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Chapter 1543 Onyxia: I am Shu Dao Mountain!

Sarlayan is not just talking nonsense, but he has a definite grasp of Myslair.

Although Mythrael is the Earth Princess in name, it can be seen from the fact that she was left in Azeroth and was not taken to Deep Rock Island. Like Theradras, this guy is among the many descendants of Therazane. The status is not high.

For such a borderline princess of the earth element, her mastery of the power of the earth is naturally not much higher.

Regarding this, we can get a glimpse of this through Theradras, the so-called earth princess who can be defeated by mortals.

Just in case, Sarlayan took Onyxia with him on this trip to Arathi Highlands.

Unlike Mythril, a borderline OB princess, Onyxia is a real direct descendant of Deathwing, and her control over the power of the earth is far greater than Mythril's.

The only thing that makes Sarlayan feel regretful is that Onyxia's strength has improved very slowly and has almost reached its end.

It's not just because of laziness, it's because her upper limit is locked.

Rather, it was precisely because no matter how hard she tried, Onyxia had little effect, she had no choice but to give up her progress and became lazy.

Taking the five guardian dragons as the reference standard, their upper limit of strength is locked at level 66.

Only Deathwing forcibly broke through this shackles with the power of the void poured in by N'Zoth, but that was all, and finally stopped at level 67.

As early as the Battle of Hyjal a few years ago, Onyxia reached the peak of level 63.

Although this guy looks lazy, that's because she's compared to wild and winding people like Sharlayan, Valeera, and Stellagosa.

In fact, under the influence of the surrounding environment, Onyxia is considered to be relatively hard-working by the standards of the dragon family.

At least she didn't bury her head and sleep for years, or even decades.

After several years of hard work, Onyxia reached the level 65 threshold with difficulty.

Without the blessing of guardian power, she obviously felt that her potential had been developed to close to the limit, and it was basically impossible to improve further.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The five guardian dragons can reach level 66 because of the protective power given by the Titans.

In addition, even their direct descendants can only reach peak level 65 at most.

Unless he can take over the power of guardianship from the previous generation of guardian dragons and become a new generation of dragon kings.

Onyxia had no interest in the title of Black Dragon King. After struggling for a while, she was used to showing off and accepted the status quo calmly.

Looking at the entire universe, although level 65 demigods are not weak, they still do not meet the standards of high-end combat power in the universe.

However, at least in Azeroth, Onyxia, who has developed her potential to the limit, can definitely go sideways.

Not to mention the parallel earth princess Mythrael, even if Therazane, the Stone Mother, takes action herself, Onyxia still has the strength to fight... although there is a high probability that she will lose in the end.

Compared with Onyxia, whose potential was limited after undergoing a coming-of-age ceremony, Sharlayan, Valeera, and Stellagosa are still progressing rapidly.

Not long ago, Sharlayan, who has never relaxed his understanding of power, officially stepped into the threshold of level 64. Valeera and Stellagosa were slightly slower than him, but they have also reached level 63 one after another.

In terms of actual combat effectiveness, Sarlayan is now no worse than Onyxia. The unprecedented and unique power of Colorful Guardian gives him the capital to win by leapfrogging.

After losing to Sharlayan for the first time in an all-out duel, Onyxia, who usually seemed careless, felt a little lonely.

Although Onyxia's original reason for joining this family was not so pure, after many years of getting along with each other, whether it was Sharlayan, Valeera, or Stella Gosa, they had already established a deep relationship with the black dragon princess.

Even if Valeera and Stellagosa didn't take the initiative to remind her, Sharlayan also noticed Onyxia's slightly depressed mood.

This was one of the reasons why he decided to take her out alone this time.

Melinsela? It was Valeela who forced her to serve as an informant. After Sarlayan and his party left Azshara, Melinthra's mission was completed.

Recently, Sarlayan has been silently thinking about a question: Is it possible for the dragon clan's locked potential to be reopened?

As the enemies Azeroth faces become stronger and stronger, even the strength of the five Aspect Dragons begins to fail to keep up with the version.

After all, what they now need to face is often powerful enemies like Kil'jaeden who have reached the peak of demigods, or even true god-level enemies from the Shadow Realm.

Even if the Eternal Ones don't take action personally, the senior demigods under them alone are enough to give the guardian dragons a drink.

Not to mention the big bosses that Sharlayan didn't know yet, the Marquis of the Soul Chosen Chamber of Secrets, Kexus, whom he was familiar with, was not something the Aspect Dragon could defeat.

With Raiden and Odin returning one after another, Malorne is also about to be resurrected. The, the four Aspect Dragons, who have been the mainstays of guarding the world for countless years, are no longer the highest level of combat power in Azeroth.

As a member of the dragon clan, Sharlayan certainly does not want to see his mother clan gradually fall behind when Azeroth opens up the star sea in the future.

Therefore, it is imperative to find ways to remove the shackles that limit the potential of the Dragon Clan.

Regarding this point, the two dragon scientists, Inas and Nefarian, have also studied this in detail.

The conclusion is can't be lifted, at least not with their abilities.

According to the research report jointly submitted by the two people, they tentatively called the shackles that restricted the continued progress of the dragon clan genetic locks.

This strong genetic bond is almost impossible to be undone by conventional means, and will be passed down from generation to generation as the bloodline continues.

Once they accept the Dragon Clan's coming-of-age ceremony, their upper limit will be completely locked.

According to Sarlayan's idea, since the gene lock is caused by the protective power infused by the Titans, then the person who ties the bell must be tied to untie the bell. In the end, I am afraid that this problem will have to be solved by the Titans themselves.

Unfortunately, at least at this stage, Sarlayan cannot contact the Titans.

He still needs to wait patiently for Illidan or Algalon to submit the latest results of the search for Eonar, so that he can be qualified to meet the Mother of the Gods.

If we want to say who is most likely to unlock the dragon family's genetic lock, it is not Aman'Thul, the father of the gods, but Eonar, the life-binder.

The reason is very simple, it is nothing more than professional counterpart.

After sending away Danas, who had some reflections on his forehead, Sarlayan and Onyxia, who slept in each other's arms, did not make any of the expected noises.

When performing tasks outside, Sarlayan has always been very self-disciplined, and his confidante who understand his habits will not take the initiative to tease him at this time.

...Anyway, there are plenty of opportunities after returning home.

Early the next morning, Sarlayan and Onyxia said goodbye to the senior officials of Stromgard, headed by Danaus.

It wasn't until he was walking slowly out of their sight that Sarlayan transformed into a brown griffin and began to fly faster.

As Danas said, Mysler's seal is very conspicuous, and you can see the tall stone pillars from a long distance.

According to the normal process mentioned by the barrage, unblocking Mysler requires completing a series of errands.

Sarlayan was too lazy to go to all that trouble, and turned to look at Onyxia as soon as he arrived at his destination.

There was no need for verbal communication. The Black Dragon Princess, who had long been an old couple with Sarlayan, had a tacit understanding. She squatted down and slapped the core of the seal in the center of the stone pillars.

As the power of the earth exported by Onyxia penetrates deep underground, this ancient seal set during the Arathor Empire shattered.


Mythrael, who had been sealed for more than 2,000 years, couldn't wait to break out of the ground, and an atypical earth element giantess appeared in front of Sarlayan and Onyxia.

"I! I'm finally free!"

"Tsk, tsk~" Sarlayan looked at Mithrael who was roaring with interest: "It's really a template for Titan creations. Is this some kind of quirk?"

High-level elemental creatures can shape their appearance into any shape. In theory, it is indeed possible for earth elements in the form of titan creations to exist.

However, after all, the two are not creatures created using the same principle. They are completely different in nature.

Although the Mysler in front of me looks like a giantess created by the Titans, what flows in her body is not order...or arcane energy, but the heavy power of the earth.

"Thank you! Insignificant mortals!"

Once out of trouble, Myslair was so proud that he deliberately looked down at Sarlayan and Onyxia, who were still in their human form. He laughed loudly and said, "To express my gratitude, let me You become part of my body!"

Sarlayan, whose ears were itchy from the shock, reached out and took out his ears: "Are you sure? I'll give you a chance to reorganize the language."

Onyxia cooperated and took the initiative to release her momentum, looking at Mysler with a playful expression, who suddenly changed her demeanor.

"Little Shitou, I only count to three, don't make a mistake~" (End of Chapter)

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