Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1549 Freya’s secret technique for pressing the box

"Is there a gathering of extraordinary beings..."

After listening to Azadas' explanation, Sarlayan touched his chin thoughtfully.

Before Odin and Raiden jointly proposed this idea, most of the demigods in Azeroth fought independently.

Only during the War of the Ancients 10,000 years ago, through the collaboration of Jarod Shadowsong, did the demigods temporarily put aside their differences and work together to fight against foreign enemies.

This is a very simple truth.

Most of the individuals who can step into the realm of demigods are arrogant people, such as the wilderness demigods. Each has its own set of belief systems, and usually does not obey anyone.

This is true within the Wilderness Demigods, let alone their relationship with the Dragon Clan, which they had not had much contact with before.

Strictly speaking, the Dragon Clan did not really fight side by side with the Wild Demigods in the War of the Ancients.

They originally had this opportunity, but who would have thought that Neltharion, the Black Dragon King, would rebel on the battlefield, causing chaos within the Dragon Clan.

The blue dragon was almost wiped out in this civil war, and the other three-color dragons were also severely damaged. They could only focus on dealing with the internal problems of the dragon clan first, and did not contribute much in the final decisive battle to capture the Well of Eternity.

As for the Titan Guardians, they are closely related to the Dragon Clan and the Wild Demigods, but that was already tens of thousands of years ago.

Ever since Loken began stirring up trouble in Ulduar, the Titan Guardians have been in internal turmoil for tens of thousands of years.

The chief administrator, Odin, was trapped in the Hall of Valor and unable to leave, and the great guardian Raiden also disappeared inexplicably while going to the south of ancient Kalimdor for inspection.

Without the constraints of the two Guardian leaders, Loken, with the support of Yogg-Saron, can confidently and boldly seize control of Ulduar.

If Tyr hadn't keenly discovered Loken's true identity and took away the platinum disc and fled, leaving the spark of counterattack in the future, it would not have been so easy for Sarlayan to assemble an army of Titan creations to recapture Ulduar.

If you include the primitive natural spirits of varying quality...that is, Loa, the extraordinary beings of Azeroth have never been together before.

The composition of Loa is relatively complex, and Odin and Raiden do not intend to invite them rashly before finding out their details.

...Besides, there are really not many Loa that Sarlayan knows and has good relationships with.

Raiden planned to do the next best thing and use Sarlayan's connections to first invite the Wild Demigods, Dragon Guardians and Titan Guardians together to discuss how to protect the future of Azeroth.


Sarlayan lowered his head and thought for a while before giving an answer: "I agree with Raiden and Odin's proposal, but now is not the best time to invite the wilderness demigods."

Azadas nodded knowingly: "I know that if the elemental tide you mentioned before really happens, then we'd better wait until those wilderness demigods are resurrected before holding this gathering of extraordinary people."

At this stage, if you want to invite the wilderness demigods, you can only set the gathering place in the Emerald Dream.

Not to mention whether the dragons and titan guardians are willing, even the wilderness demigods themselves will feel very uncomfortable. Attending such a high-end meeting in the form of a soul after death will make them instinctively feel inferior to others.

Therefore, Sarlayan suggested leaving the gathering until after the elemental chaos subsides. By then, the demigods of the wilderness should have been resurrected one after another and can directly participate in this gathering of extraordinary beings in the flesh.

"Then let's settle it for now."

Azadas took out a "portable communication terminal" the size of a door panel and gave a brief report to Leyden.

The corner of Sarlayan's mouth twitched as he looked at the "portable" terminal that could be used to hit people: "By the way, why are you using this thing? I remember that there is a special telepathic communication method between guardians? "

Azadas smiled and shrugged: "Because it is more convenient to communicate privately. The Guardian channel you mentioned is completely public. Anyone who speaks in it can hear it."

[I understand, it’s a chat group, right? Le. 】

[Indeed, one-on-one private communication channels are still necessary. There will always be secrets that you don’t want certain people to know. 】

"Hmm~" Sarlayan put his chin on his hand thoughtfully: "How about I entrust Mimiron to develop another instant messaging function? Anyway, the base station has been built, so it won't be used in vain."

[Hey, is it really just a mobile phone? 】

[I think it will work. Chat modes like WeChat or QQ that can be used alone or in groups are very useful. We should also have one for Azeroth. 】

That being said, before actually starting the research, Sarlayan was not sure how difficult the research and development would be, so he could only leave it to Mimiron and the group of engineers to slowly study it.

After bidding farewell to Mysler and Azadas, Sarlayan, who was free and light for the time being, strolled slowly to Freya's greenhouse of life.

After discovering Sarlayan through the surveillance equipment at the gate, Freya took the initiative to open the entrance to the greenhouse.

"Long time no see, Sarlayan."

Freya was still as gentle as ever. She strolled up to Sarlayan with several "small" animals of various shapes, and took the initiative to squat down to keep eye level with Sarlayan.

Note that the so-called "small" animals here are based on the size of the guardian.

From Sarlayan's perspective, each of these guys are ferocious beasts, either tigers, lions or leopards, and there are actually a few gray wolves with shiny coats.

'How did these big cats and canines get mixed up together... Should I say that it is indeed Freya? ’

In addition to wild animals, there are many tree people behind Freya who are busy rebuilding this greenhouse of life that has been abandoned for a long time.

To say it was deserted... is actually not very accurate.

During the time Freya was trapped in Ulduar, the Life Greenhouse was actually in use all the time.

However, Freya, who was not clear-headed at the time, spawned many twisted species that were completely inconsistent with her aesthetics.

After getting rid of Yogg-Saron's control, Freya was dissatisfied with the strange creatures and messy furnishings in the greenhouse, so she simply tore them all down and started over.

After several years of reconstruction, at least on the surface, the Life Greenhouse has become a lot more normal.

As for those ferocious beasts... let’s pretend we haven’t seen them. As the guardian of life, is it so strange that Freya has a few big cats and dogs?

After hearing about Sarlayan's intention, Freya, who was extremely friendly, readily agreed to his request for advice.

"Okay, although I don't know if you can learn the spells you want from me, but I will try my best to teach you everything I know."

As the guardian of life, Freya does not like fighting. Most of the life spells she masters are healing and auxiliary types, and there are very few offensive spells.

Except for Cenarius, the second generation demigod, the birth of all natural spirits in Azeroth is inseparable from Freya's enlightenment.

Even Cenarius, the healing and auxiliary natural spells he mastered are inextricably linked to Freya.

These spells of the same lineage were taught by Cenarius to his favorite disciple Malfurion, and then became an important part of the Druid professional system.

Freya has mastered Druid's signature healing skills such as Rejuvenation, Healing Touch, Healing, Life Bloom, Wild Growth, Tranquility, etc., and her level of healing spells is far higher than Arch Druid Malfar's. Above.

Sarlayan also knows these druid skills, and he mastered them by the way when he was learning from the old bear Olfa.

However, due to Sarlayan's fighting style, he has not conducted in-depth research on healing spells, and so far he has only been able to "use" them.

During the time he devoted himself to seeking advice from Freya, Sarlayan did not learn any more healing spells, but he still gained a lot.

Sarlayan learned how to inject life power into these seemingly ordinary healing spells without any hindrance, greatly enhancing the effects of various healing spells.

Before leaving, Freya finally taught Sharlayan a unique spell she had learned from Eonar.

It's not appropriate to call it a spell. Eonar named this secret skill the Domain of Life.

As the name suggests, this is a domain-based skill that is continuously maintained.

When the life domain is turned on, all targets in the domain that are judged to be friendly can receive protection from the domain owner.

Once these friendly targets are harmed, Life Domain will automatically consume the reserved magic power to provide precise one-on-one treatment.

As for the amount of stored magic power, it is entirely up to the domain releaser to decide.

Sarlayan, who has initially mastered this secret technique, can only open a small area of ​​about 10 meters in radius, but Freya can effortlessly expand the area's coverage to more than 100 meters.

As long as the magic power of the domain controller is not exhausted, friendly targets within the coverage of the life domain can be quickly repaired even if their hearts are penetrated unless their heads are chopped off with a knife. This is really a big deal.

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