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Chapter 1520 Salayan: You have persecution paranoia!

Although they joked about each other with the barrage, Sarlayan undoubtedly felt guilty towards Valeera in his heart.

When he was young, he never thought that he would get to where he is today. It was his biggest expectation at that time to live a peaceful and happy life with the little squirrel.

However... I have to say that good luck tricks people.

Sarlayan's original intention at the beginning was to protect the people around him under the threat of countless foreign enemies. Before he knew it, as his prestige and status became higher and higher, more and more family members gathered around him. .

In the words of the barrage, the relationship between people is like an ever-expanding spider web.

The owed favors will need to be returned sooner or later. With the gradual expansion of the network of relationships, Sharlayan, who is in it, can no longer just consider himself and the people around him when making decisions. Win-win cooperation is the most important goal.

Feeling guilty about the little squirrel, Sharlayan visited her hometown after a long absence, and had a good talk with Valeera's parents who have been living a stable life.

On the way home after bidding farewell to the Sangunar family the next day, Valeera held Salayan's hand with a half-smile and jokingly said, "What? Did you do something that would annoy me? Why did you become so self-conscious all of a sudden, no? Are you going to bring someone home again?"

Sharlayan smiled wryly and shook his head: " least, not yet, I just suddenly feel sorry for you."

Noticing the helplessness in Sharlayan's eyes, Valeera quickly put away her playful smile, stood on tiptoe and rubbed his head gently with her hands which was rare.

"Okay, I know there are many things you can't help yourself."

"In fact, I have figured it out a long time ago. As long as our relationship is still stable, why bother with other problems?"

"Besides, if there are more people in the family, it will be more lively, so you don't have to worry about getting bored in the endless years to come."

"As long as you don't bring back the kind of water that will disturb the family... One Onyxia is enough for us to have a headache."

Under Valeera's comfort, Sharlayan laughed cooperatively and said, "Oni isn't that bad, is she? She's just a bit playful by nature, but she still values ​​her family very much."

"I know, so Onyxia's level is the limit I can tolerate. I don't want to see anyone who is more troublesome than her join this big family."

Valeera hooked the corners of her mouth meaningfully: "You should know who I'm talking about, right?"


Sharlayan scratched his head in embarrassment: "It should...not be."

"Huh~" Valeera snorted softly, "It's been so many years, you're still not properly aware of your attraction to the opposite sex."

"All in all, if it really comes to that point... I will not firmly oppose her joining, but in your own words, all members of the family must abide by certain rules."

"I think it's time to sort out a set of deep shadow family rules and family training, so that in the future, no one will use their status outside to yell at other members of the family."

"Uh~ listen to you."

[By the way, do you understand? Who the hell is Valeera talking about? 】

[? Isn't it bro, this is obvious enough, don't you understand? 】

[Azshara chant~ who else can there be. 】

[Speaking of which, if Sharlayan and Azshara really become married, who should be married to whom? 】

【This question is actually what Valeera said. 】

【She can allow Azshara to bring her dowry group to marry into the Deep Shadow family, but she cannot allow Sarlayan to marry into the Eternal Palace and become Azshara's vassal prince. 】

[This should also be the common bottom line of all Xiaosa's confidante. 】

[My head is itchy! You have to grow your brain! 】

[... Use your brain more, that thing can't just be used to look at pictures. 】

[What's wrong with Shizuto! Has Shitu eaten your rice? ! 】

As always, the barrage went off track quickly, and Salayan didn't bother to pay attention to the gags of sand sculpture netizens.

Even without the barrage reminder, Sarlayan could still understand what Valeera said.

After finishing his vacation in Quel'Thalas, Sharlayan will go to the Eternal Palace to meet Azshara next, and tell her the good news of the successful completion of the transformation research.

One thing to say, Sharlayan is still not sure whether Valeera's worries will really come true one day.

Valeera and the others had no actual contact with Azshara, and their worries were all based on hearsay and intelligence analysis.

During the previous interview in the Eternal Palace, Salayan didn't see any so-called love from Azshara, at most he was quite curious about him, the man who stirred up Azeroth.

I don't know if it was influenced by Vashj's love brain, everyone in the family including Valeera thinks that Azshara has other plans for Salayan, even his mother Inas thinks so .

Sharlayan really couldn't figure out where their persecution paranoia came from.

However, Sharlayan was not someone who would not listen to persuasion. Under the various reminders from Valeera and others, although he still felt a little disapproving, he subconsciously raised his vigilance towards Azshara.


The rare vacation time always passes quickly. In August 2019, Quel'Thalas officially received the wedding invitation from Kirin Tor Speaker Ronin.

The Quel'Thalas envoy led by the Sun King Kael'thas set out from the gate of Salas mightily, and Sharlayan was also one of them.

The Quel'Thalas convoy with a large number of people traveled all the way through East Weald, Andorhal and Tirisfal Woodlands, and finally arrived under the floating city of Dalaran on the northwest border of Hillsbrad Hills.

With the assistance of the reception staff who had already prepared, the rich gifts prepared by the Sun King for this big wedding were sent one by one to Dalaran City for careful storage.

This time Sharlayan did not act alone, but simply met with the busy Rhonin beside Kael'thas.

Representatives from all countries in the alliance have arrived one after another in the past few days, and Luo Ning can only cheer up to receive these big shots one by one, and he can't even spare time to complain to his friend Salayan in private.

Khadgar originally hid in the sidelines watching the show with a gloating attitude, but the arrival of Medivh made the smile on his face disappear.

In the words of Danmaku...the smile doesn't disappear, it just shifts.

Seeing Khadgar's cowardly nodding and bowing with a bitter face, Salayan and Valeera and Stellagosa who accompanied him to the grand wedding banquet couldn't help showing a shallow smile, Tinagosa even more He laughed out loud without hesitation.

Khadgar and Rhonin are the proud sons of the same era.

Seeing that Luo Ning was the first to leave the singles, as Khadgar's mentor and the only relative who could be regarded as a relative of this war orphan, Medivh took up the heavy responsibility of urging the marriage.

Such a grand event with more symbolic meaning than substance is more like a political show than a wedding banquet.

From the beginning to the end of the wedding banquet, Luo Ning has not been able to take the time to talk to his friends. He can only press the exhaustion and boredom in his heart, and try his best to hold up a smile to greet him.

It wasn't until the last guest was sent away that Rhonin, who was almost exhausted, invited Jaina, Khadgar, Sharlayan and others to his mage tower in private.


At this time, the dark circles on Luo Ning's face were visible to the naked eye. He raised his head and poured a glass of high-end magic wine into his throat, complaining bitterly: "This kind of damn banquet is simply the dross of the old era! Reform! It must be reformed!" reform!"

Khadgar rolled his eyes angrily: "Reform? Well, if you bring it up in the parliament, I will definitely support it with both hands, but is it really useful?"

What happened to Ronin made Khadgar feel sorry for him. He knew in his heart that he might not be able to escape this set of procedures in the future, but it was not as grand as the Kirin Tor Speaker in terms of scale.

Jaina smiled and shook her head: "Even if we officially ban large-scale wedding banquets, will the dignitaries of Dalaran definitely abide by it?"

"As the saying goes, there are policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom. Some old fritters have ways to bypass your unpopular government order."

"People's hearts?"

Luo Ning twitched the corners of his mouth with a sarcasm on his face: "Who are the 'min'? Ordinary people in Dalaran? Or are they talking about the so-called high-class people including myself?"

Salayan raised his hand to interrupt Rhonin's complaint: "Okay, let's stop this topic."

"Luoning, you have to eat the food one bite at a time. If you attack those moths too quickly, it will cause severe backlash. Think twice."


Rhonin was only complaining about what happened recently, but with Sharlayan's reminder, he quickly sorted out his mood.

"I understand, now is not the time to take them under the knife."

"Don't talk about these annoying things." Luo Ning changed the subject, and looked at the only single dog present with a happy attitude: "Khadgar, it's your turn next, right? Is there a suitable candidate?"

Khadgar couldn't help but rolled his dead fish eyes: "Which pot won't be opened and which pot should be lifted! This hurdle will not pass, right!"

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