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Chapter 1559 The Four Irons of Life

Sharlayan heard a story from the barrage.

There are four big irons in life. They went to the window together, carried guns together, had sex together (know everything), and shared the spoils together.

We have carried guns together, which is what soldiers often call friendship in battle.

Comrades who have fought together on the battlefield, the friendship formed by this is usually stronger than ordinary friends.

Although Goel and Grom are very different in age, the Frostwolf Clan and the Warsong Clan led by the two have been cooperating since they raised troops to liberate the shelter in the Eastern Kingdom.

During Xidu's journey to Kalimdor in search of a new home, the two tribes experienced two decisive battles in Tumo Canyon and Mount Hyjal together, and they are comrades who can truly entrust each other with life and death.

Grom Hellscream's life can be roughly divided into four stages.

The first stage was the peak period from youth to adulthood, and it was during that period that Grom, who killed Goron alone, won the honorary title of the first warrior of the orcs.

Grom still regrets the second stage of his life, from the time when he was bewitched by Gul'dan and drank the blood of the devil for stronger power, until the end of the second orc war.

As the intensifying effect of the devil's blood faded, more serious side effects began to appear, and Grom entered the third stage of his life.

Stubborn by nature, he dragged his exhausted body and continued to lead the Warsong clan to fight guerrillas everywhere in Azeroth.

This stage lasted until Grom personally beheaded Mannoroth in the Demon Slaughter Canyon and lifted the blood curse initiated by him on the orc family.

As described in the information held by Sharlayan, after the Battle of Mount Hyjal, Grom, whose heart was untied, also lost the vigor he had once been tense.

His body with numerous hidden wounds was rapidly aging with the change of mentality, and gradually lost the ability to capture the flag on the battlefield.

However, there is a saying in another world, if you lose your fortune, you will never know it is a blessing.

Grom's personal combat ability has indeed deteriorated significantly, but the experience he has accumulated over the years of fighting on the battlefield will not disappear because of this.

Grom is not as good at commanding troops as Varok Saurfang. When fighting, he usually relies on his strong combat power to lead the way to boost the morale of the whole army.

In Sharlayan's words, Grom is suitable to be a vanguard, not a general in the center.

Of course, what Sharlayan was talking about was the Warsong Chief who was always the first to fight.

Although he is not as good as Varok in commanding ability, Grom, who has been a soldier all his life, has experienced far more battles than Varok, who is in his prime. His years of combat experience will not be in vain.

If Varok is a talented general, then Grom is a hardworking type... or an experienced type who is closer to ordinary people.

Zulushid is an old orc who was active in the same era as Grom. After personally contacting Grom at the current stage, he was more surprised by Grom's transformation than anyone else.

Due to physical reasons, today's Grom no longer insists on rushing to the front. He sorted out his years of experience in fighting on the battlefield, and summed up a set of fool-style commanding tutorials suitable for ordinary people to learn.

Grom, the chief instructor, in addition to teaching the soldiers little fighting skills on the battlefield, will also select some young orcs with less rigid minds to impart experience, hoping to train them to be reserve officers in the army.

Although Grom is no longer on the battlefield, due to his many heroic deeds in the early years and his great achievements in beheading Mannoroth and liberating the curse of the whole family, he is still very prestigious in the new tribe today.

In the minds of some, Grom ranks even above young Warchief Go'el.

When Varok went out with Go'el, Grom, the prestigious chief of the Warsong clan, became the undisputed leader of the new tribe's army.

The military power is in the hands of his old comrade-in-arms, Grom, and Goel is very relieved.

On the other hand, Go'el handed over the ruling power after he left to the joint responsibility of Chief Advisor Eitrigg and Dragonmaw Chief Zuluhed.

Of course, there is also Drek'Thar who is still hiding in the dark.

The old and mature Zuluhed will not be smug because of Go'el's decentralization.

He has just joined the new tribe and he is very self-aware. Because he doesn't know enough about the current situation of the tribe, Zuluhed is very humble and assists Eitrigg and Drek'Thar, working and studying at the same time.

It is also in this situation of frequent contact with core government affairs that Zulushid dares to assert that the new tribe has great potential.

Zuluhed has experienced too many turmoil in his life, and when he gets old, he hopes to find a relatively stable place to retire.

Zuluhed has experienced too many turmoil in his life, and when he gets old, he hopes to find a relatively stable place to retire.

After a period of secret observation, Zuluhed can basically determine that Orgrimmar will become the burial place of his old orc who is about to die.

At this age, Zulushid has long lost the ambitions of the past.

The only thing that worries him is the question of the successor of the chief of the Dragonmaw clan.

Zulushid, who is a bystander, knows very well that it is destined to be a dead end with the group of unscrupulous careerists and tigers, and he will never hand over power to the radicals.

That being the case, Zuluhed intends to use his last remaining time to personally train a suitable heir.

After several months of observation, Zuluhed finally chose the young female orc named Zaira in front of him, and kept her by his side all the time, so that he could teach by example at any time.

"Zayla of the Dragonmaw Clan..."

When Sharlayan received this information, he touched his chin thoughtfully.

Valeera heard the strangeness in Sharlayan's tone, and asked curiously, "Is there something wrong with this Zayla?"

"No, it just sounds a little familiar."

Sharlayan wasn't lying, he had indeed heard of the name Zaira, but it didn't come from any Azeroth information, but some gossip that the barrage had talked about before.

In the original history, Zaira was the new chief of the Dragonmaw Clan, and was reused after Brainless Roar came to power.

Since then, Zaira and her Dragonmaw clan have followed Brainhowler faithfully and faithfully carried out all his orders, until they finally died in battle at Blackrock Spire.

Some bullet screens have gossiped about the relationship between Zaira and Garrosh, thinking that there may be some pink aura between the two.

However, in Sharlayan's view, Zaira's single-minded behavior should be just to repay Garrosh for his kindness.

Considered from this perspective, Zaira is at least a person who knows how to reciprocate.

Moreover, this is Zaira who has not received Zulushid's own teaching in the original history.

Being able to fight out from the messy Dragonmaw Clan already proved Zaira's ability.

If there is no accident, the future Chief Dragonmaw should be able to go more smoothly on this timeline, and maybe he can really become Goel's right-hand man in the future.

The Dragonmaw clan has been longing for the sky since it got its name, and they are the most lacking air force reserve talents for the new tribe.

It was impossible for Sharlayan to sit back and watch the Dragonmaw clan, which was very obsessed with the concept of "flying dragon", continue to harm the dragon clan. However, according to his understanding of the Dragonmaw clan, their definition of dragons had always been very broad.

When living in Draenor, the dragon creature controlled by the Dragonmaw clan was a strange monster called a two-headed wyvern.

Two-headed wyvern, as the name suggests, this kind of monster has two heads, but if they are dragons... Sharlayan always feels that something is wrong.

If you think about it this way, Kalimdor's specialty, the wyvern, should also meet the Dragonmaw clan's "flying dragon" mount standard.

Although the two Wyvern habitats of Thousand Needles and Stone Claw Mountain have already been occupied by the Tauren in advance, this does not mean that there are no Wyvern in other areas, but the population is not as large as Stone Claw Mountain and Thousand Claw Mountain. There are so many Needles.

In fact, both Durotar and the Barrens have small numbers of wyverns inhabiting them.

If there is no accident, these wyverns will soon be tamed by the Dragonmaw clan who are good at taming dragons, and then become the new air force of the tribe.

Zuluhed is dying and has few years left to live.

Sharlayan guessed that once Zuluhed died, the position of Chief Dragonmaw would inevitably fall into the hands of Zaira, whom he personally brought and trained.

'I hope that Zaira on this timeline will not get mixed up with the brainless roar anymore. If she can really use Zuluhed's careful teachings on the right path, the hole card in Goel's hand Just one more. '

I was discharged from the hospital and went home, but my condition is still not very good. I feel weak all over. I think it will take a long time to recuperate.

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