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Chapter 1448 The Consequences of Ordering Two Sects

After actually getting his hands on it, Mephistros discovered that there was a big problem with his calculations.

Sharlayan and Illidan are indeed both level 63. Judging from the level of energy emanating from them, it is difficult to tell whether they are higher.

However, due to some objective reasons, Illidan can only exert 60-70% of his strength at most. It would be nice if the different energies do not conflict with each other. It is undoubtedly a luxury to hope that they can cooperate sincerely to fight against the enemy.

Sarlayan is different. His current strength is obtained step by step based entirely on his own perception. There is no situation where he cannot exert his strength.

Habitual thinking kills people.

When Mephistros and Kurul fought against Sarlayan based on the standard of dealing with Illidan, at the moment the battle began, the two men who clearly had the numerical advantage were suppressed by Sarlayan, who was well prepared.

underestimate the enemy? nonexistent.

The lion still needs all his strength to fight the rabbit. After knowing the identities of the two from the barrage, Sarlayan did not hesitate when he took action and increased the intensity of the two from the beginning.


The Valajar sword in Sarlayan's right hand collided with the giant Legion sword in Kurul's hand. Kurul, who was already inferior in strength, did not go all out, and was injected into the sword by Sarlayan in one move. The huge force shook his center of gravity.

It was only then that Kurul, who could no longer attack in a short period of time, recognized the reality with wide eyes.

"How can it be?!"

At the same time, Sarlayan used the posture of leaning forward to exert force, and threw the balance staff that suddenly deformed and gathered in his left hand with all his strength towards Mephistros who was hiding behind and casting a spell.

Mephistros, who was also shocked, desperately took back his casting posture and moved sideways to the left.

However, this weapon that looked like a staff but was actually a spear still penetrated the fleshy wing on the right side of Mephistroth. The force of the spear threw the relatively "frail" Dread Lord off the spot. Fall to the ground.

The first round of the fight had yielded a major result, and Sarlayan wanted to take advantage of the victory and kill these two people on the spot.

However, after thinking calmly, he decided to focus on the overall situation and there was no need to risk two heads in an unfamiliar enemy's lair.

After temporarily forcing back Kurul and Mephistros, Sarlayan took advantage of the situation and walked away, calmly returning to the embarrassed coalition soldiers.


Sarlayan, who was holding the sword in his right hand, raised his left hand in the air. The balance staff that penetrated Mephitus and was inserted into the ground began to tremble violently, and soon rushed out of the ground and quickly approached Sarlayan's direction.

After firmly catching the Staff of Balance, Sarlayan crossed the two weapons in front of him in a defensive posture, and stared at Mephistros, who had just climbed up from the ground, and Kurul, who had a look of surprise on his face. .

As we all know, there is no harmonious coexistence between different demon races.

Kurul and Mephistros did not cooperate tacitly, and the two had differences of opinion on whether to advance or retreat.

The brave and fearless Kurul believed that he should continue to advance and leave Sarlayan with the remnants of the army, otherwise he would not be able to explain to the fraudsters who had laid the trap behind the scenes.

The scheming Mephistros believed that he should adapt to the situation on the battlefield.

The enemy is obviously ready to evacuate, and continuing to attack will only be a meaningless waste of troops.

Instead of wasting time and energy on meaningless sacrifices, it is better to think about how to write a report to Lord Kil'jaeden in order to escape the punishment of mission failure.

When Nasrezim and Ereduin face the same thing, their handling methods will be very different due to their different racial cultures.

Until Sharlayan escorted the last wounded tauren soldier with a broken left hand into the portal, the two demon leaders still could not agree on an opinion.

In this case, Sarlayan did not intend to continue spending time with them here, and flew upside down into the evil energy portal as soon as he stepped off.

On the other side, with the help of Medivh, Shahras and others have methodically eliminated the legion's vanguard who lost their support.

As the coalition forces returned to join the battle, the demon vanguard who was attacked from both sides was quickly killed.

Illidan, who was seriously injured and unable to move, still gritted his teeth and refused to faint. At this time, he was speechless. He used his last remaining strength to raise his trembling left hand and pointed at the unclosed evil energy portal.

Sharlayan understood what Illidan meant, and he still guarded the front position of the portal.


"I'm coming."

The astral mage Madi Wenwen is very knowledgeable. During the time when he was possessed by Sargeras, he unexpectedly gained a strong affinity for evil energy.

Sharlayan didn't know how this guy did it. He could actually maintain a delicate balance between the forces belonging to chaos and order in his body, which allowed Medivh to seamlessly switch between arcane and fel spellcasting.

With the knowledge gained from the memory of Sargeras, Medivh immediately restricted the continued expansion of the Fel Portal as soon as he took action, and in turn, its exit quickly became smaller.

In just one minute, the evil energy portal that left Illidan and Shahras helpless was easily closed by Medivh.

After letting go of the heavy stone in his heart, Illidan, who was seriously injured, fell to the ground and passed out on the spot. The scene was full of chaos.

When Shahrath hurriedly picked up Illidan and planned to take him back to the palace in the central area to heal his injuries, Medivh took two steps sideways and came to Sarlayan's side.

"Salayan, this matter..."

"Well, I know there's something fishy."

Looking at the retreating figures of Shahras and others, Sarlayan said meaningfully: "This ambush was prepared by the Burning Legion in advance, in order to once and for all eradicate Illidan, the scourge of igniting fires everywhere."

Medivh frowned and asked, "The question is, how could the Burning Legion know Illidan's whereabouts?"

"I asked Shahras before. The planets Illidan goes to for each expedition are randomly selected temporarily. Even she, the general manager, doesn't know the specific itinerary of Illidan, let alone the spies in the Black Temple. .”

"Well." Sarlayan touched his chin thoughtfully: "It's probably Kil'jaeden who deliberately threw some kind of bait. He determined in advance that Illidan would definitely bite the hook, and arranged the target in advance. A sexual web."

"I met two semi-god-level demon leaders in the opposite world. One is the Dread Lord Mephistros and the other is the Doom Lord Kurul."

A look of understanding appeared on Medivh's face: "Two against one? No wonder Illidan is so embarrassed."

Sharlayan complained angrily: "The enemy's ambush is only one of the reasons. Illidan himself also has to bear a lot of responsibility."

"Why is it that I can escape from the opposite side even though it's one-on-one?"

"In the final analysis, that guy underestimated the enemy, and his control of his own power could not keep up with the growth of his strength. He could not even display 70% of his combat effectiveness."

Medivh smiled and spread his hands: "This is the path he chose. He can only continue to improve his strength through this evil way."

Sarlayan shook his head and continued: "I have no intention of interfering with his choice, but he should at least stop and stabilize his too vain combat power, otherwise... this encounter may be just the beginning."

Medivh agreed with a serious expression: "Now that the Deceiver has diverted his attention, the difficulty of Illidan's next actions will inevitably increase significantly."

"After Archimonde's death, since Sargeras temporarily ignored the government, all the management work of the Burning Legion fell on Kil'jaeden alone."

"The deceiver, who is busy with everything, probably doesn't have the time to take action himself, but the demigod demons he arranged alone are enough for Illidan to drink."

"So." Sarlayan sneered: "We cannot be led by Kil'jaeden."

"When Illidan wakes up, let's talk to him privately. Next, he must change his previous unplanned action pattern."

"It just so happens that if we can lock down the star sector where Marton is located, the world that needs to be explored can be greatly reduced."

"I have a hunch that after exploring three more worlds at most, we can successfully find the Sargrith Keystone."

"At that time, we will have the initiative to blow the counterattack clarion call." (End of this chapter)

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