Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1411 Zandalari, you should grow up

The ancestors of the trolls have also been extensive. In terms of history alone, they are older than the elves who evolved from the dark trolls bathing in the Well of Eternity.

However, in the dangerous world of Azeroth, it is impossible to lie on the merits of our ancestors and enjoy life happily.

No matter how long the history is, it is an iron-clad fact that the trolls after entering modern times are not enterprising and stubborn.

Let's take the example of cannibalism, a long-standing habit of trolls.

With the development of the times and the progress of civilization, this ancient bloody custom should have been swept into the dustbin of history long ago.

But the fact is... Except for the most civilized Zandalari among the trolls, and a very small number of enlightened sects headed by Darkspear, the vast majority of trolls are still following this ancient bad habit that has long been out of date.

Medivh was right when he said that the troll empire had deep roots, and Sharlayan did have ideas for some trolls.

But... not all the trolls can enter Sharlayan's eyes, he will only choose the trolls who are willing to stand with him to protect Azeroth.

It is perfectly normal for countries to have disputes and frictions for each other's interests. Sharlayan and Kael'thas never had the idea of ​​prosperity and ruin.

In Sharlayan's view, the countries of Azeroth can fight each other when there is no threat from foreign enemies, and it is not surprising that they are bloodied on the battlefield. After all, fighting is the nature of intelligent creatures.

However, in the face of a powerful enemy like the Burning Legion that threatens the existence of the entire planet, as members of Azeroth, all countries should temporarily put aside their conflicts and turn their guns to the outside world.

What Sharlayan disliked the most was the kind of insidious people who couldn't recognize the situation, and secretly stabbed their comrades in the back when facing the invasion of foreign enemies.

"I can understand your thoughts."

Sharlayan sighed lightly: "It's not that I don't want to win trolls over. I've really offered olive branches to other troll empires besides forest trolls."

Medivh nodded lightly: "I heard that the Gurubashi Empire dominated by the Darkspear trolls has a good relationship with Quel'Thalas. The forest trolls... let's not mention it for now."

The pedantic Medivh is not a person who owes his emotional intelligence. He knows very well that the high elves and forest trolls who have had a bloody feud for more than 7,000 years will never be reconciled. Only the complete fall of one party will end this years of hatred.

In fact, Sharlayan did exactly that.

Facing the second attack by the Drakkari trolls instigated by the Zandalari, the high elves who still won the victory responded very restrainedly.

After several months of tugging, the two sides finally formally signed a peace agreement, neither of them took much advantage of the negotiation, and the status quo was maintained in the borders of each other's territories in Northrend.

...In other words, Drakalai still failed to take back the lost Dak'Saron Fortress.

This is already enough face for Quel'Thalas.

Turn your head and look at the forest trolls who suffered annihilation in the Battle of the Hinterlands not long ago.

Sharlayan was ruthless when facing this group of old enemies. By annihilating the two most powerful clans of forest trolls, Deadwood and Evilbranch, Sharlayan completely interrupted the hope of the Amani Empire's resurgence.

Apart from the Rotten Moss clan that may face Lordaeron's siege at any time, the current forest trolls can't even bring out a decent large clan.

As for the small clans like Evil Tooth, which had no deep-rooted hatred for the high elves, they took the initiative to join them in a very sensible way, and Sharlayan had no intention of killing them all.

In addition to the three major trolls subdividing the empire, the Sandfury trolls far away in Kalimdor can also be regarded as a major separatist force.

Unfortunately, the high elves also established a stronghold in the South Seaport not far from Zul'Farrak, the home of the Sandfury trolls.

Although the port is nominally managed by the tauren, allies of the high elves, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Quel'Thalas attaches great importance to the South Sea port.

After all, this oil transportation route is related to the pockets of Sharlayan and Quel'Thalas, so it is impossible to ignore it.

Medivh lowered his head and pondered for a while before asking Sharlayan thoughtfully, "Give me a letter of approval."

"Sharlayan, how do you plan to deal with the Zandalari Empire?"

Sharlayan smiled noncommittally: "That depends on what kind of attitude they plan to have with Quel'Thalas... and even the nations of Azeroth."

"If the Zandalari still can't recognize the current international situation... Unfortunately, I can only continue to beat them until those guys who are still immersed in the glory of their ancestors fully wake up."

Medivh shook his head with a wry smile.

From the perspective of the interests of the entire Azeroth, Medivh doesn't think there is anything wrong with Sharlayan's approach.

After all, no one wants to be stabbed in the back when they are busy dealing with the demons of the Burning Legion.

Zandalari under the escrow of the Prophet Zul still cannot abandon the obsolete ambition of rebuilding the troll empire and dominating Azeroth.

That being the case, Sharlayan could only be patient and deal with them slowly until the Zandalari's proud spine was completely broken and they learned to recognize reality.

Objectively speaking, Zandalari's background is really good. God King Rastakhan and Prophet Zul who pretended to be crazy and foolish are both outstanding people whose strength has reached the peak of mortals. The members of the Zandalari Council are also elite fighters at the epic level.

In addition, according to the information provided by Vol'jin who was studying in Zandalar, Princess Talanji, the heir to the empire, has outstanding talents and has stepped into the epic realm at a young age.

You must know that the strength of Wojin, who is also an epic, is all fought on the battlefield. Years of struggle between life and death have allowed him to grow faster than ordinary trolls.

What about Talanji?

It's not that this Zandalari princess is a flower in a greenhouse, but as the heir of Zandalar, her combat experience is far inferior to that of the Darkspear prince who fought all the way to the top.

Even so, Talanji's strength was only slightly inferior to the experienced Vol'jin, which Sharlayan couldn't help but pay attention to.

It is preliminarily speculated that this should be some kind of special benefit after the descendants of the god-king family signed a contract with the kings Loalezan, which can speed up their growth.

Trolls don't have a long lifespan like the elves, and generations of Zandalari can't survive from ancient times to the present like Malfurion and others.

Excluding the night elves and the open high elves, the combat power of the two peak mortals is also the undisputed leader among all mortal countries.

Given a choice, Sharlayan doesn't want to completely abolish the Zandalari.

Let alone the old prophets who have no potential to be tapped.

Due to the contract with the kings Loa, the lifespan of the god kings in the past is much longer than that of ordinary trolls.

The current God King Rastakha is over 200 years old and still looks like a middle-aged man.

If he can be persuaded to join the Defenders of Azeroth camp, it is not impossible to break through the limits of mortals and become a demigod.

Of course, the premise is that Rastakhan has really figured it out, otherwise Sharlayan would not be able to take the act of sharing breakthrough experience and resources.

After thinking about the cause and effect, Medivh sighed lightly: "As long as you have a plan in mind, I am really afraid that you will drive out all the trolls because of the hatred of your ancestors."

Sharlayan laughed and complained, "Do you think I'm a bloodthirsty murderer?"

"Since I bear the trust of Xinghun, of course I have to consider the issue from a higher perspective."

"Zandalari is the oldest native mortal civilization in the history of Azeroth, and strictly speaking, it is related to the elves."

"Even if I don't like the race of trolls because of the forest trolls, I should let them make the best use of them anyway."


A few people chatted all the way to the sky above Shattrath City, and A'dal, who was sitting in the center of the city, felt the familiar breath of life in Sariya early on.

He took the initiative to let go of the enchantment covering the whole city, allowing Sharlayan to land directly on the Holy Light Square in the middle ring of Shattrath.

It needs to be mentioned here by the way that not all the arakkoa moved to Azeroth with the large army.

Many arakkoa exiles who are unwilling to leave their hometown choose to continue to live in Shattrath City. Besides, there are also a very small number of high-level arakkoa who settle here.

After the huge griffin landed and turned back into a human form, the arakkoa who were hiding in the dark and observing outsiders all noticed the pitch-black "walking crow".

"Father God Ansu?"

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