you."

"I ask you to use the mobility of cavalry regiments and armored vehicles to harass the main force of Xiezhi who came back from the altar of Zul before Xinsaro was captured, and delay their return to Xinsaro as much as possible. ?"

Liadrin hammered the hard breastplate decisively: "I promise to complete the task!"

Liadrin and Sharlayne have been good friends for many years, but in such a formal occasion, she who has inherited the earl will not show a good personal relationship with Grand Duke Deep Shadow, and always has a business-like attitude.

"very good."

Sharlayan nodded to the researcher accompanying the army beside him: "Andre, you also act with the Dawn Vanguard Corps. It doesn't matter if these prototype armored vehicles are damaged. Your task is to collect more actual combat data on the battlefield. .”

The researcher named Andre hurriedly took the order: "Okay, Lord Deep Shadow, I will maximize the performance of the armored vehicle. No matter whether the result is good or bad, I will strictly record it and hand it over to Director Valante."

"That's good, let's go."


Led by Liadrin, the paladins of the Dawnguard Legion, who had been well-fed because of their repeated military exploits, quickly mounted their horses and marched westward to Cinsaro.

According to the information detected by the Wildhammer Griffin Knights in the sky, the Witherbark troll and the Vilebranch troll quickly shook hands and made peace as Sharlayan expected, and both sides began to return to reinforce the rear area surrounded by different enemies.

Shadralo, the Altar of Zul, and Jinsaro were originally strongholds of the Evil Branch trolls. After Shadralo was taken by the Deadwood troll unexpectedly, the main force of the Evil Branch trolls was hoarded in the The altar of Zul closest to the front line.

Because of this, the number of evil branch trolls staying in Xin Saluo is limited, and the green dragons led by Lethorn have brought a wave of justice from heaven, and this is the time when the camp is full of wounded soldiers.

Before the reinforcements from the altar of Zul rush back, it is the best time to attack the evil branch's lair, Xin Saluo, and we must seize this fleeting opportunity.

After the green dragon left the field, the Wildhammer Gryphon Knights who had been ambushing at the Hidden Stone and Stormfeather outposts also cooperated with Seradan's dragonmen and Eviltooth trolls to solve the helpless evil branch division.

After completing the task assigned by Lethorn, the dragon army who went on a large-scale expedition turned around and returned to Seradan.

The Wildhammer Gryphon Knight and the Eviltooth Troll speeded up to the gate of Shinsaro, joining the High Elf Marines who had already started to attack upwards.

When Salayan appeased the Brokentooth Patriarch, who was terrified by the green dragon, and planned to command the Wildhammer Griffon Knight to take off again to ensure air supremacy, a Griffon Knight scout who had been flying in the sky to observe the situation suddenly raised his voice shouted.

"Sir! There is an urgent military situation!"

Sharlayan frowned slightly and said, "Land down and report the situation."


After landing on the ground, the wildhammer dwarf with a red beard pointed at the topmost floor of Jintha'aro with fingers as thick as carrots.

"What kind of ceremony is the Xiezhi troll preparing again? I saw that many seriously injured Xiezhi trolls were moved to the altar circle on the top of the mountain!"

Sharlayan raised his brows slightly, his eyes revealed a look of thought: "Altar? A seriously injured troll? Could it be..."

Considering the evil branch troll's habit of making alive sacrifices, Sharlayan suspected that the group of lunatics wanted to use the seriously injured clansmen who were no longer of value to make a big living.


"I am here."

The two of them only had eye contact for a moment, and Valeera nodded in satisfaction, then disappeared into the shadows on the spot.

"Do you use your own people as a living sacrifice..."

Sharlayan looked in the direction of the top of Xin Saluo thoughtfully: "It's such a big game, could it be that they want to summon some blood-eating evil god to come out to help... huh?"

When he said this subconsciously, Salayan was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously exchanged a glance with Stellagosa, who was also thinking of something beside him.

"...No way, could that guy also be a model worker?"

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