Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1463 Reserved A'dal

Gruul, the dragon slayer, is very strong personally, but because he has been squatting in Gorgrond as a mountain sculpture all year round, his overall view is limited by his relatively narrow should be said to be very narrow.

If the person who sent the invitation hadn't been Sharlayan, who had defeated him, Gruul wouldn't have come all the way to attend what he thought was an extremely boring meeting.

Instead of discussing so many things that are not available, it is better to get started directly.

When he first heard that Draenor was facing an existential crisis, Gruul didn't quite understand the concept. It took a long time for Jaina's painstaking explanation to make his brain turn around.

Again, Gruul is not stupid, but his vision and knowledge are limited because of the narrow circle of life.

Gruul didn't understand the meaning of the survival of the world, and Jaina told him in plain language.

If the potential threat caused by the ancient gods is not resolved, even if they hide in the Blade's Edge Mountains far away from Alanka, Gruul and his group cannot escape the fate of extinction.

Out of biological instinct, Gruul didn't want to die.

He decided to respond to the boss's call to attend this tripartite meeting, trying to avoid those bad futures for Draenor as much as possible.

Unlike Gruul, who is simple and honest on the outside, Adal and Ansu have long been aware of the current situation.

Although the fel pollution in Draenor is still serious, with the efforts of the druids who came from Azeroth to improve it, it should be possible to curb or even reverse the current situation of Draenor's continuous erosion within a hundred years.

Without the protection of the planetary barrier, the threat of the Burning Legion cannot be underestimated.

However, Draenor is too far away from Argus, the base camp of the Burning Legion.

Everyone knows that it is impossible for Kil'jaeden to spend a lot of time and energy to send all the main force of the legion to Draenor.

The existence of Draenor can contain the partial forces of the Burning Legion to a certain extent, but the main direction of the Legion's attack will inevitably be on Azeroth.

If Sharlayan unites the owners to turn Azeroth into a single barrel, the deceitful deceitful people who have nowhere to go may really gather their troops and rush to Draenor.

But... As the saying goes, too much is too much, and it is better to be sparse than to be blocked.

Sharlayan does not intend to completely seal off the possibility of the Burning Legion entering Azeroth.

On the contrary, he intends to wait until Azeroth's military potential is almost recovered, and then take the initiative to show his flaws to lure the legion army into Azeroth.

It would be best to lure Kil'jaeden in as well.

Among the three giants of the Burning Legion, Archimonde was dead, and Sargeras, who had a better choice, had no intention of resurrecting him at all.

Excluding Sargeras, who was busy corrupting the souls of the Titans, only Kil'jaeden had the ability and prestige to dispatch the legion demons throughout the universe.

There is an old saying in another world that a snake cannot do without a head.

If we can find a way to lure Kil'jaeden out of the devil's comfort zone, with Azeroth's existing high-end combat power, it is entirely possible to send the fraudster's soul back to Argus and reunite with Archimonde.

Yes, Archimonde's soul is still in Argus waiting to be resurrected.

The souls of all demons are forcibly bound in the Twisting Nether, and unless they encounter strong enough external interference, they will never be freed without the permission of Sargeras.

In other words, Archimonde's soul still maintains self-awareness, but he is trapped in Argus and cannot move freely.

Sarlayan and Danmaku discussed this matter specifically, and finally came to the conclusion that... the person who tied the bell must be untied.

If you want the demons to return to the normal cycle of life and death, the only way is to defeat and seal Sargeras, and also solve the source of the resurrection, Titan Argus.

The titan Argus was the first titan ever to be completely corrupted from astral form.

Under the endless torture of Sargeras, Argus completely lost his self-awareness, and would only act in accordance with Sargeras' orders.

The Burning Legion bestowed on this sad titan a dreadful title - the Unmaker.

Although Argus's strength is much lower than that of the orthodox Titans due to his stunted growth, he is still a true god at a fair price.

Sharlayan and Barrage refer to it as the God's Keeper.

[Thinking about it this way, if you don't make corresponding preparations in advance, the difficulty of counterattacking Argus will undoubtedly be hell. 】

[No wonder Xiao Sa wanted to lure Kil'jaeden to Azeroth in advance to solve it. Without the command of the Big Three, it would be unrealistic to mobilize their huge military power like a finger. 】

[When the main force of the legion was unable to return to Argus due to the chaotic command system, Azeroth was able to desperately transport the superior force to Argus, bringing a big surprise to Sargeras who was obsessed with corrupting his compatriots. 】

[However, it is still very difficult to achieve the plan smoothly. 】

[It's all about human effort, you can't just say it's too difficult and stop doing it, right? Sitting passively is the worst way to cope. 】

Sharlayan briefly explained the current situation of Draenor and the possible future threats to Adal, Ansu, and Gruul who could not understand, and then changed the subject and mentioned Gorn hiding in the seabed. slim Shady.

"According to my understanding of the Old Gods, Gorn'am's current state is very wrong."

Sharlayan said to the three representatives of Draenor in front of him with a serious expression: "I boldly guess that Gorn-Am may be re-adapting to the special environment where Draenor is eroded by evil energy."

"If we let him go through this stage smoothly, we will probably face an ancient god manipulating evil energy in the future."

The Legion of Holy Light has roamed the universe for many years, and of course Adal has heard of the notorious Ancient God.

Ever since he led the storm fleet to Draenor, Adal didn't know that there were also ancient gods in Draenor.

"I didn't expect that this planet that has been tormented by evil energy actually hosts the ancient gods."

Adal's tone was quite dignified: "Sharlayan's worries are not groundless. According to the understanding of the Legion of Holy Light, the Old God is a species with strong adaptability to the environment."

"If this ancient god named Gorn Amu is allowed to hide under the surface to complete his self-reform, Draenor's future will inevitably face a more serious threat."

"I agree with Sharlayan's plan. We must destroy Gorn Amu before he finishes his self-reformation."

"But the problem now is..." Ansu said with a bit of a headache: "We don't know how deep Goen Am's roots have penetrated into Draenor. Will killing him directly be harmful to Draenor's life?" Ecologically devastating."

"About this." A'dal confidently gave a solution: "When my storm fleet came to Draenor, it brought some special instruments, including a super-large device that can detect the planet's mantle layer."

'oh? '

Sharlayan looked at the jigsaw puzzle of Holy Light with great interest: 'In other words, the storm fleet sent to Azeroth is almost a blank slate? It's not too much of a surprise. '

The deal negotiated between Sharlayan and Adal only mentioned the ownership of the Storm Fleet, and did not require him to deliver the precious equipment brought along with the Legion of Light to Azeroth.

A'dal probably still has backup. If Draenor really encounters a crisis that is difficult to overcome, he can always call the hidden ships hiding in the star area near Draenor to send all the personnel and equipment of the Holy Light Legion. Walk.

Sharlayan didn't think that Adal's concealment was malicious, he was only cautious out of precaution.

According to Adal, the mantle detection equipment provided by the Legion of Light can roughly describe the shape of Goen Amu's deep underground.

After the imaging results come out, Sarlayan and others can decide the most suitable treatment method according to the actual situation.

However, the process from detection to imaging will take about a month, and right now Sarlayan can only wait patiently for the results to come out.

Rarely away from the Blade's Edge Mountains, Gruul plans to wander around Draenor and go to Nagrand to see his rebellious eldest son Dunn.

However, before departure, Gruul had a fight with Adal as he wished under the lead of Sarayan.

The result of this battle made Gruul very depressed.

Because he couldn't break through Adal's defense.

As the second in command of the Holy Light Legion, Adal's absolute strength is still higher than that of Sharlayan.

However, considering the cooperation with the Mother of the Holy Light, this powerful Tangram of the Holy Light is a purely auxiliary way.

Adal's defensive and auxiliary abilities are full, but his offensive ability is almost zero.

This made the sparring between him and Gruer very funny, they could only scrape each other crazily, which made Gruer very angry.

Sharlayan, who had witnessed the battle with his own eyes, had a twinkle in his eyes. He thought about it on a whim. Maybe he could send Adal, who was weak in defense, to the front line as an attraction in the subsequent battle with Gorn Amu. A meat shield of firepower.

...Anyway, there is a high probability that Gao En'am will not be able to break through the defense of this old turtle, so that it will provide others with the opportunity to attack with all their strength.

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