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Chapter 1515: Favor debt is difficult to repay

Fandral's desire to express himself was so strong that, except for Tyrande who was worried about gain and loss, any normal person could tell that this guy had something hidden in his heart.

Just as Sarlayan expected, after several years of hard research, Fandral's research team finally overcame the final difficulty of the new Arcandor.

This kind of Akandor was specially researched for Naga, aiming to use the gentle and stable power of nature to reconcile the chaotic and mixed void power in Naga's body.

The reason why Naga can no longer transform back into the night elf form on its own is precisely because of the chaotic void power given to them by N'Zoth.

As long as this problem can be overcome, Azshara's ingenuity will soon be able to improve the subsequent form transformation problems on her own.

Fandral is only the Party B responsible for technical support, and Sarlayan is the Party A who makes the request. The research results will ultimately be handed over to Azshara by Sarlayan.

"Take it."

Fandral solemnly handed a large seed bag that had been prepared to Sarlayan's hand.

Through the unsealed bag mouth, you can vaguely see that there are a large number of seemingly inconspicuous dark green seeds inside.

"I have completed your commission. As for how to use them and when to use them, it depends on your performance."

Sarlayan also put the seed bag away with a serious expression: "Leave it to me."

"I will be traveling around Azeroth next, and then I may even venture to the Shadow Realm."

"Unfortunately, I'm afraid I won't be able to spare the time to see you off. Draenor will ask you to help take care of it. I will write to inform Illidan and Adal to cooperate with the Cenarion Circle's research as much as possible."

Since Fandral began to take over Arcandor's improvement research, Sarlayan has repeatedly troubled him to develop targeted miracle seeds.

Among the senior officials of the Dark Night Republic, the straight-tempered Fandral has the best relationship with Sarlayan.

Next is Jarod, who has a gentle personality and can get along well with anyone, followed by Maiev, Malfurion and Tyrande.

Sarlayan never accepts help from others unilaterally. Favors will eventually run out.

In return for Fandral's help many times, he planned to inquire about Fandral's biggest concerns when he went to the Shadow Realm this time.

Regarding the whereabouts of Valstein.

Valstann died in the first Battle of Quicksand. His death was very "clean", but his body was torn apart by the Qiraji, and his soul was not damaged in any way.

It has been nearly a thousand years since the first Battle of Quicksand. Before encountering the anima crisis, no matter how busy Grien was when he was promoted to the fortress, he should take some time to guide Vastann's soul to the Shadow Realm. .

Although Valstann's reputation is far from comparable to that of his father, who served as acting speaker of the Cenarion Circle, he is still an outstanding talent of the younger generation carefully cultivated by Fandral.

It can be inferred from this that Vastann's soul should contain a lot of anima, and he will most likely be placed in the four major kingdoms as a "civil servant" in the Shadow Realm.

Sarlayan once subconsciously thought that Valstann would inherit his father's legacy and choose druid as his main profession. However, through his conversation with Fandral, he found that he had preconceived ideas.

Vastann's main profession is not a druid, but a warrior with a very brave fighting style.

If Valstann is a druid, Sharlayan can easily identify the country he is most likely to go to - 80% of the time he will be led to Ardenweald by the Arbiter.

Warriors... are more difficult to judge.

Through a comprehensive analysis of the information Sharlayan has repeatedly inquired from Jarod, Malfurion and others, it can first be determined that Varstan has not committed any crimes worth recording. On the contrary, his conduct is very noble. .

Therefore, Revendreth, the place of atonement, can be eliminated first.

The remaining three realms, Ardenweald, Maldraxxus, and Bastion of Ascension are all possible.

If Vastann was assigned to the Ascension Fortress because of his noble character, it would be more difficult to find him.

Before Sarlayan persuades Gristia to make changes to the inhumane rules of the Ascension Fortress, every soul that ascends to "heaven" will have its previous memories washed away, and even its name and gender may be changed. noodle.

The third arbiter Pelagos mentioned in the barrage is a typical example. This energetic young man is a woman in front of him. This masculine name is most likely the new name he gave himself after his gender changed after his death. code name.

This is so fucked up.

If Valstann really worked at the Ascension Bastion, he would be difficult to identify based on his name, gender, and appearance alone.

Fortunately, every Kyrian's original records will be backed up and saved in the hands of Gristia and the saints under her command, but it will take a lot of time to look through them.

After all, the souls contained in the Shadow Realm are not just from Azeroth, but from the entire material universe. If you think about it, you will know how much workload Grien has.

Before the matter was finalized, Saryan did not intend to tell Fandal the news in advance.

Fandral is a very emotional person. Instead of letting him have wild thoughts with expectations early on, it is better to keep this surprise temporarily so that he can concentrate on going to Draenor and put all his energy into work.

After bidding farewell to Fandral, the four of Sarlayan continued towards Mount Hyjal, and successfully found the turtle demigod in the large mountain lake where Tortola lived.

After the Battle of Hyjal, this sacred mountain that was damaged by the war is still slowly recovering.

When passing by from high in the sky, Sarlayan and others could still see many bare hills.

When Sharlayan released Nemesis's dormant soul from the Realm of Blight, Tortora's originally lazy attitude suddenly turned serious.

"Nemesis? Where did you find it?"

Sarlayan shrugged and said meaningfully: "In the lair of a cult organization, this poor big turtle was captured by the nightmare forces, and its soul was severely corroded by nightmares."

"Nightmare...Nightmare again."

The usually mild-tempered Tortola's tone became a little unfriendly: "These troublemakers made the Emerald Dream a mess back then. They finally killed their leader. Unexpectedly, a second-generation leader appeared. It’s really haunting.”

Sarlayan took the opportunity to bring the topic to the Ancient Gods: "As long as N'Zoth is not reinforced and sealed for a day, the forces of the Ancient Gods can use the exposed backdoor of the Emerald Dream to continuously insert new people."

Tortola's expression was solemn and he said angrily: "In other words, if we want to completely calm down the Emerald Dream, we must start from the source and kill N'Zoth, the guy who is causing trouble in the deep sea?"

"Completely correct."

Tortola has a peaceful temperament and does not like fighting.

But the existence of N'Zoth is related to the safety of the Emerald Dream and even Azeroth.

Rather than worrying about constantly checking for leaks and filling in gaps, Tortola hoped to once and for all eliminate the threat posed by the ancient gods to the Emerald Dream.

As a turtle demigod, Tortola's water skills are far better than any other wilderness demigod. His home base is a large lake on Mount Hyjal.

"Little Sharlayan, if you plan to counterattack N'Zoth's lair in the future, remember to count me in."

The reason why Sarlayan traveled all the way to send Nemesis's soul here was because he was waiting for Tortola's promise.

In the fierce battle with Archimonde, Tortola was the well-deserved main T. He absorbed a large number of attacks from Archimonde.

Although Tortola was born with extremely strong defensive power, there was a big strength gap between him and Archimonde after all, and he still suffered a lot of damage in that battle.

Nemesis is a part of Tortola's soul that was separated due to unknown reasons in his early years. After tens of thousands of years of growth, he gained his current intelligence and strength.

If it could be reabsorbed, Tortola's recovery speed would be greatly accelerated, and his combat effectiveness would even be further improved.

Tortola is not a person who does not repay a favor. Under Sharlayan's subtle guidance, the turtle demigod quickly agreed to participate in the war in return.

Besides, this was originally from his heart, and it was considered a smooth favor.


After bidding farewell to Tortola, Sarlayan, who had finally finished his business in Kalimdor, stretched out comfortably and said to Valeera and Jaina who looked tired with a cheerful face: "Although there will be more to come. There’s a lot to do, but there’s no need to rush.”

"Let's go home and recuperate for a while, and relax our body and mind."

"In your words, it is necessary to balance work and rest."

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