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Chapter 1526 Valeera: Weeds are just pecking at each other

Although she was very interested in the newly captured orc warlock, Valeera did not forget her responsibility because of her personal interest.

Grabbing the end of the dirty cloak and robe, Valeera roughly dragged the orc warlock to the entrance of the sewers and handed it to one of the Kirin Tor guards.

Valeera deliberately concealed her real name, and entrusted this bewildered Kirin Tor guard to help transfer the warlock to Ronin's mage tower. Someone asked about the origin and said it was the squirrel's spoils.

After dealing with the tail, Valeera entered the stealth state and accelerated to the depths of the sewer.

Since the tracking marks were engraved on Princess Tess's body without anyone noticing beforehand, Valeera could still perceive the specific position of the large army even though she was already far behind.

Valeera, who was advancing at full speed, only took a few minutes to catch up with the Dalaran intelligence team that had sneaked into the headquarters of the Uncrowned.

As an epic thief, Edwin Van Cleef could not look down on these uncrowned guards.

According to the past practice, he planned to capture the king first in the most efficient way.

After Jorach Ravenholdt shifted his focus back to Alterac, which had successfully returned to the country, he brought all the elites of the Uncrowned back to Ravenholdt Manor to train them himself.

Without the leadership of Jorazzi and a large number of elites, the current Uncrowned is just a mob, and their leaders are three high-level elite thieves who have not yet stepped into the epic realm.

Valeera, who was sneaking and hiding behind, made an evaluation with her own eyesight. According to Sharlayan's customary digital evaluation standard, the levels of these three people are about 48, 47, and 48.

Although there is not a huge gap between elites and epics like epics and demigods, they have crossed a big realm after all.

If it weren't for the idea of ​​training the team, Edwin, whose level was as high as 56, could easily get rid of these three so-called uncrowned leaders who were still arguing for their own interests.

The experienced Edwin was in no rush to sneak into the heart of the Uncrowned Headquarters.

After bypassing the opponent's loose defense network, everyone followed Edwin into an abandoned warehouse that no one paid attention to.

At this time, Valeera was squatting on a beam above the warehouse, watching Edwin carefully make arrangements with great interest.

"Princess Tess, please allow me to ask first."

Edwin Van Cleef looked seriously at Tess, who was also masked in black: "Have you ever killed someone before? Have you ever seen blood?"

"This..." Tess hesitated, and finally decided to tell the truth: "I have seen blood, but I have never killed anyone with my own hands."

"Is that so?" Edwin hesitated, "If I ask you to deal with the weakest of the three leaders, are you sure you can complete the task?"

Tess took a deep breath and replied with a serious expression: "I can't guarantee that, after all, I have never experienced actual combat before."

"But if there's something to grab his attention, I'm confident I can do it in one hit."

Edwin looked down at the two daggers already held by Tess, and nodded thoughtfully.

Tess is the princess of Gilneas after all, as long as she is really determined to go down the road of thieves, let alone the old King Jean who is still kept in the dark, Prince Liam will never treat her badly in terms of resources of.

The experienced Edwin could recognize at a glance that the pair of daggers in Tess's hands were good weapons of epic quality, and the enhanced version of the quick-acting poison and decelerating poison that Valeera personally prepared had been quenched in advance.

As long as he can seize the opportunity to make a move, it is impossible to block the sharp epic weapon just by relying on the excellent grade leather armor worn by the leader of the thieves.

This is pure resource crushing.

The thieves in Yeluzi have to fight hard to get a set of sophisticated equipment, but a princess like Tess who was born in the royal family can easily get a pair of epic weapons.

Edwin, who was also born at the bottom of the class, felt a little complicated. He thought of his precious daughter who had been clamoring to inherit his father's mantle since he was a child.

'The same person has different fate...'

After being distracted for a moment, Edwin quickly regained his concentration.

"Then, I will be in charge of the other two leaders of the Uncrowned. Princess Tess will take this opportunity to assassinate your target."

Tess nodded vigorously with her collagen-filled little face: "Leave it to me!"

Edwin turned his head to look at the others beside him: "The rest of us work together to block the battle circle, and we must block the returning Uncrowned Rogues before we kill the mission target."


"Very well, prepare for the last 3 minutes, and everyone remains silent."

From Valeera's point of view, Edwin's arrangement was a bit rigid and dogmatic for thieves, but at least it was stable enough and there would be no major deviations.

With Edwin's strength, it's not a problem to fight three with one.

The reason why Tess was given a chance to kill the enemy with her own hands was to train the little princess who had never been on a battlefield.

Edwin asked himself that he had a good eye for people. Although Princess Tess was still very immature, she was very determined to help her husband reorganize and manage the Dalaran intelligence system, and she did not come here just for fun.

That being the case, Edwin didn't mind giving Tess a chance to grow.

He saw the shadow of Vanessa's future in this not squeamish princess of Gilneas, and he regarded it as a preview of raising his daughter.

Even if Tess misses and fails to complete the assassination mission, Edwin still has the strength to help her out and ensure that she will not be in danger.

3 minutes passed in a flash.

Edwin, who had entered a silent state, did not speak anymore, but directed everyone through tactical gestures, and started to act according to the pre-specified plan.

Edwin, who was the first to set off, did not use shadow steps like a rookie thief. He patiently bypassed the meaningless traps on the ground, and also set a demonstration for Tess who followed behind.

Under Edwin's instructional operation of deliberately keeping a little shadow, Tess, who entered a state of full stealth, could see his every move.

Although Tess participated in actual combat for the first time, she did not appear too flustered after being educated in royal temperament since she was a child.

With Edwin leading the way, Tess memorized the positions of all the traps on the ground, and smoothly bypassed the trap area.

Although Edwin couldn't see the movements of Tess who was fully sneaked, but she didn't trigger the trap, which meant that her sneaking up to this point had been flawless.

Then it was Edwin's turn to perform, and Edwin, who had circled around the blind spot of the three people's sight, completely disappeared in front of Tess.

Tess didn't panic, she knew that this was Edwin's official action mark, and stared at her target with breathless concentration.


Valeera, who was following far behind, couldn't help shaking her head and laughing, but Tess and Edwin's seemingly perfect stealth appeared clearly in her eyes.

"Still too young."

"Little princess, it's easy for the other party to feel a sense of crisis by staring at the target like this."

Although the three miscellaneous fish leaders of the Uncrowned are not big figures, they are old fritters who have worked in the dark area for many years, and they are quite unique in crisis sensing.

Sure enough, Tess' stare aroused the alertness of the target, he suddenly stopped arguing, and subconsciously looked left and right.

"Did you... feel any inexplicable hostility?"

"Hostile? Are you crazy, this is our lair."

"That's right! Don't f*ck change the subject, old man, hurry up and get your...uh!"

The youngest and most potential thief among the three let out a miserable scream before he finished speaking. A bloody dagger pierced his left chest, and he opened his eyes wide without leaving a last word. Died instantly.

This was Edwin making an early move. After sensing that the enemy had raised their guard, he could only wipe the ass of the inexperienced Tess and deal with one of the enemies first.

"Hiss! Enemy attack!"

The middle-aged thief, who already had a bad feeling, ignored his companion's plight, and was the first to shake him with a loud voice.

Tess also realized that she had caused trouble, but she didn't turn her head back. Instead, she became calm when the incident came to an end.

While Edwin entangled the two uncrowned leaders one against two, Tess, who had entered a state of concentration, approached her target expressionlessly.

This time, she did not reveal any hostility or murderous intent.

Just when the middle-aged thief was tired of coping with Edwin's very sophisticated successive attacks, he suddenly felt the sharp pain in the back of his neck being pierced by a sharp weapon.


Looking at the middle-aged thief who staggered to the ground with blood spurting from his neck, Valeera patted his forehead helplessly: "The neck bone is so hard, why did you choose to strike at the neck... Fortunately, it is an epic weapon, otherwise This time, the choice of shot will cause problems again.”

"Princess Tess is indeed very talented. If you make a mistake once, you won't make it again, but... you still lack practical experience. Let's find a time to make up lessons for this girl."

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