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Chapter 1510 The beautiful vision of the Earth Ring

Sen'jin, who had received advanced Zandalari education, considered himself a civilized man, and he didn't want to kill people just after he came to power.

However, Senjin's good intentions were regarded as weakness by some stupid fools.

Then there is nothing more to say.

I won't listen to you if I try to reason with you, but you insist on forcing me to use the ancient rules of the Gurubashi clan that respect the strong.

Okay, let's see who has the harder fist.

Anyway, I've already given you a warning. If you still dare to jump out and seek death, don't blame me for being merciless.

Sen'jin's strength may not be as strong as Mando Kil, the jungle troll's number one warrior, but it is more than enough to deal with those bastards with backbones on their heads.

Whether it's skull splitting or blood capping, none of the major jungle troll clans can find anyone who can defeat Sen'jin in a one-on-one battle.

For these ambitious rebels, if they don't take advantage of the fact that the Darkspear clan has not yet established itself as a powerful force, and finally make a big move, and wait until Prince Wojin, who has greater potential than Senjin, grows up... they will never have anything. A chance for a comeback.

According to Senjin’s prediction, it will take at least half a year to a year to “convince” the opposition one by one.

However, Senjin also made his own commitment.

As long as the Kingdom of Stormwind does not take the initiative to initiate provocation, he can guarantee that the jungle trolls will only stick to the border of Stranglethorn Vale and will never step beyond the thunder pool.

If so, it must be a rebel party, and they deserve to be killed by the Stormwind Kingdom who is guarding the border.

With Sharlayan's guarantee, Varian, who was in charge of Stormwind Fortress, had urgent discussions with his ministers for several days, and finally decided to accept the mediation of Archduke Deep Shadow.

Varian also made a promise to Valeera, who went to the Kingdom of Stormwind on behalf of Sharlayan, that as long as the jungle trolls did not invade the territory of Duskwood, the border guards of the Kingdom of Stormwind would not take the initiative to attack them.

The leaders of both sides reached an agreement through the air with the help of Sarlayan.

Considering that there was still some turmoil within the Gurubashi Empire, Varian was not in a hurry to withdraw his troops from the Dusk Forest in order to prevent some jungle troll clans from being forced to take the initiative to cause trouble.

However, he recalled Marshal Bolvar Fordragon from the front line, and Lieutenant General Marcus Jonathan took over Bolvar's leadership responsibilities, which could be regarded as cooling down the explosive situation on the front line.

Sharlayan was not interested in staying in Stranglethorn Vale to see how Senjin would catch the mole. He had more important things to do.

After meeting up with Valeera and Jaina who had returned from their mission, the three returned to the Broken Ones refuge camp in the Swamp of Sorrows.

Yrel has convinced the Broken Ones headed by Avern to move to Bluemyst Island.

However, before ensuring that they learn the new power of light to control the evil energy in their bodies, Yrel will not impatiently connect the Broken Ones to the new Shattrath, but will open a village for them to live temporarily outside the city.

Avern and Hilmi and other senior Brokers also expressed their understanding.

It would be too time-consuming to return to the continent of Kalimdor by boat. Sarlayan happened to be planning a trip to Kalimdor as well, so he might as well take this group of Broken Ones along the way.

Anyway, the total number of this group of Broken Ones is less than 1,000.

With two demigods providing energy, and Valeera, who possesses the power of space, providing coordinates, Jaina easily opened a large portal leading directly to New Shattrath.

After arriving at the magic network node outside the city of New Shattrath, Yrel immediately entered the city to meet with the prophet and the Council of Bishops, while Avern and Hilmi stayed outside the city to restrain the tribesmen.

Anyway, we are here, and Sarlayan also has something to discuss with the Ring of the Earth.

Leaving Jaina and Onyxia, who were uninterested in political dealings, outside the city, Sarlayan took Valeera and followed Yrel into New Shattrath.

Velen simply said hello to Sarlayan and Valeela. After listening to Yrel's detailed description, he immediately summoned the members of the Bishops' Council to the council hall to discuss decisions with a solemn expression.

There is no suspense about the outcome of this vote.

Not everyone agrees with Velen’s conservative and stable strategy.

Except for the mature and prudent Archbishop Maradar of Auchenai who abstained from voting, including Maradar who had just returned from Draenor to recuperate from his injuries, almost all members of the Council of Bishops agreed to keep these Broken Ones outside the city and open a separate place for them. settlement.

Archbishop Onala, a junior scholar, just followed the crowd and voted in favor and ignored it for the time being.

After hearing that her right-hand subordinate Hilmi was still alive, Ranger Archbishop Nellie agreed without hesitation. This grumpy old lady even wanted to rush out of the city to reunite with her old friend on the spot.

Shaman Archbishop Nobundo has nothing to say. He himself is a Broken One, and it is impossible for him to stand outside his own group and voice objections.

After Technician Archbishop Romul also voted in favor, Velen was a little helpless about the result of the vote.

He once again realized that his overly conservative governing policy was beginning to be out of date.

However, Velen was not too disappointed. In any case, it was his proud apprentice who led the change in the political trends of the draenei.

Velen, who is ready to retire, plans to use his remaining energy for the last time and pass on all the governance experience he has accumulated over the years to the young and inexperienced Yrel.

After the bishops' meeting ended, the bishops, who still had a lot of work to do, dispersed, and Velen also took Yrel out of the city to greet the group of Broken compatriots.

Apart from Sarlayan and Valeela, only Shaman Archbishop Nobundo remained in the council hall.

Nobundo knew why Sarlayan came to find him, and before Sarlayan could ask, he consciously reported the latest research results of the Ring of the Earth.

"The field investigation of the Earth Ring has produced results."

Nobundo said with a serious expression: "Our prediction is indeed correct. Near the large whirlpool near the entrance to the earth elemental world, it can be clearly felt that the activity of the elements is gradually increasing."

Sarlayan was not surprised by this.

The outbreak of the elemental tide is not an overnight success, but must be a slow accumulation process.

Sarlayan himself is not a shaman, and his perception of the elements is not keen.

Jaina is only a second-hand swordsman, and her elemental perception is far inferior to that of a genuine high-level shaman.

The Ring of the Earth is a neutral shaman organization founded by Nobundo, and has attracted shamans from various races to join it.

The Earthen Ring was founded to maintain the elemental balance of all known worlds, including Azeroth and Draenor.

Yes, not just the single planet Azeroth.

The Draenei who are planning to build a spaceship also want to help Argus, which has been deeply eroded by evil energy, regain life.

Sarlayan didn't want to throw cold water on the draenei who were still hopeful about this matter, but after being informed by the barrage, he knew in his heart that this was impossible.

Argus is hopeless.

Today's Argus is no longer the beautiful hometown described by Velen.

Although ordinary draenei are also immortals, they are at most similar to high elves, with a maximum lifespan of about 3,000 years.

The draenei fled from Argus more than 20,000 years ago, and the earliest generation of native Argus people had long since died.

To this day, only Wei Lun, whose life span is endless, can still remember the original scenery of his hometown.

Unfortunately, Argus, which was regarded as the base camp of the Burning Legion, can no longer return to its past. The planet has been completely corrupted from the inside out, and even the star soul has not been spared.

Sharlayan is not a person who lacks emotional intelligence, and he will not destroy the draenei's beautiful vision for the future face to face.

Moreover, sooner or later, the civilization of Azeroth will leave the cradle of its home star and move into the universe. Although the scope of the concept of the Earth Ring is a bit advanced, it is still appropriate.

Sarlayan frowned slightly and asked Nobundo: "Can you stop the process of gathering elemental energy?"

"No." Nobundo shook his head and explained: "According to our observations, the elemental tide is not entirely caused by the secret push of the ancient gods and kings of elements."

"In the final analysis, the gathering of elemental energy that affects the world is still due to the rhythm of the planet...or the star soul itself."

"The... rhythm of the star soul?"

When Sarlayan lowered his head thoughtfully and fell into deep thought, Valeera asked in shock: "What do you mean by this? Will the rhythm caused by the star soul affect itself?"

"Well..." Nobundo replied with a headache: "The Ring of the Earth doesn't know much about star souls, and we don't know the specific principles clearly."

"In short, according to the information provided by Prophet Velen and the Naaru, Star Soul will experience many twists and turns during its growth process, and the elemental tide is one of them."

"Because of the rhythm deep in the planet, the elemental power of Azeroth will become more and more intense and active."

"When the power of the elements accumulates to a certain level, there will inevitably be an explosion process."

"What the Ancient God N'Zoth wants to do is to hold the timing of the outbreak in his own hands."

"For example, the Azeroth Star Soul has already planted the explosives, and N'zoth just stole the trigger that ignited the explosives."

"So..." Sarlayan finally came back to his senses and looked at Nobundo with twinkling eyes: "We can find a way to steal the triggering rights from N'Zoth, and even limit the outbreak range of the elemental tide to where we are. Within the allowable range?”

Seeing that Sarlayan had come up with a solution in a short period of time, Nobundo showed a happy smile on his face: "That's absolutely correct." (End of this chapter)

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