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Chapter 1506 Yrel’s life-defying combo

Sarlayan could only smile bitterly at Melinsela's complaints. After all, this was indeed a stupid thing he had done before.

In the words of barrage...hardness cannot be sustained, and softness cannot be maintained.

Trying your best for every blow in battle is the most common mistake for rookies. Sarlayan also had a green rookie period... and due to special reasons, his rookie period lasted longer than ordinary people.

Sarlayan didn't want to talk about the old memories of his brain-dead days at this time, so he coughed lightly and brought the topic back up.

"Thanks to the strange-shaped two-handed sword, Mandokir's skill and power ratio are similar to Lothar's, and they have also achieved the most balanced 50-50 split."

"I have to say that this last chief who was born at the wrong time does have two skills... It's a pity that learning martial arts can't save Gurubashi."

[God's TM Xuewu can't save the Gurubashi, I, Zhou, have something to say! 】

[What does what you Zhou Shuren said have to do with me, Lu Xun? (funny)】

Although Sarlayan's joke caused a burst of complaints from the barrage, his words hit the mark on Mandokir's life trajectory.

Having won the title of Gurubashi's strongest warrior at a young age, Mandokir is indeed proud of himself.

However, long before Mandokir was born, the once dominant Gurubashi clan had embarked on an irreversible decline.

This situation cannot be reversed by just one powerful warrior.

...Of course, it would be another matter if Mandokir could be strong enough to break through the limits of mortals.

After becoming a demigod, Mandokir can completely wipe out the clans such as Blood Top and Skull Splitting, which have long bones on the back of their heads.

Eliminate the few big clans that took the lead in jumping out to act as monsters, and the other grassroots will not be a concern.

However, it is a pity that Mandokir did not break through that door, and it was destined that he would not be able to turn the tide on his own.

Even if we push back the time to the heyday of the Gurubashi clan, Mandokir and Jindu can be regarded as outstanding figures.

However, under the ruthless crushing of the wheel of the times, the power of individuals is ultimately small.

Gurubashi... even to zoom in, all troll clans except Zandalari have the same problem.

They have been stuck in their ways for too long and failed to keep up with the development of the times.

To this day, many troll clans still use the ancient customs left by their ancestors more than 10,000 years ago, clinging to the outdated traditions that have long since become moldy and unwilling to let go.

More than 10,000 years ago, the trolls learned the "Help me, Loa" tactic, and they still used the same method when encountering a crisis 10,000 years later.

Oh, no.

They also developed some crooked voodoo spells, such as usurping Loa's power for their own use.

However this doesn't mean much.

So far, Sarlayan has never seen a demigod Loa killed by the troll's sorcery.

Narolak, Gayalai, and Ekilsson are all second-tier Loa without exception. Their strength has reached the pinnacle of mortals at most, and they are not completely invincible.

The only function of usurping the power of Loa is to ensure that the person who holds the power of Loa is his confidant and will not turn around and run away at the critical moment.

From Sarlayan's current perspective, this set of voodoo spells to sacrifice Loa was really useless and would not play a decisive role in reversing the situation.

Unless Jindu and Mandokir can make up their minds to overthrow tradition and work hard to absorb useful knowledge from outside like the Darkspear Trolls, otherwise... the fate of the Gurubashi clan is actually doomed.

The Darkspear clan started from a small family, and they can learn advanced knowledge and ideas from outsiders without any scruples.

The Gurubashi, whose ancestors were once rich, couldn't do it on airs.

Then there is nothing more to say.

Sen'jin learned a new method of shaking people, and after uniting a large number of small and medium-sized clans that were oppressed by the big clans, he succeeded with the full support of the Steamwheedle Consortium and Quel'Thalas who was hiding behind the scenes, and overthrew the decadent clan. Ruled by the Gurubashi clan.

Even if Jindu's plan to risk everything can develop as he expected, Sharlayan does not believe that the Gurubashi clan can really be restored to power.

Because the Darkspear clan stood behind the increasingly powerful Quel'Thalas, it was impossible for Sharlayan to watch helplessly as the nails that had finally been driven into the troll's interior were so easily pried open.

To sum up, Mandokir's personal strength did not help much in the Gurubashi's collapse. At most, it only delayed the outbreak of conflicts.

Sarlayan was more curious about the strange-looking sword in Mandokir's hand.

From the barrage discussion, he learned the name of this great sword - Sinros Destroyer of Realms, one of the few epic weapons in the Gurubashi treasure house.

Nowadays, Sarlayan no longer looks down on epic weapons.

But for the vast majority of mortals in Azeroth, epic weapons are already the highest quality weapons they have access to.

After all, artifacts are not a big deal. Even in a country as rich as Quel'Thalas, there are only a few artifacts preserved to this day, and most of them are stored in the Sunstrider family's treasury.

It needs to be made clear here that there are differences between artifacts.

For example, the Pillars of Creation, made by the Titans themselves, are undoubtedly the highest artifacts that stand at the pinnacle of Azeroth.

Even if ordinary people are lucky enough to get it, their life span will be shortened if they forcefully use the Pillar of Creation.

Hun the Elder, who drove the Hammer of Khaz'goroth to banish Deathwing, is an example.

Among the artifacts collected in Quel'Thalas, the one with the highest quality is undoubtedly the sword passed down from generation to generation by the Sunstrider family - Flamestrike.

Then there is the legacy of Thasdorla Windrunner, the ancestor of the Windrunner family, and Solidar Wrath of the Stars, inherited from the Dark Night Empire.

Oh, by the way, we also need to include the Eagle's Claw and the Spear of the Wild Gods, which is now being kept by Vereesa.

As for the few treasures that the barrage nicknamed Kael'thas' seven weapons, such as the long bow of the soul string, the endless blade, the phase barrier, etc., they are all at the bottom of the artifacts.

The sister swords of the upper-tier Dragonforged Blades, Quel'Sera and Quel'Delar, are the top of the epic weapons, and are not much worse than those weaker artifacts.

After being recast, Quel'Sera lived a second life in Valeera's hands and officially entered the realm of artifacts.

And because the materials used in recasting are very precious, today's Quel'Sera is not something that low-level artifacts can easily touch.

Sinros Destroyer of Worlds danced like a tiger in the hands of Mandokir. Mandokir, who perfectly combined strength and skill, temporarily suppressed Yrel without any surprise.

But... as long as Yrel's head can't be chopped off before Yrel's personal guards defeat the enemy and return to the rescue, no matter how much Mandokir performs, it will be useless.

After many practical tests, Yirel's method of fishing law enforcement has long been used proficiently.


Seeing the mysterious holy light rune suddenly appear on the head of Yrel, who was gradually unable to resist, Sarlayan rubbed his chin with interest: "Okay, congratulations to Mandokir for forcing Yrel's first A life-saving skill - protection blessing."

Blessing of Protection is one of the Paladin's three vital skills. Those who receive the blessing can be completely immune to all physical damage for a certain period of time.

Unfortunately, Mandokir is a pure warrior and has no magical means of breaking through the defenses protecting the Blessing.

Although during the existence of the Blessing of Protection, Yrel was unable to launch any attacks due to the principle of equal exchange, but she could at least give herself a few rounds of Holy Light to stop the bleeding from the cracked tiger's mouth and readjust the rhythm of the battle.

It needs to be emphasized here that in the real Azeroth, the mage's ice barrier will indeed cause the caster's body temperature to drop rapidly and cannot be reused in a short period of time.

But the Paladin does not have the debuff called "Self-discipline" that the barrage mentioned.

In other words...if necessary, Yrel can completely use Blessing of Protection, Divine Shield, Holy Blessing and Holy Healing.

There is no need for Sarlayan to explain in detail. Just by looking at the wails and sighs of the barrage, you can see how shameless this life-defying combo is.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

When Mandokir finally discovered the weakness of Protecting Blessing, he opened his mouth and let out a gut-wrenching roar in an attempt to restrict Yrel's movements to heal himself.

Yrel, who had many battle experiences with orc warriors, recognized Mandokir's starting posture and skillfully put a layer of holy shield on himself.

After finally waiting for the effect of the blessing of protection to end, Mandokir struck a giant blow right on the shield of Yrel, who was restrained by the gut-breaking roar and unable to move.



The shield exploded, returning the damage suffered at one time to Mandokir himself in the form of a more dispersed explosion.

It's not very harmful, but it's extremely insulting.

Sarlayan and others who were watching looked at the blood lord whose blood pressure was obviously rising with pity.

"Ha~" Onyxia curled her lips in a joking manner: "Want to kill a paladin of the same level who is in good condition and has rich combat experience in a short period of time? Who gave you the confidence? Hakkar?"

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