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Chapter 1517 The restraint is greater than the sky, and the special attack is on the gods

In the last battle to destroy the Scourge, the magic sword Frostmourne in Alsace's hand was cut off by Solas with another artifact greatsword - Stromkar Warbreaker.

After the war, Sharlayan and Solas recovered the broken Frostmourne. After the Ulduar Rebellion was put down, Sharlayan handed it over to Azadas, the best blacksmith in Azeroth, to restore it. .

Azadas lived up to the entrustment and repaired the magic sword, and retained the original special ability of the sad sword.

Including Frostmourne, all Mourn sword series are made by the master himself.

As a true god-level boss, the forging skill of the soldier master is even higher than that of Azadas, even comparable to the Titan of the Pantheon-Kazgros the Shaper.

From the perspective of weapon forging alone, regardless of the so-called righteousness and evil of the weapon, Azadas repeatedly praised the forger's whimsy in the instruction manual delivered with the magic sword, saying that he got a lot of inspiration from it.

According to the barrage, all the mourning swords were forged by the warlord in captivity at the request of the warden Zovall.

Leaving aside whether the warrior master is really involuntary or not, the Sorrow Sword series does have miraculous effects when targeting souls.

The residents of the Shadow Realm are all in the form of souls without exception, even the five eternals who hold the highest authority in the Shadow Realm are no exception.

This can be proved by the fact that Anduin Wrynn, controlled by the warden, successfully attacked Gristia in the original history.

No matter how weak Gristia is, she truly possesses the status of a true god.

Not to mention Anduin, a mortal, even a senior demigod would have a hard time breaking her defenses.

However, Anduin, who was holding the Sorrow Sword, did it by leapfrogging. This shows how powerful the special attack ability of the Sorrow Sword series of weapons is against the soul body.

To put it in the words of barrage jokes... the restraint is greater than the sky, and the special attack is the god of the sun.

Now that he has decided to go to the Shadow Realm again to solve the tail left by last time, Sharlayan must of course make some targeted preparations in advance.

Frostmourne is the special attack weapon he prepared for the Abyss Devouring trip.

Everything in the world is constantly changing, no matter how well planned in advance, accidents may occur frequently in actual actions.

Considering the difference in strength between them, it is only natural that Sharlayan would try to avoid the warden's surveillance and act secretly, but... just in case.

Frostmourne is the trump card prepared for this.

If the warden thinks that he can take advantage of the difference in level to securely take advantage of the little demigod Salayan, then...Salayan will definitely try his best to give him a big surprise at that time.

Before wrapping Frostmourne in his own space, Sharlayan conducted a close inspection of Frostmourne out of habitual caution, and finally confirmed that Denathrius and the warden had stayed in the magic sword. The upper back door has completely disappeared.

In the following half a month, Sarlayan temporarily put aside all official duties and visited relatives and friends in the Eversong Forest of Nuo Da.

After returning from Northeron, Inas disappeared again. It is said that she was secretly researching with Nefarian on how to achieve mass production of multi-colored dragons.

The birth of a perfect and colorful dragon like Sharlayan has a lot of luck. Even if Inas is asked to follow the same method again, she can't guarantee that it will be successful.

Therefore, Nefarian and Inas decided to make a compromise after discussing, lowering the parameter standard of the perfect colorful dragon, and not forcing them to have the powerful potential of Sharlayan.

According to Julian who stayed behind at the Deep Shadow Manor, the research on the downgrading of Inas and Nefarian has already produced some preliminary results.

But it's a pity that this genetic modification technology cannot be applied to mature five-color dragons, it can only work on those baby dragons that have not yet hatched from dragon eggs.

But even so, the secret research of the two made the few insiders of Wyrmrest Temple very excited.

As we all know, the dragon clan has a special coming-of-age ceremony, which can automatically break through the threshold of demigods when they reach adulthood.

However, this kind of ripening method that overwhelms the growth of seedlings contains great hidden dangers. The five guardian dragons that have been stagnant since tens of thousands of years ago are the most vivid examples.

Theoretically, the Dragon Clan could be like iron-headed children like Ebisian and Stella Gosa, who forcibly suppressed not participating in the coming-of-age ceremony, relying on their own potential to forcibly break through and become a demigod.

In this way, the damaged potential caused by the coming-of-age ceremony can be bypassed, and a broader future can be obtained.

But... all intelligent beings are inert.

Knowing that there are shortcuts to take, there are only a few people who can resist using them.

Besides, not every dragon clan can have such powerful potential as Little Star and Black Horn. If they are still stuck on the threshold of breaking through the demigod, it is better to participate in the coming-of-age ceremony from the beginning to save time and effort.

In addition to this there is another problem.

The regime in which dragons of five colors take turns in charge of Wyrmrest Temple has lasted for tens of thousands of years.

With the drastic changes in the situation in Azeroth after entering modern times, coupled with the huge blow to the prestige of Wyrmrest Temple caused by Deathwing's rebellion, the dragon clan with a long history urgently needs to introduce the wind of change.

Sharlayan...or the birth of the colorful dragon is an opportunity.

Although the five-color dragons are like a family in name, due to the different scale colors and different strength characteristics, there will still be a certain sense of distance between them after all.

Taking Sharlayan as an example, the colorful dragon can use the power of the five-color giant dragon at the same time, and the golden dragon scales also look majestic.

If the colorful dragon mass production experiment can be successful, as time goes by, colorful dragons with more comprehensive abilities will sooner or later replace the five-color giant dragon and become the mainstream of the dragon family.

This is like the racial discrimination mentioned in the barrage before.

No matter how much we emphasize racial equality, most people will still have the idea that "if they are not of my race, their hearts must be different" when they see people around them with different skin colors and customs.

The guardian dragon headed by Alexstrasza does not insist on mass production. The colorful dragons can reach the height of Sharlayan's future, but it is indisputable that the colorful dragons with comprehensive abilities have greater potential than the five-color dragons with very limited abilities. fact.

This is a very simple mathematical problem. Even if the mass-produced multi-colored dragons cannot advance the five powers at the same time like Sharlayan, they will have a few more opportunities to choose a path than the regular five-colored dragons who can only go one way to black.

As the saying goes, I am born to be useful.

If the east side is not bright, the west side will always be bright.

Of course, it's too early to think about iterations of Wyrmrest Temple.

Even the dragons who have not stepped into the realm of demigods have a much longer growth cycle and lifespan than the elves. This iteration plan is destined to be a huge project with at least a thousand years as the unit.

As the saying goes, if you are poor, you want to change.

As the strength of Azeroth's enemies increases layer by layer, the strength of the five guardian dragons that used to be the mainstay of Azeroth gradually becomes insufficient.

The worst thing is not this, but their upper limit of strength has long been locked, and I am afraid that they will not be able to go further through conventional means in this life.

This is also the main reason why Alexstrasza and others are scrambling to bet heavily on Sharlayan.

Apart from the fact that Sharlayan himself can't see the potential of the limit, his golden eyes are also one of the reasons why the guardian dragons value him.

Take the confidante around Sharlayan as an example, even the weakest Jaina's talent is visible to the naked eye, and it is only a matter of time before she breaks through and becomes a demigod.

...Of course, Tinagosa, a troublemaker who doesn't want to work hard, is an exception.

If the Sharlayan family can be ruthless and force Little Tina, with her talent, it is not impossible to break through the bottleneck with her own strength.

But members of the Deep Shadow family, including Stella Gosa, didn't think it was necessary. Anyway, they didn't expect this eccentric group pet to charge the front line in the battle.

If it really comes to the time when mascots like Tinagosa have to join the battle, I am afraid that the Azeroth regiment will not be far away.

In the eyes of Alexstrasza and other elders, Sharlayan seems to have a rather metaphysical "prosperous wife" fate. As long as he loves a woman, there will be no one who will not become a talent, or at least have the potential to become a talent.

This is not limited to the pillow people of Sharlayan. It is only a matter of time before the breakthrough of Liadrin and the three sisters of Windrunner.

Hearing father Julian's ridicule, Salayan waved his hands dumbfounded: "What is this? Use me as a metaphysics buff machine? These are just coincidences."

"It's not that I have a good eye, but that they have enough outstanding talents, but I just happened to meet them." (End of this chapter)

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