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Chapter 1528 The Origin of the New Shadow Council

Sarlayan and Ronin's deliberate gag diluted the tension in Tess's heart.

With the current reputation and status of the Deep Shadow family, as well as the personal relationship between Sarlayan and Ronin, there is absolutely no need to win over Tess for political reasons.

As a royal princess, Tess has received a lot of political education since she was a child, and it is inevitable that she thinks a little too much.

Sarlayan used practical actions to prove to her that Valeera had no political considerations in accepting her personal apprentice, and it was just pure love for talent.

Although Luo Ning was a little unhappy that he had been downgraded in disguise in front of Sharlayan, he was also pleased that his little wife could become the disciple of Valeera, a demigod thief.

With the many years of friendship between Luo Ning and Sarlayan, they really didn’t need any other extra means to keep their relationship closer.

But from another perspective, although Tess is married, she is still a member of the Greymane family. The Kingdom of Gilneas should be able to take this opportunity to get closer to Quel'Thalas.

Quel'Thalas had offered an olive branch to Gilneas many years ago, but at that time Gilneas was still pursuing an isolation policy under the leadership of King Zeon and ignored the good intentions of the then Sun King Anasteria.

As time passed, the old King Jean felt the drastic changes of the times and his own aging year after year, and took the initiative to transfer the power and responsibility of managing the kingdom to Crown Prince Liam little by little.

Although the Zen Ceremony has not been officially completed, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Gilneas steward is now Prince Liam.

Unlike his stubborn and conservative father, Prince Liam has always hoped to make Gilneas more open and tolerant, and to open his arms to embrace the world again.

Given this opportunity to close diplomatic relations with Quel'Thalas, with Ronin's understanding of Liam, he would definitely not let it go easily.

Saryan had no special feelings about this. He did not need to ask about diplomatic relations with other countries. Calpurnia, the foreign minister in the cabinet, had always done a good job.

Ever since Kael'thas came to power... no, to be precise, since the end of Anastria's rule, Quel'Thalas has changed from its previous conservatism and reopened the country's doors that had been closed for many years.

For Kael'thas, who vigorously promotes multilateral cooperation, Gilneas is willing to take the initiative to approach, which is certainly what he wants.

Valeera accepts Tess as her apprentice, which is undoubtedly a win-win choice for Dalaran, Gilneas and Quel'Thalas.

The only person who is more depressed is Luo Ning himself.

From a personal perspective, Ronin was reluctant to let his newlywed wife leave Quel'Thalas, but he also knew that this was a learning process that Tess had to go through.

As Ronin nodded in agreement with a grimace, the questions about Tess ended there for the time being.

"Valeera, the orc you sent back is indeed a big fish."

Sarlayan's left hand grasped the forehead of the still unconscious orc, and an invisible and formless energy substance flowed into his hand.

"This guy is really a remnant of the Shadow Council. To be precise, he should be one of the members of the new Shadow Council."

"New Shadow Council?"

Except for Stellagosa, who was still studying in the Guardian Temple and neglecting food and sleep, Valeera, Khadgar, Ronin and others present all frowned in unison.

Khadgar touched his chin thoughtfully: "During the years I was trapped in Draenor, I heard about the Shadow Council, a notorious warlock organization, from many sources."

"But as far as I know, with the death of Gul'dan, the Shadow Council has long ceased to exist in name only."

"The remaining members of the Shadow Council in Draenor are like rats on the street, they dare not raise their flag blatantly."

"With the death of Talon Bloodfiend, Gilseida and other high-level remnants in your hands, the Shadow Council of Draenor has been effectively destroyed. What the hell is this new Shadow Council?"

Sharlayan shared some of the information extracted from the orc warlock's soul with Khadgar and others.

"It's very simple. Freshman is just that."

Sarlayan sneered and kicked the unconscious orc warlock on the chin: "As you know, to this day, there are still many die-hards of the old tribe who are unwilling to obey Go'ir's rule."

"They are obsessed with restoring the glory of the old Horde era and completing Orgrim's unfinished ideal - the conquest of Azeroth."


The hot-tempered Luo Ning burst out disdainfully on the spot: "Just the few lost dogs left in the old tribe? Who gave them the courage?"

Sarlayan shrugged with a half-smile: "Maybe it's Liang Jingru... but that's not important."

Sarlayan took out a map of Azeroth that he carried with him from the space package, and with Valeela's assistance, he spread it out on the table.

"According to the information obtained by Backlight Blade, the die-hard elements of the old tribe can be roughly divided into three forces."

"One..." Sarlayan pointed his finger at the Northeron area of ​​the Eastern Kingdom: "It's the Dragonmaw clan."

"However, due to the recent battle in Northeron, the Dragonmaw clan's vitality was severely damaged. They had to flee to Kalimdor by boat and join Go'el's new tribe. They will not be able to make any waves in a short time."

"The second is the Blackstone Clan that sits in Blackstone Tower... to be precise, it is the Blacktooth Clan under the management of Red Blackhand and Maim Blackhand, a subordinate branch of the Blackstone Clan."

The real Blackstone Clan has always been personally managed by Orgrim, the great chief. After finding Go'el, he passed all his mantles to the only son of his old friend who finally grew up after going through hardships.

Therefore, the Blackstone Clan under Red and Maim is only self-proclaimed, and is essentially the Blacktooth Clan.

"The Black Teeth clan who settled in Blackrock Tower became Nefarian many years ago... no, to be precise, they are slaves of the fallen black dragon clan."

Luo Ning raised his eyebrows slightly and interrupted Sarlayan's explanation: "Wait a moment, why do you want to separate the Black Dragon Prince and the Fallen Black Dragon?"

Sarlayan shrugged: "It's simple, because Nefarian has already made it clear that he will join us."

"Although Blackrock Tower is still nominally under his name, it is actually completely controlled by the fallen black dragon sent by Deathwing to 'assist' Nefarian in managing the tribe."

"Nefarian's real direct descendants in Blackrock Tower have long been secretly transferred to the Black Wing Blood Circle at the top of Black Rock Mountain. The so-called Black Wing Lair is just a bait he threw out to attract attention."

Luo Ning nodded thoughtfully: "I probably understand, you continue."

"The third remnant force of the old tribe..." Sarlayan looked at the city of Orgrimmar in Durotar with a deep look: "It is within the new tribe."


Khadgar scratched his head in astonishment: "Are you kidding me? Go'el is not the kind of useless leader who will be used as a backdoor, right? Will he sit back and watch the remnants of the old tribe become powerful in the new tribe?"

"Of course not." Sarlayan continued to explain calmly: "In fact, Go'ir has been thinking of ways to weaken the orc die-hards hiding within the new tribe."

“But it’s not a day to freeze three feet, and changing their outdated concepts is not an easy task.”

"Many orcs who still want to follow the 'tradition' think that Go'el's behavior is too weak, so they secretly gather together to keep warm."

"This orc..." Sarlayan raised his hand and pointed at the unconscious green-skinned orc warlock: "He is one of them, a die-hard warlock from the Burning Blade Clan."

"Fire Blade..."

Valeera asked thoughtfully: "If I remember correctly, the Fireblade is also a large clan of orcs. They have always been famous for cultivating 'Sword Masters', right?"

Sarlayan nodded approvingly: "Yes, the Sword Master Samuro we first met in the Battle of Quel'Thalas is a member of the Burning Blade Clan."

"The Fire Blade Sword Master was once the yearning and dream of countless orcs. If you want to become a Sword Master, you must have a noble will and strong combat power."

"However, as the whole clan of orcs drank the blood of demons, the noble will that the sword masters of all generations upheld has long been tarnished and lost the sanctity it once possessed."

Sarlayan tapped the location of Orgrimmar City twice with his fingers: "After the Second Orc War, the Burning Blade Clan was divided into two."

"A part of the Burning Blade orcs who still yearned for the noble way of the Blade Master followed Samuro and Lantrisso back to Draenor. Later, Lantrisso parted ways with Samuro, who was determined to reorganize the Burning Blade clan."

"Lantrisor, who is half Draenei, raised a clan of ogres that belongs to him alone. Today they still live peacefully on the vast Nagrand prairie."

"As for Samuro's whereabouts, I haven't received any relevant clues yet."

"Not to mention Samuro, another group of completely corrupted Burning Blade Orcs continue to stay in Azeroth under the leadership of Azuka."

"The so-called New Shadow Council was established under the initiative of the Burning Blade Clan headed by Azuka. These guys are now hiding in an underground cave called the Raging Rift in Orgrim City."

"They are plotting to overthrow Go'ir's 'weak rule' and try to let the orc tribe regain the wildness and ambition of the old tribe."

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