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Chapter 1533 “Reckless” Azshara

Azshara's behavior was very reckless in Sharlayan's view. She couldn't wait to extract the essence of power from Akandor's seeds and lift the Naga curse that had plagued her for tens of thousands of years on the spot.

But then I thought about it, and I realized that this seemingly reckless person was Azshara, the light of light, a person who was so arrogant that she was arrogant.

From this perspective, Azshara's seemingly mindless behavior seems to make sense.

There is a saying that Sarlayan, who is familiar with history, believes that Azshara has many character flaws, such as being willful, self-admiring, etc.

But people are inherently complex creatures composed of multiple personalities, and these character flaws of Azshara are only part of her personality.

Many years ago, the Night's Watch of Azsuna had a fierce conflict with the naga under Azshara.

At that time, Sarlayan was hiding behind the scenes and remotely controlling a transaction. He obtained Azshara's personal promise by selling the Tidestone of Golgonneth, which was temporarily unused.

For the next ten years, the Nagas under Azshara's control were no longer allowed to invade the land at will.

Considering that there would be a high probability of conflict with Azshara's forces again in the future, after returning to Quel'Thalas, Thalayan read in detail all the historical records related to Azshara.

Azshara's self-admiration has long been known during the Dark Night Empire.

"Light of Light" is not a nickname Azshara gave herself, but a nickname that the people of the Dark Night Empire shouted out of love and respect.

Even Sharlayan, who is used to seeing high elf beauties, has to admit that Azshara's appearance is indeed the best in Azeroth. At least he has never seen anyone more beautiful than Azshara in his life. A perfect woman with a more attractive temperament.

In other words, Azshara's self-confidence and pride are due to her sufficient confidence.

In terms of appearance, no one in Azeroth at that time... or even now could match him.

In terms of strength, she is the first genius in Azeroth to become a demi-god in a mortal body, more than 10,000 years earlier than Sharlayan, the miracle born through genetic modification.

In its heyday, Azshara owned the Well of Eternity and was invincible throughout Azeroth.

Even Malorne, the strongest demigod, could not guarantee that he would be able to defeat Azshara, who had home field advantage.

Before further broadening her horizons, it is not surprising that Azshara would develop an extremely conceited character, because no one in Azeroth at the time could surpass her in both combat prowess and appearance.

Without setbacks, there will naturally be no growth.

Azshara, who had lived a smooth life, suddenly woke up after being deceived by Sargeras. She hid in the Eternal Palace on the bottom of the sea and began to reflect on whether her overly inflated mentality was inappropriate.

It is true that Azshara has no rivals in Azeroth, but Azeroth is just one of the more special planets in the vast universe.

There are countless talents throughout the universe, as evidenced by the existence of the three leaders of the Burning Legion.

It was precisely because she wanted to break away from the shackles of her home star and expand the territory of the Dark Night Empire into the universe that Azshara agreed to Sargeras' cooperation and took the initiative to open the door of Azeroth and invite the "envoys" into her back garden. .

Then... everyone knew that Azshara, who had lacked setbacks since birth, fell into a trap in front of Sargeras, the old network deceiver, and suffered a bloody blow for the first time in her life.

Compared with the Queen of the Night ten thousand years ago, whose eyes were always in the sky, Azshara today has restrained her arrogant temper.

But after all, this kind of arrogance has been cultivated by her since she was a child. Even if she suffered a major setback, it would not completely change her nature.

As long as Azshara believes that something is certain, she will not take into account other people's persuasion and opinions. In short, she will do it first and then talk about it.

Therefore, this kind of behavior that seems very reckless to Sarlayan, is completely normal in Azshara's perception.

Because she was really sure that she could complete the adventure plan that she came up with in a flash.

Of course, this plan will inevitably require Sharlayan's help.

Azshara herself does not have the power of life and cannot directly ripen the natural seeds contained in Akandor.

This step can only be completed by Sharlayan, who has the blood of the red dragon.

Although he felt a little helpless that the situation had suddenly developed to this point, at this point, Sharlayan could only bite the bullet and cooperate with Azshara's actions.

As Sarlayan stretched out his right hand towards the natural seed from a distance, the majestic life force turned into a torrent of emerald green energy and flowed into the invisible seed.

The dark green halo that originally had a very weak sense of existence grew rapidly under the catalysis of sufficient vitality. The excess vitality even began to affect various potted plants in the Eternal Palace, causing them to start growing wildly and uncontrollably.

Onyxia shrugged helplessly and turned to look at Melinsela, who was still a little confused.

"Why are you standing there? Come and help."

"Ah?" Melinsela touched the dragon's horn in confusion: "How can I help? Exuding life force is not the green dragon's strength."

Onyxia tapped Melinthera's head angrily: "Silly! I didn't let you rashly intervene in this sudden spell-casting ceremony. I asked you to help calm down those crazy-growing plants!"

Unlike Onyxia, Melinthera had experienced all kinds of rare events with Sharlayan, and lacked the flexibility to respond to such emergencies.

After Onyxia's reminder, she finally came to her senses and realized what she should do.

Although the green dragon and the red dragon also control the power of life, they use the power of life in completely different ways.

When the red dragon uses the power of life, it is simple and crude. What he pays attention to is flying with a big brick.

Green dragons, on the other hand, emphasize more on the fine manipulation of the power of life, and are inferior to red dragons in terms of healing. However, in some areas they can complete subtleties that red dragons who are accustomed to opening and closing cannot learn in their lifetime. Hold.

If Sarlayan was asked to curb these wildly growing plants, he would choose the power of death, which is completely opposite to the power of life, to solve the problem in the most symptomatic way.

Melinsela does not have the power of death, but her performance is far more exciting than Sharlayan's choice of treating headaches and feet.

In order to prevent external power fluctuations from affecting Sharlayan and Azshara, Melinsela did not roughly raise the curtain of the dream.

She chose to carefully manipulate the crazy potted plants one by one, and accurately and temporarily cut off their nutrient supply channels.

Without the continuous injection of external life force, the crazy growth of the potted plants naturally stopped.

On the other side, catalyzed by the life force provided by Sarlayan, the natural seed entered a highly activated state, theoretically achieving the effect that the mature Arcandor fruit can provide.

Yes, just theory.

Since he skipped too many processes that he should have gone through, Sarlayan, who is not a professional, cannot guarantee what kind of effect he will have after absorbing this thing.

Holding the natural seed in the form of pure energy in her palm, Azshara clearly felt something strange in her body.

The power of the void given by N'Zoth usually hides very quietly in a corner of Naga's body. Unless they encounter special stimulation, they will never show any activity.

However, under the influence of the Seed of Nature, the power of the void in Azshara's body has been highly activated, and it seems to be sending out early warnings.

It goes without saying to whom this early warning signal was sent.

Azshara was not 100% sure about this sudden plan, and the enemy's stress reaction was the best evaluation of her reckless attempt.

Thinking of this, Azshara made up her mind to inhale the mature natural seeds into her body.

After Fandral's careful improvement, this new type of Arkandor began to devour the Naga curse in Azshara's body as soon as it came into contact with it.

The so-called engulfment here is just a slightly extreme expression. In fact, the contact between the vitality contained in the natural seeds and the power of the void should be described as fusion, or reconciliation.

The contact between the two did not produce much movement, but it was true that this silent assimilation of moisturizing things prevented the power of the void in Azshara's body from catching up.

Azshara didn't just squat in the Eternal Palace and sit dumbly for these ten thousand years.

As a gifted prodigy, she understood the use of the power of shadow, which has the same origin as the power of the void, without any teacher. She has tried countless times to mobilize the inert power of the void in her body, trying to expel them from the body.

However, each of Azshara's attempts ended in failure.

N'Zoth is not stupid, he will definitely guard against Azshara's move.

After thousands of years, with the help of the natural power provided by Arcandor, Azshara was able to fully control the power of the void in her body for the first time.

She did not hesitate to cut off all perceptions of the outside world and entered a state of inward focus, making sure to ensure that this "detoxification" operation was a complete success.

"Ah this..."

Losing Azshara's control, the illusion she cast on herself dissipated on the spot, and the three strange tentacles on her lower body appeared in front of Sarlayan for the first time. (End of chapter)

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