Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1451 Sarlayan: I have a bold idea, but I won’t say it for now

"The witch coven..."

Sarlayan rubbed his temples with a headache.

In terms of combat ability alone, Xivalla, commonly known as the Demon of Destruction, can only be ranked in the middle among the many demon races of the Burning Legion.

But these multi-handed demons are all experts in torture. Without possessing an entity, even the Titan Soul, which is a true god, cannot withstand their various methods.

The Witch Coven was originally established to punish the erring demons among the Burning Legion. After countless years of accumulation, even the unruly demons would tremble when they heard the name of the Witch Coven.

Sarlayan learned the news from the barrage that Varimathras, the elite of the Nasrezim clan, would be thrown to the Witch Coven for punishment in the future due to failure of the mission.

This guy's entire human skin and part of his flesh and blood were ripped off alive by members of the witch coven. Because he endured cruel torture that exceeded the limit of mental endurance, when the foot men saw him again, this poor fear devil had completely Madness.

According to the information provided by the barrage, Avenger Aggramar was the first among all the Titans to succumb to the torture of the Coven.

If Sargeras is given enough time, he might be able to rebuild a Chaos Pantheon.

Except for Eonar, who was joined by Aman'Thul and others to cover their escape, all the Titans were captured by Sargeras and taken back to their home base - Antorus, the Burning Throne on the planet Argus.

Sargeras wanted to personally sit in Antorus and preside over the corruption ceremony of the corrupted Titan. For this reason, he even temporarily gave up his obsession with Azeroth.

With Sargeras himself unable to dispatch, Archimonde dead, and Kil'jaeden too busy coordinating the Legion's affairs, the Fallen Titan handed over the task of searching for Eonar's whereabouts to those directly under his management. The Coven of Shivalla.

Illidan is not sure whether the coven has really found clues about Eonar. After all, he only heard about it and cannot further verify the authenticity.

But for such a matter of great importance, Sarlayan would rather believe it. It is better to prepare in advance than to panic when the end comes.


"I am here."

Sarlayan looked thoughtfully at the butler who had accepted Illidan's fate in person and asked: "As a member of the Shivalla clan, do you have any channels to inquire about the relevant information of the Witch Coven?"


Shahras was silent for a while before nodding with difficulty: "If I just confirm the authenticity of this piece of information alone, I might be able to take a risk and try it through the contacts I accumulated in my early years, but I can't guarantee success. "

"This is enough."

Sarlayan sighed softly: "After all, the Witch Guild is a spy organization directly under Sargeras, and it is not that easy to penetrate."

"You don't even need to risk putting your tentacles into the witch coven. You just need to determine their movements in the recent period through your old acquaintances."

Shahras's eyes lit up: "Yes, once they take action, they will definitely leave traces. I will make arrangements right away!"

Watching Shahrath leave in a hurry, Illidan continued to ask Sharlayan: "If the coven really finds Eonar's sanctuary, what are you going to do next?"

"Don't worry, let me think about it first."

Sarlayan forced himself to calm down and thought for a moment before giving an answer.

"Even if only a weak soul body is left, the Titan is still a true god-level existence. If the witches want to capture Eonar, they will not be able to succeed without making a lot of sacrifices."

Illidan nodded thoughtfully: "I understand what you mean."

"Even if Eonar's sanctuary is attacked by the Witch Association first, the legion will not be able to break through the defense network laid out by Eonar in a short period of time."

"Thinking about it from another angle, we can actually determine the specific location of Eonar by tracking the actions of the Witch Coven."

"As long as we can assist the Mother of the Gods in repelling the Burning Legion's attack, we may be able to take this opportunity to bring her to Azeroth to take charge."

Sarlayan nodded approvingly: "Blessings come from disasters, and misfortunes come from blessings."

"Everything in the world has pros and cons. If you analyze it from different angles, you may gain different results."

Medivh also pondered at this moment and said: "At least in the next few years, Azeroth will not be able to mobilize all its troops to counterattack Argus."

"In this case, we might as well rescue Eonar and take her back to Azeroth temporarily."

"With the protection of the planet barrier set up by the Pantheon, Azeroth should be the most suitable place for Eonar to cultivate in the entire universe."

"Even if Sargeras knew that Eonar had escaped to Azeroth, without being able to break the barrier, he would have no choice but to follow his previous approach and let low-level demons infiltrate in and find a way to open it from the inside to welcome the Legion. The main door.”

"Speaking of which..."

Medivh turned to look at Sharlayan with a solemn expression: "Salayan, Quel'Thalas must protect the Sunwell."

"Both the World Tree Nordrassil and the New Well of Eternity have become history in the Battle of Hyjal. Now the only giant energy source left in Azeroth is the Sunwell."

"No." Sarlayan's eyes flickered: "The Burning Legion has another option - the Nightwell created by the Nightborne of Suramar through the Eye of Aman'Thul."

Medivh was stunned for a moment. He saw some strange signs from the changes in Sarlayan's eyes.

"Wait! Do you want to..."

"Ha~" Sarlayan smiled noncommittally: "It's a little too early to consider this now. Things have to be dealt with one by one. Let's focus on the present first."

The riddle that Sharlayan and Medivh did not explain completely made Illidan, who was already bad-tempered, a little unhappy.

However, he also knows something about Sarlayan. If he doesn't say it now, it means that it is not the best time to tell the truth.

After rescuing Illidan, Sharlayan came to Draenor and the three major goals he planned to complete were at a standstill at the same time. He could only wait patiently for the follow-up progress of the situation.

In order to ensure that the Burning Legion would not follow the clues and investigate in reverse, Shahras was very cautious when contacting old acquaintances in the Legion, which would inevitably lead to low efficiency in her intelligence acquisition.

Shahras was unable to produce results in a short period of time, so there was no point in continuing to stay in the Dark Temple.

Before leaving, Sharlayan specifically warned Illidan, asking him to be careful of the spies from all sides in the Black Temple and not to alert the enemy prematurely.

At the same time, he also asked Illidan to secretly send people out to find the whereabouts of the Ashtongue Deathsworn, and with the help of Akama and other Broken Ones who had converted to the Path of Shadow, he would rebuild an exclusive intelligence agency serving the Dark Temple.

Illidan's physical exhaustion cannot be recovered in a short time, and there is nothing to do anyway. He readily agreed to Sharlayan's suggestion and sent his own demon hunters to secretly go out to gather information.

Sarlayan temporarily parted ways with Medivh after leaving the Black Temple.

Medivh will next go to Shattrath as a representative of Sharlayan and entrust Adal to arrange manpower to participate in the search.

Sarlayan personally went to Nagrand and met with the head of the alliance stationed in Tara and Matron Gaiaan who was stationed in Galadar.

Since the Battle of the Dark Portal killed Kazzak and the last group of demons remaining in Draenor, the Burning Legion's remaining troops in Draenor have been very sparse and can only huddle in Kil'gar in the northern part of the Hellfire Peninsula. The throne of Dan is still alive.

The Mag'har orcs who have recently stayed in Hellfire Peninsula are discussing with the Alliance defenders of Honor Keep. The two sides plan to join forces to completely attack Kil'jaeden's throne and eradicate the Burning Legion's last stronghold in Draenor.

Without exception, the three Mag'har brothers, including Garrosh, all went to Hellfire Peninsula to prepare for the war. Gaiaan, who was not good at it, sent his precious apprentice Agnar there to assist the three. Tiehanhan who has muscles in his brain.

For the upcoming war, a large number of Mag'har's main forces followed the three military leaders to the Hellfire Peninsula.

When Sarlayan arrived at Garadar, the Mag'har orcs' stronghold seemed a little deserted.

"I see."

After listening to Sarlayan's explanation, Mistress Gaiaan, who had a problem with her legs, readily agreed.

"I will send Garadar's left-behind scouts to help you find the Ashtongue Deathsworn. After all... the appearance of the Broken Ones has nothing to do with the orcs. It can be regarded as atonement for our kindred."


Gaiaan, who is already very old, has long been blind. At this time, she "looked" in the direction of Sarlayan with a pair of dull eyes.

"Grand Duke Deep Shadow, I second son Durotan's long-lost youngest son survived by luck? And he's in Azeroth?"

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