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Chapter 1556 Don't you all have mobile phones? (code)

As Matron Gaia'an, who was in deteriorating physical condition, took the initiative to retreat to the background, the Mag'har clan entered a new era led by four young leaders.

The four are Garrosh son of Warsong chief Grom Hellscream, Dranosh son of Blackrock chief Varok Saurfang, blood ring chief Kilrogg Jorin son of Deadeye, and Gai Agnaran, Ya'an's personal apprentice.

To put it bluntly, it is a small group composed of the second generation of chiefs.

Garrosh, who perfectly inherited the Grom warrior gene, is the most powerful among the four.

But at the same time, his brain is also the most rigid in the team, and he must have the assistance of an external brain to make correct decisions.

Dranosh has a similar style to Garrosh, but at least he doesn't go to the extreme of completely trading brains for brawn.

Yorin and Agna are the think tank characters in this group, and their presence is very important.

To give an inappropriate example, these two people are like a leash hanging around the neck of a bulldog.

If it weren't for their restraint, God knows where those two stubborn Tie Hanhan would go.

Having said that, Sharlayan is very curious about Jorin's whereabouts in the original history.

He already knew the ending of Dranosh from the barrage. The young orc warrior unfortunately fell in the battle of Scourgegate, and his body was resurrected by the Lich King Arthas as a death knight.

And Agna followed Gaiyaan's guidance, and after a long experience with Goyle, she finally married him. The two also had a son named Duraka.

Needless to say, Garrosh, who is nicknamed Brainless Roar, the tribe's civil war was brought about because of his will to go his own way.

Among the small group of second-generation chiefs, only Yolin disappeared inexplicably in the subsequent versions.

Perhaps it was because Agna circled around Go'el all day long, and Jolin mysteriously disappeared, Garrosh, without an external brain, would go on the wrong path and no one could hold him back. off the leash.

Sharlayan wasn't sure if Agna would have the same sparks with Go'el in this timeline.

As long as Jorin, who is also a think tank, is still by Garrosh's side, Brainless Roar should never go back to the old path of the original history.

Just in case, Sharlayan ordered Valeera to step up intelligence investigations on Draenor, and to monitor every move of Goel and the others at all times.

The Alliance garrison led by Windsor is a spy on the surface, and even if Goyle notices it, he won't care too much. After all, he really needs to show goodwill to the Alliance who still has doubts about the Horde.

What? Assassination?

According to Sharlayan's understanding of the alliance, even if those hawk leaders were dissatisfied with the tribe, they would not put down their dignity and adopt such indecent methods.

Taking a step back, even if someone really planned to take this opportunity to assassinate Goyle, it would not be so easy.

Go'el's combat power is not bad at all, and he is accompanied by Varok Saurfang, a representative figure of the Mesozoic orcs. It is very difficult to assassinate them.

Wen Desor is the eyeliner on the bright side, but Sharlayan has many other arrangements in the dark.

For example, the Broken agent under Illidan, the cat (leopard) German who is good at stealth under Fandral Staghelmet, the Naga under the management of Vashj, and so on.

As long as he has the heart, Sharlayan can clearly inquire about how many times Goel goes to the toilet a day... although there is no need for this at all.

Valeera faithfully followed Sharlayan's instructions and handed over his commissions to the major forces in Draenor one by one.

"Do you plan to go to Draenor to observe it yourself?"

Facing Valeera's question, Sharlayan shook his head: "I don't need to personally come forward for this trivial matter. As long as Gouel doesn't make a big fuss, I won't bother to follow him as a peeping tom. Let him do it." Bar."

"Compared to Gouil's movements, I am more concerned about Fandral's research progress."

Valeera raised her eyebrows: "Are you talking about Draenor's environmental transformation plan? Or the red natural disaster treatment plan that was entrusted to him before?"

Sharlayan: "The latter, I know that the former will not come to fruition so quickly. Transforming Draenor's environment is bound to be a long and time-consuming large-scale project."

Valeera nodded knowingly: "You want to fulfill your promise to Akama as soon as possible, right? That's right, the evil energy surging inside the Broken One is like a time bomb, and it's best to dismantle it as soon as possible."

While talking, Valeera continued to send messages to the high elf intelligence personnel in Fort Watch, and she also made complaints by the way.

"I don't want to use the mobile phone to make voice calls that are easy to be eavesdropped on some important things, but it's too troublesome to send notes every time. Can you improve it?"

Sharlayan's eyes lit up, he snapped his fingers casually and said with a smile, "Blind monk, you discovered Huadian, and I'm thinking about it too."

Valeera rolled her eyes angrily, "It's Watson, have you discovered the blind spot? Isn't this the Sherlock Holmes terrier you mentioned before? It can be used in reverse..."

"Don't worry about the details."

Sharlayan waved his hand and brought the topic back: "I plan to entrust Mimiron and the others to add an instant message function to the mobile phone, so that we can avoid sending small notes frequently when we need to convey confidential information."

"Hmm..." Stella Gosa, an arcanist, rested her chin on her hand and pondered: "From a technical point of view, this function should not be difficult to achieve, especially for a great inventor like Mimiron. "

Sarlayan smiled and spread his hands: "Then let's just look forward to it. For the mobile phone, I still have a lot of ideas for improvement. Let's take it step by step."

[That’s not right, the mobile phones in Azeroth are still the most primitive functional phones, and it must be gradually evolved into a smart phone. 】

[Is there a possibility that Sharlayan will be able to play mobile games in Azeroth in the future? 】

[Don't ask, asking is everything is possible. 】

[Le, I look forward to the day when Xiao Sa draws a card and dies violently and howls. 】

[Don't you all have mobile phones? (funny)】

Sharlayan was a little speechless about the bad taste of the barrage.

Today's Azeroth is like a war machine in full swing, and all resources will be given priority to research and development of military technology.

When the external threats gradually weakened, Sarlayan would consider shifting the focus of development back to civilian use.

However, he is not sure about this kind of thing. Many civilian technologies are castrated versions of military technologies. With a little modification, they can be put into use directly, without additional research costs.


Sharlayan raised his head and looked out the window thoughtfully: "Let's keep some expectations for now. If it weren't for the fact that there are too many external threats in Azeroth, I would also like to do my best to develop people's livelihood..."


Under the watchful eye of Sharlayan's spies, Go'el's trip to Draenor was kept secret.

However, Sharlayan did not devote all his energy to monitoring Goel. He was more concerned with the follow-up actions of the orc rebels and the treatment plan for the Broken that Fandral sent back from Draenor.

Just as Sharlayan expected, with the deepening of research on the extensive application of Arcandor, Fandral's technology to develop the variant Arcandor has become more and more mature.

In his spare time when Fandral was formulating a grand plan for the transformation of Draenor's environment, he easily bred a new variant of Arcandor that could harmonize fel energy.

However, the problem of the Broken is not just pure evil erosion, the red plague mixed in this curse is the real big boss.

The Red Plague is a genetic weapon developed by the Gorian Empire specifically for orcs. It stands to reason that it should have no effect on the Draenei, whose genetic sequences are completely different from those of the orcs.

However, after mixing with evil energy, I am afraid that the warlocks of the Shadow Council themselves do not know what strange magical reactions have occurred between these two energies.

Judging from the results, the fused high-intensity pollutants can indeed cause great damage to the draenei, causing them to degenerate into distorted broken ones.

Thanks to the detailed information on the Red Plague provided by Gaiyaan, it only took Fandral 3 months for the open-book exam to develop a special medicine for the Red Plague, and then it took him more than 2 months to come up with the final result of the Broken One. Treatment programs.

"Hmm..." Sharlayan shook the parchment with a lot of technical terms in his hands with some headaches: "The plan is out, the question now is... who should we use as the first experiment?" Little white mouse?"

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