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Chapter 1523 An effective method of atonement

Ronin's mage tower is one of the safest places in all of Dalaran, second only to the Temple of the Guardian where Medivh and Merry Winterwind sit.

The mage tower can maximize the strength of the tower owner.

No joke, with the help of the mage tower, Luo Ning is fully capable of fighting lower-level demigod-level enemies.

According to what Mathias reluctantly said, Edwin VanCleef will be focusing on the sewers of Dalaran as the center of his activities for a long time and will be solely responsible for the organization and management of the Uncrowned Ones.

This is why he brought his wife and daughter with him from Stormwind City.

By leaving his wife and daughter with Luo Ning for the time being, Edwin can safely devote all his energy to the upcoming mission.

With his only worry solved, Edwin quickly got into work mode.

Because of his talent, Edwin's strength is slightly behind those of thieves like Mathias and Garona who have reached the pinnacle of mortals.

Even so, at the current point in time in Azeroth, Edwin can rank among the top ten among all mortal thieves.

Coupled with Princess Tess who is playing support and gaining experience, it is enough to deal with the maggots in the sewer.

Luoning and Tess were newlyweds, and it was a time when things were going well. He couldn't bear to see his little wife in danger.

Just in case, Valeela, a super-sized demigod thief, would quietly follow them.

However, Valeela is only acting as a last resort. Unless there is an accident that Edwin cannot solve alone, she will not take action easily.

Valeera just went along for the sake of Ronin, to ensure that his new wife would not be injured due to carelessness during the first actual operation.

Sarlayan was not interested in paying attention to the fate of a group of fish thieves, and he did not believe that the Dalaran intelligence team led by Edwin would fail.

In this era, Dalaran's investment in intelligence was completely insufficient, and the quality of relevant practitioners varied greatly.

But this is not Ronin's problem, it's that the previous Kirin Tor Speaker Antonidas didn't pay enough attention to it.

In Antonidas' knowledge, Dalaran is just an independent city-state, and its need for intelligence is far less than that of big countries like Lordaeron and Gilneas next door. When needed, you can always turn to your good neighbors for help.

However, it turns out that the "good neighbor" in Antonidas's eyes is completely unreliable at critical moments involving his own interests. Terenas even plans to swallow Dalaran in one bite.

The training of intelligence personnel cannot be achieved overnight. Even if there is a complete training system, it will take at least several years of investment and accumulation to see results.

The old Antonidas had the idea of ​​​​retreating bravely after the Second Orc War.

Although he has gradually become stubborn and inflexible due to old age, Antonidas can at least realize that his old-fashioned ideas and style of behavior can no longer keep up with this rapidly developing era.

After hastily pushing Luo Ning to the position, Antonidas started living in retirement without any worries. Luo Ning's first few years in the position were not easy at all.

It was not until Jaina and Khadgar joined the Kirin Tor that Ronin successfully defeated Modra in the final counterattack and completely exiled her from Dalaran.

From this moment on, Luo Ning can truly follow his own will and gradually transform Dalaran, whose ideas and rules have long been outdated.

In most cases, Sharlayan will not actively interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, unless the country may pose a threat to the security of Quel'Thalas, and even Azeroth as a whole.

Although the reorganization of the Uncrowned Ones is inextricably linked to Dalaran, in the final analysis, this exclusive organization of thieves is not affiliated with Dalaran. It just installs its headquarters like the Council of Tirisfal and the Black Scythe Council. Located here.

This is mainly because Dalaran is an independent city-state with a relatively neutral stance and will not be easily affected by the political stance of other countries and show obvious bias.

Placing the headquarters here will make it less susceptible to interference from political factors, and at the same time, it will be more convenient to work than in the deserted wilderness.

Mages and warlocks are both spellcasters, and their daily research inevitably requires a large amount of precious magic materials. These things are usually only easily available in magic kingdoms like Dalaran and Quel'Thalas.

As for the uncrowned, it is simply because Dalaran people are stupid and have a lot of money.

Many mages will focus on their own research projects and often ignore them in life. If they are not careful, they will fall into the scams carefully designed by thieves.

Ronin has received letters of complaint from Dalaran residents more than once. They hope that the Kirin Tor Council can make great efforts to combat the endless crimes such as theft, fraud, and robbery in the city.

Sarlayan's proposal to reorganize the Uncrowned Ones would kill two birds with one stone for Rhonin.

In order to allow Tess, who would inevitably take over Dalaran's intelligence management work in the future, to accumulate experience and get into the zone as soon as possible, Luo Ning could only make up his mind to let her personally participate in this extermination operation.

It also allowed the princess who grew up in a greenhouse to see blood and understand what a real life-and-death fight was like.

Sarlayan did not personally participate in this sewer rodent eradication operation.

When Edwin and Tess led Dalaran's intelligence team with only two or three kittens into the sewers, only Valeera followed quietly from behind.

Ronin, Jaina and Khadgar were sitting in the Violet Castle waiting for the latest news ahead, while Sharlayan and Stellagosa went to the Guardian Temple to visit Medivh and Merry Winterwind.

"Isn't Ms. Aegwynn back yet?"


Medivh put down the book he was reading and replied with a slight frown: "My mother had this wind-like personality when she was young, which made it difficult to capture her whereabouts."

"Fortunately, she has at least learned to keep in regular contact now, and she remotely reported to us that she was safe in the Broken Islands three days ago."

As Sharlayan and Medivh set out for Draenor, the rejuvenated Aegwynn also left Dalaran for the Broken Isles.

Her goal is to explore the movements of the Tomb of Sargeras, and for this purpose, Thalayan also specifically entrusted Elisande to send people to provide the necessary help.

The reports sent back by Aegwynn regularly record in detail the movements of the Tomb of Sargeras in recent months. It can be summed up in one sentence, that is... there is no movement at all.

During the time when Archimonde entered Azeroth with great swagger, the Tomb of Sargeras was very active and seemed to respond to the Defiler's call to do something big.

However, as the Defiler died on Mount Hyjal, the demons, who knew how to adapt to the wind, immediately retracted their turtle heads back into their shells.

Even the powerful Defiler has fallen in Azeroth. What tricks can these little minions who were ordered to guard the remains of Sargeras' clones do?

Even so, Aegwynn did not relax his surveillance of Sa's tomb.

In her opinion, if she had not been too arrogant and careless before and after the battle in which she defeated and sealed Sargeras's clone, her precious son would not have been taken advantage of by Sargeras's soul, and her husband Elan would have died. Will not die a violent death.

The corrupted Medivh committed a series of major events that had a profound impact on Azeroth. These crimes were all blamed on Aegwynn. She once wanted to end her life.

However, after Medivh's persuasion, Aegwynn realized that this passive attitude was just an attempt to avoid responsibility and would not benefit Azeroth.

Aegwynn, who was interested in atonement, regained her spirit. She planned to devote the rest of her life to this traumatized world with Medivh. This was the truly meaningful way to atone.

After the Battle of Seamount, the Tomb of Sargeras became the Burning Legion's last large stronghold in Azeroth.

No matter what the Legion wants to do in the future, there is a high probability that they will make a fuss around here.

If it weren't for Medivh and Merry's persuasion, Aegwynn would have even wanted to enter the tomb to find out.

"The Tomb of Sargeras will be destroyed sooner or later." After listening to Medivh's explanation, Sarlayan said meaningfully: "But now is not the most appropriate time."

"Now the Burning Legion is in a very delicate period. It's best for us not to rush to take the initiative and just wait and see what happens." (End of Chapter)

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