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Chapter 1530 Valeela: The lesser of two evils! Shake people!

With Ronin, the leader of Dalaran, personally following up on this matter, Sarlayan no longer plans to interfere. He still has many things to deal with one by one, and he has no time to make another trip to Orgrimmar.

After the wedding banquet between Ronin and Tess, Valeela was not in a hurry to take away the newlywed Tess.

Stellagosa, who is addicted to books, plans to stay in the Temple of the Guardian for a while and browse through the precious collection of books accumulated by the Council of Tirisfal for thousands of years.

Valeera couldn't bear to break up the newly married couple so quickly. At Tess's request, she agreed to stay in Dalaran for a while and wait until they had finished reading Stellagosa's book. Return to Quel'Thalas.

Accepting Tess as an apprentice disrupted Valeera's original plan. She originally wanted to follow Sharlayan to the Eternal Palace to confirm with her own eyes whether Queen Azshara had any evil intentions towards her men.

Due to unexpected circumstances, Valeera and Stellagosa were obviously unable to stay with Sharlayan. Jaina had just returned to Dalaran, and it was hard to skip work and leave immediately.

Although she was still a little uneasy in her heart, Valeera couldn't move away and could only hand over the task of accompanying Sarlayan to the unreliable black dragon princess Onyxia.

Before Sharlayan said goodbye to Valeela and Little Star, Stellagosa, who was still holding the book in her hand, made a bold suggestion.

"Since you are worried about Onyxia following her alone, how about... just call Melinthela over to temporarily support her?"


Valeela's delicate little face wrinkled, showing a somewhat disgusted expression.

"Are you sure you want to take the initiative to lure the wolf into the house?"

Little Xingxing smiled and shrugged: "Anyway, you assume that Melinsela will join sooner or later, so you might as well sell her a favor in advance."

"Melinthra is not like Onyxia who just wants to have fun. As the latest person to join the Shadow family, she will definitely want to spend more time with Sharlayan."

"That's it, Onyxia. She is a senior after all. I don't think Melinsela will sit back and watch Azshara compete for her time with Sharlayan."


Valeela hesitated for a while with a tangled expression, but finally decided to choose the lesser of two evils.

"Okay, then it's up to you to contact Dragon Sleep Temple and urge Melinsela to leave as soon as possible."

Sarlayan spread his hands with a speechless expression: "...Don't you even ask me for my opinion now?"

"Shut up! You've got an advantage and you still behave!"

As Stellagosa said, not every dragon family makes a living by having fun like Onyxia.

However, considering the long and boring life of the dragon tribe, it is the nature of almost every dragon tribe to like to join in the fun.

After Stellagosa contacted Wyrmrest Temple through formal channels, Melinthra announced on the spot that she would participate in this undersea trip.

Not to mention that during this trip, I could take the opportunity to develop a relationship with Sarlayand. Not everyone could be allowed to visit the Eternal Palace, and this was also a rare opportunity to gain a lot of experience.

Even without the protection of the Well of Eternity, Azshara's strength is no worse than that of the Aspect Dragon. At least Merinthra, the second generation dragon, will definitely not be able to defeat her.

In this case, Melinsela certainly would not go to Nazjatar to feel uncomfortable.

It was a rare opportunity to visit this underwater city openly. Even without Sharlayan, Melinthera would still agree to Stellagosa's invitation.

After playing wildly with Jaina in Dalaran for a while, little Tina finally felt a little bored. Just as her sister, who had been taking care of her all day long, wanted to stay in Dalaran to study, the little girl happily expressed that she would follow Sarai. Go home together.

How could Stella Gosa not know what this little guy was thinking? Her eyes almost rolled to the sky.

Considering that someone must stay behind to guard the territory, when Onyxia, Jaina, Valeera, and Stellagosa are all out of town, and Julian and Inas are busy with other matters, they can only stay in charge. The task of the territory is given to this little naughty boy.

Although Tinagosa is playful by nature, after many years of training by Stellagosa, she has become much more mature than in the early years.

When there are other people above her to withstand the pressure, little Tina can safely put aside all worries and have fun.

But if the time comes when she must bear the main responsibility, Tina Gosa can temporarily relax and complete the tasks assigned to her by her brothers and sisters.

After Sharlayan returned to Unicorn City and met Onyxia, who almost lived in Entertainment Street, Melinthera also captured Kalecgos, the blue dragon representative of Wyrmrest Temple, and forced the unlucky guy to open the The portal sent her here.


Sarlayan knelt down in front of Tinagosa and gently stroked her little head: "We all have to go out for something, so I can only rely on you to look after me at home. Do you have the confidence to do it?"

"Humph~" Tina Gosa wrinkled her nose unhappily: "Don't underestimate me! What does this little thing mean?"

Onyxia poked Tinagosa's smooth face teasingly: "Indeed, with a team of secretaries in front of you, you only need to stamp it. This kind of work can be completed by just recruiting anyone."


Seeing Tinagosa's malicious and cute look, Sharlayan smiled and encouraged: "Then, I'll leave it to you, we'll set off now."

Tina Gosa waved her little hand vigorously to say goodbye to the three Sarlayans who opened the portal: "Have a good trip! Remember to bring me some specialties from the underwater city!"

"I know~"

Because Thalayan had not fulfilled his original promise to Azshara, the Night Queen did not fully trust him and did not grant Thalayan the right to teleport directly to the Eternal Palace.

Therefore, Sharlayan could only teleport to Suramar first.

Elisande has conveyed Suramar's willingness to join Azshara through the Naga community near the Broken Islands. There are many Nagas sent by Azshara to discuss cooperation on the coast south of Suramar. The messenger.

Guided by one of the Naga messengers, the three of Sarlayan dived all the way to the bottom of the sea where Nazjatar is located.

Sarlayan had already been to Nazjatar once and was no stranger to this route.

When they first entered the water, Onyxia and Melinthera were still enjoying the beautiful underwater scenery with great interest. However, as the depth gradually increased, the light in the sea became darker and darker, almost to the point where they could not see their fingers.

Nagas, who have lived on the seabed all year round, have long been accustomed to this environment. Their eyes have evolved dim vision under the influence of the environment, and they can still see clearly on the dark seabed.

As terrestrial species, the three Sarlayans couldn't do it.

In order not to fall behind, Sarlayan could only release an arcane light ball for illumination to surround the team, which also attracted the attention of the Naga messenger leading the team.

However, the female Naga messenger didn't say much and continued to swim ahead to lead the way.

About half an hour later, even without the aid of illumination, the three of Sarlayan could see the seabed gradually becoming brighter again.

The undersea city of Nazjatar is close at hand.

Melinsela curiously admired the exotic beauty of Nazjatar that was completely different from the city on the ground: "Since Naga can see things underwater, why do they need to place so many magic props for lighting in the city? There is no such thing It’s necessary.”

Onyxia laughed and replied: "It's one thing to be able to see through the darkness, but it's another thing to enjoy life in the darkness."

"Naga are not a race born accustomed to darkness. They used to be night elves living on the ground."

The envoy responsible for leading the way looked back at Onyxia: "As Her Royal Highness the Black Dragon Princess said, although we have the ability to see in the dark, it does not mean that we like the darkness."

"When conditions permit, Naga will light up lights where they live. This is to always remind themselves that we were once night elves living on the ground."

The entire city of Nazjatar was shrouded in a seemingly thin layer of water wave barrier.

Arriving at the main gate outside the barrier, the three of them first saw two rows of fully armed Naga guards in front of the gate.

After the envoy showed the token to the guard captain responsible for guarding the city gate, the water wave barrier automatically opened an opening that could allow three people to pass side by side.

The Naga envoy used standard night elf etiquette to caress the chests of the three Sarlayans: "Three distinguished guests, welcome to the capital of Nagas - Nazjatar, the Undersea Pearl." (End of this chapter)

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