Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1546 Mysler’s Magical Use

The barrier between Azeroth and the elemental world has not yet been closed, and the Stone Mother's clone cannot stay in the material world for a long time.

After finalizing the deal, Therazane took the initiative to remove the clone, completely ignoring Myslair who was eagerly waiting for the next instruction.

Although Misler was very disappointed by this, it was not too surprising.

The Stone Mother Therazan had many offspring, and Mythril was just a marginal figure among them, and had never been put into great use by her mother.

Otherwise, she would not have disappeared in Azeroth for more than 2,000 years and no one would care about her.

Unexpected and reasonable.

Through subsequent exchanges with Mythril, Sarlayan and Onyxia discovered that this guy was actually a pro-Titan sect that was rare among the earth elements.

[That’s right, after all, the transformation Mysler chose is that of a Titan creation. For this reason, her position is already clear. 】

[It’s no wonder that Therazane doesn’t like her. Her political stance is different. 】

As said before, there cannot be only one voice within a force.

In this case, what difference does it make if there are two or three?

According to the information provided by Mysler, who had completely given up, there were nominally three factions within the earth element.

The neutral faction led by Therazane... or the wall-riding faction has an absolute advantage. The staunch Ancient Gods faction only has two or three kittens, and the die-hard Titan faction has even fewer.

In Sarlayan's view, the so-called neutrals are just a group of people with vacillating positions who temporarily gather together to keep warm.

Once the situation takes a major turn, they may change their identity at any time and join the Titan Faction or the Ancient God Faction, which are currently in decline.

The Ancient God Sect still has two big bosses at the level of elemental lords. The Earth Elemental Titan Sect can't even take a lead. The fringe princess Mysler is already considered the highest-ranking one in this faction.

"Hmm..." Sarlayan looked thoughtfully at Mysler with a flattering look on his face: "Are you really interested in fully surrendering to the Guardians?"

"Of course!" Misler rubbed his hands and laughed in a rather funny manner: "I have long understood that there is no future in following the ancient gods."

"They failed once in the Dark Empire War. I don't believe that those three lost dogs have the possibility of turning around again."


Sarlayan smiled meaningfully: "There are no more three."

"You have been sealed for more than 2,000 years, and you still know nothing about the latest situation in Azeroth."

"C'Thun and Yogg-Saron have been reinforced and sealed one after another. They won't be able to come out and cause trouble again for at least tens of thousands of years."

"Now the only one who still carries the banner of the Ancient God Faction is N'Zoth, who is hiding in the deep sea and is easy to defend and difficult to attack."

Sarlayan looked at Mysler with a stunned look on his face and fell into deep thought.

If this guy's stance is not just random nonsense, he wouldn't mind using Mysler as a fulcrum to slowly influence the so-called neutral faction of the earth element.

Horsepower can be seen from a distance, and people's hearts can be seen from time to time.

When Deathwing and Varothen are defeated one after another and N'Zoth is at the end of his rope, those "neutral factions" will naturally make choices that suit the situation.

As for Therazane...

Anyway, the king of fire element and the king of air element are destined to be replaced, and adding another earth element is not too much.

The problem now is... Thalayan doesn't think that a mere Mythrael can take over the crown of the earth element from Therazane.

The reason is simple. Her strength is far from enough to suppress the arrogant soldiers of Therazane.

‘Let’s leave this question for later. It’s a little far away to consider now. What if Therazane figures it out by then? ’

In any case, the fulcrum of Misler can be cultivated first, and at least it can be used as a banner to prepare a staircase for those who are willing to change their stance to step down.

"In that case." Sarlayan looked at Mysler thoughtfully and smiled: "I will take some time to take you to Ulduar to see the world, just in time for the Earth Guardian Azadas to discipline you. Your bad temper."

Mysler is not a good person, which can be seen from the fact that she plans to kill her savior without hesitation.

But when I thought about it, this thinking mode of the jungle was not surprising at the time when Mysler was still active.

More than 2,000 years ago, humans had not yet defeated the forest trolls and became the dominant force in the Eastern Continent. Except for Quel'Thalas, which was located in a corner, modern civilized society was far from emerging.

The trolls of the three major vassal empires of Amani, Gurubashi and Drakkari all believe in the law of the jungle where the strong is respected. Under this background, if Mythril were a good-tempered person, he might not survive at all. The day when mankind rises.

Sarlayan and Valeela had been to the war period of the Dark Empire tens of thousands of years ago. Let alone the elemental creatures, the Titan Guardians at that time were not necessarily better tempered than Mysrael, and they might even be more explosive.

After all, there are only a few guardians like Mimiron and Freya who are willing to treat all things equally.

An era will always have its own mode of doing things that is suitable for the current era.

To put it simply, Mysler, who has been sealed for more than 2,000 years, has already lagged behind the version. If she cannot adjust her thinking mode in time, she will inevitably be mercilessly run over by the wheels of the times.

Therefore, Sharlayan planned to throw this earth elemental princess who claimed to admire the Titan Guardian to Ulduar and hand it over to the management of Azadas, her professional counterpart.

If Azadas could be made happy, this guardian with the power of shaping might really build a genuine Titan-created body for her, which would be nothing more than stuffing the soul source of Myslair into it.

It just so happened that Sarlayan had originally planned to take some time to visit Ulduar.

Sarlayan, who has the power of life, is still relatively rough in using this power. He follows the red dragon's routine of making bricks fly. He plans to take this opportunity to ask Freya for some more sophisticated life spells.

Knowing that Sarlayan planned to go to Northrend, Onyxia beat the snake on the stick and said that she also wanted to go back to see how her mother and brother were doing.

Before heading to Northrend, Sharlayan first teleported back to Unicorn City and checked on the work of Tinagosa.

Fortunately, the little guy was quite reliable when needed and didn't cause any big trouble in the territory.

According to Tinagosa, Stellagosa and Valeela will return from Dalaran soon, and then she will be able to relieve herself of the "burden".

"What a burden..."

Sarlayan angrily poked Little Tina's forehead with his finger: "With the support of a strong secretarial team that has been cultivated for many years, you don't need to be responsible for any tiring work at all."

Regarding this point, Sarlayan himself has a lot to say, and he is nothing more than a stamping machine.

Tinagosa smiled and touched her forehead: "Hehe~ I'm just showing my attitude, don't take it too seriously."

"Oh, right."

After making some jokes, Tina Gosa suddenly remembered something and slammed her fist into the palm of her hand.

"Three days ago, a green dragon named Cloela suddenly came to visit, saying that she wanted to meet senior Elena Strasza and her descendants."

"Chloe LS Leian turned to look at Onyxia beside her in confusion. The Black Dragon Princess also shook her head with a confused look on her face: "I haven't heard of it. He shouldn't be a big shot. "

Sarlayan touched his chin thoughtfully: "Tina, what is the form of that green dragon? A young dragon? Or an adult dragon?"

"Young dragon."

Tinagosa proudly put her hands on her hips and boasted: "Her strength is not as good as mine. I guess she is not a core member of the green dragon clan."

"Ah this..."

Sarlayan's mind was spinning very quickly. He probably guessed the identity of this Cloela, and couldn't help but shake his head with a wry smile.

"Is she still in the territory now?"

"Yes." Tina Gosa raised her hand and pointed outside the city: "That guy said he wanted to join Inas's mother's laboratory to help. He has been active near the laboratory in the suburbs recently."

"Okay, I'll go see her right now."

Sarlayan knelt down and rubbed Tina's hair: "After the things here are done, we will set off directly to Northrend, and the management of the territory will continue to be left to you."

"no problem!"

Tinagosa slapped her chest vigorously and confidently gave her assurance. Then she approached Sarlayan's ear and whispered in a gossipy tone: "Is that green dragon related to Melinthera?"

Sarlayan rolled his eyes angrily: "Little clever guy, why do you react so quickly at a time like this?"

"Hehe~" Tina Gosa smiled slyly and patted Sharlay'an's broad shoulder with her small hand: "Have a good trip. I will help you explain to your sister and Valeela."

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