Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1539 Cenarius: Jie Jie! Do you have today too?

Most of the wilderness demigods go their own way. When there is no major event that threatens the safety of Azeroth, even if they live together on Mount Hyjal, the wilderness demigods rarely see each other. Each has its own territory. .

Mount Hyjal in the Emerald Dream is very similar to the physical world. The only difference is that there is a giant tree that reaches the sky.

It is the Mother Tree Garnier.

In reality, Garnier has already withered and withered with the death of Aviana, the mother of birds, who accompanied it.

As the blueprint and mirror world of Azeroth, the Emerald Dream still maintains the scenery of the original Azeroth, which was how it looked when Freya, the Guardian of Life, first created it.

The ancient continent of Kalimdor was a whole, and there was no sea between various regions.

When flying from high altitude, Sarlayan and his party can enjoy the shocking natural beauty of the original Azeroth.

The plan to guide Anzu to Mount Hyjal to join the gang went smoothly, but it was not completely smooth.

It went smoothly because as soon as they entered the realm of Hyjal, they met the forest demigod Cenarius, the wild demigod with the highest appearance rate.

It didn't go well because, except for Cenarius, the other demigods had no intention of showing up to meet him for the time being.

Of course, it may be that they are busy with their own affairs and have no time to meet the newcomer Ansu.

As the wilderness demigod closest to mortals, Cenarius readily expressed his welcome to Anzu on behalf of most wilderness demigods.

When Sarlayan asked what the others were doing, Cenarius spread his hands helplessly.

"It's not the elemental tide you mentioned before."

"Hearing that the distance between the Emerald Dream and the material world will soon be shortened, my compatriots who have not yet been resurrected have begun to prepare in advance."

"Ah this..."

Sarlayan slapped his forehead helplessly: "Have you told them that resurrecting demigods will consume a lot of energy, and it is impossible for us to pull all the fallen demigods into the material world at once?"

"I said it." Cenarius smiled and shrugged: "But whether they listen or not is another matter."

"You also know that as a natural spirit born in Azeroth, the Wild Demigod has never been restrained by anyone. How can I, a junior, restrain those unruly guys?"

In terms of position, Cenarius is on the same level as other wilderness demigods.

However, Cenarius ranks last among the wilderness demigods in terms of qualifications and strength.

To those veteran demigods, Cenarius, a descendant of Malorne, was indeed just a junior.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why Cenarius is so close to mortals, because he can clearly feel the attitude of respect from mortals.

"Speaking of which..." Cenarius lowered his head in front of Sarlayan rather gossiping and asked: "Have you decided who to resurrect first? Many wilderness demigods are quarreling fiercely over the issue of resurrection quotas."


Sarlayan smiled bitterly and scratched his head: "It's basically confirmed, don't worry, the top priority is of course your father, White Deer Malorne."

Cenarius was not surprised by this. After all, his father was truly the strongest demigod and would definitely play an important role in the upcoming crisis.

Except for Cenarius, Goldrinn, and Tortora, who are still alive, almost all the demigods of the wilderness are eager to return to the material world as soon as possible.

Although the Emerald Dream is picturesque, the demigods have lived in this place for ten thousand years, and they will get tired of seeing the beautiful scenery no matter how beautiful it is.

Many demigods hope to return to the material world and witness with their own eyes the changes that mortals have made on Azeroth in these ten thousand years.

According to Cenarius, even the black panther Ashaman, who has always been aloof and arrogant, has rarely come out to increase his presence recently, and he obviously has something in mind.

Behind these words of Cenarius, there should be a meaning that the Wild Demigods deliberately asked him to reveal. This knowledge made Sarlayan have to reconsider the order and quota of resurrecting the Wild Demigods.

‘Otherwise, let’s include the Dark Night Well of the Children of the Night. ’

'But looking at the current situation, the one who needs to ask for the opinion of activating the Nightwell is no longer Elisande, but Azshara...'

Thinking of the unharmonious relationship between Azshara and the wild demigods, Thalayan felt a little dizzy.

Don't get me wrong, even Azshara, who had a higher eye than her head at her peak, had never offended the Wild Demigod for personal reasons.

However, anyone with a brain can see that the light in the light has far less respect for the natural spirits living in the Holy Mountain of Hyjal than other mortals, and only maintains a superficial courtesy.

In the War of the Ancients 10,000 years ago, Azshara single-handedly invited the Burning Legion to invade Azeroth. Naturally, the demigods of the wilderness who died in large numbers to protect Azeroth would not have any good impressions of her.

To this day, Azshara has long realized the mistake she made, but with her character, it is obviously impossible for her to admit it face to face.

Therefore, Sharlayan was not sure whether Azshara would agree to use the energy of the Nightwell to resurrect those wild demigods who were not friendly to him.

"Brothers Ursoc, Ursol, and Agamaggan and Avina."

After listening to Sarlayan's preliminary plan, Cenarius nodded thoughtfully: "Usok and Ursol can play a very comprehensive role when fighting together, and these two brothers have tough characters. Once they make up their mind, I will fight until the very end.”

"Agamaggan's fighting style has great limitations, but when the Earth Guardian betrays Azeroth, we really need to reserve more human shield combat power with strong defense."

When Neltharion was still on Azeroth's side, he would use the earth guardian power to give his side a solid earth shield every time a war started. The role of auxiliary defense was very obvious.

Now that Deathwing has jumped to the side of the Ancient God, without the support of the Earth Guardian, the high-end combat power at the forefront will have to bear even greater pressure.

Tortola does have outstanding defense, but he doesn't know how to clone himself. If N'Zoth deliberately avoids the turtle demigod's defense zone and opens a second battlefield, Azeroth must be able to come up with a strategy to deal with it.

The wild boar demigod Agamaggan's attack power can only reach its maximum when it charges up, and its defense power is also inferior to Tortola.

However, Agamaggan's body is covered with thorns and barbs, and enemies who attack him will inevitably suffer repercussions. It is enough for him to take charge of one side.

As for Avina, the last demigod messenger, Cenarius knew the intention of resurrecting her first without the need for Sarlayan to emphasize it.

After all, during the Ancient War, the Mother of Ten Thousand Years shouldered the important task of transmitting intelligence. Although she could not play a role on the frontal battlefield, her evaluation from the intelligence level was of great significance.

Cenarius knew something about Sarlayan's military habits and knew that he valued logistics and intelligence during war, so there was nothing wrong with choosing Avina first.

The output of the Dark Night Well is far inferior to that of the Sun Well after being strengthened by Anweina.

Considering that there will be other tasks in the future that require the use of the Night Well, even if I can persuade Aisha LS Leian, I only plan to give him one more resurrection spot.

As for who this quota will be given to, Sarlayan does not intend to personally intervene, but will leave it to the wilderness demigods to decide.

It is foreseeable that for this rare additional quota, the quarrel between the wilderness demigods will become more intense, and they may even fight.

Neither Cenarius nor his father Malorne had to intervene. The forest demigod hurriedly left with an expression of looking forward to a good show.

Another happy person gives a solid performance.

Melinsela shook her head and laughed: "In fact, it is not difficult to understand. After all, Cenarius, a junior, has indeed received a lot of cold looks from other wilderness demigods."

"If Malorne and mother hadn't been suppressing him, Goldrinn would have been the only one who dared to blatantly show off to him."

"He will naturally be happy to see the jokes made by those old-timers if he has the opportunity."

Sarlayan just shrugged: "As Goldrinn's Favorite, I have no opinion on this."

"Okay, the task of bringing Ansu to recognize him has been successfully completed. What should we do... huh?"

Just when Sarlayan was about to entrust Melinsela to start the dream path back to the material world, his eyebrows suddenly raised upwards, and he turned his head to look at a dense forest not far away with deep meaning.

"Which friend is visiting? How about showing up and meeting him openly?"

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