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Chapter 1561 The reborn Fire Blade Sword Saint Samuro

Samuro is one of the most famous swordmasters in the Burning Blade Clan. After his mentor Dar Three Blood Blades died in Quel'Thalas, Samuro could even remove the "one" from the suffix.

Samuro, whose heart was broken because he violated the sword master's faith, had a fight with the fledgling Sarlayan and Valeera.

Even at the lowest point in his life, Samuro's strength is not comparable to that of two rookies.

Even with Vereesa's help, the three of them were still hacked to pieces by the Fire Blade Sword Master.

Fortunately, Sallayan's warrior mentor Salorian Morningseeker arrived in time and finally forced Samuro away, who was in poor condition.

After the Battle of Quel'Thalas, Samuro and Lantrisso were completely disillusioned with the fallen old tribe, and they returned to their hometown of Draenor together.

Lantrexor is a hybrid of orcs and draenei. Like Garona, he has been discriminated against and ostracized by his own race since he was a child.

After returning to Draenor, Lantrexo no longer lived with his so-called compatriots. Instead, he used his strength to conquer a group of ogres and became their clan leader.

Samuro returned to Havalor, the ancestral land of the Burning Blade clan, informed the clan members who stayed in Draenor about the death of Dal Triple Bloodblade on the battlefield, and then lived in low-key seclusion in Havalor.

When the old tribe went on an expedition to Azeroth, they took away almost all the young and strong fighting strength of each clan, leaving behind only the old, weak, sick and disabled who were not strong in fighting ability.

Even the war-crazy Warsong Clan cannot continue to maintain its strength in Nagrand with only the remaining personnel, and the Burning Blade Clan is not much better.

Samuro's return just solves the Burning Blade clan's urgent need.

Highmaul, the last remnant of the Gorian Empire, was once located in the westernmost part of this steppe.

After Highmaul was destroyed by the Horde, a large number of ogres fled in panic. A considerable number of them were captured by the Horde and used as cannon fodder in the invasion of Azeroth.

However, there are also many ogres who are lucky enough to escape pursuit and are scattered and hiding in various corners of Nagrand.

As the news of the defeat of the old tribe in Azeroth spread back to Draenor, these ogres who were hiding in the threat of the tribe finally gathered the courage to come out of their hiding places and began to compete with the orc clans of Nagrand for living space and resources. .

The Stonefist ogres that Lantrisor defeated were only a small part of them, and more ogres are still entrenched in various parts of Nagrand to this day.

Although these single-headed ogres are not very smart, they can still identify which clans can be provoked and which clans must be avoided.

In the vast Nagrand Grassland, there are only two forces that cannot really be offended.

One is the Mag'har orcs who are based in Galadar, and the other is the Alliance garrison based in Tara Town.

In addition to the above two, the ogres who had been forced to keep a low profile for many years rebounded strongly, and the Burning Blade Clan and Warsong Clan, whose main force was absent, suffered greatly.

The situation of the Warsong clan is even better. Their young leader Garrosh is one of the four powerful bosses of Mag'har.

The main force that followed the clan leader to Azeroth returned late. After being oppressed by the ogres for a long time, the remaining elders of the Warsong clan gritted their teeth and made a decision, taking all the remaining clan members to fully surrender to the Mag'har clan.

Compared with the Warsong Clan, whose warriors broke their arms, the Burning Blade Clan did not have such good luck. They had almost no connection with the Mag'har Clan.

Samuro's return effectively alleviated the Burning Blade clan's dilemma of being occupied by ogres in their living space.

Weeding the strong and supporting the weak is one of the core concepts that the Sword Master has always adhered to. Samuro, who wielded the sword to protect his people, no longer had any haze in his heart, and perfectly displayed his original strength.

By the way, although he is nominally called the Sword Master, the weapon of the Fire Blade Sword Master is not a sword, but a special huge scimitar.

Under the protection of Samuro, the already shaky Burning Blade clan regained a foothold in Nagrand.

Impressed by Samuro's great strength and determination to protect his people, the Burning Blade Clan naturally elected him as the new chief of the Burning Blade Clan.

This is very interesting. Without Azuka's knowledge, the Burning Blade Clan elected another chief in the ancestral land of Draenor. This is why Grom always calls Azuka the pseudo-chief. reason.

Speaking of Samuro's connection with the new tribe, we have to mention another hybrid orc - Rexxar.

With the help of Sharlayan, Rexxar's mother clan Moxana became the overlord of the Blade's Edge Mountains, and his father Leorox also gained power after gaining the trust of the dragon slayer Gruul.

Although Leolocs didn't say anything, Sarlayan knew that he wanted to see his "rebellious" son after so many years.

After returning to Azeroth, Sharlayan sent a message to Go'el by the way, asking him to convey the changes in the situation in Blade's Edge Mountains to Rexxar, who was still traveling around.

Lexa is a typical prodigal character. He doesn't like to stay in a fixed place for a long time.

After the Battle of Mount Hyjal, in order to help the new tribe gain a foothold in Kalimdor, Rexxar had been receiving orders from Go'el for a long time, running around completing various difficult tasks.

As the new tribe gradually stabilized in Durotar, Rexxar's old habits recurred. He took the initiative to resign from Go'el and other tribe leaders, and embarked on a traveling journey again with his animal companions.

It wasn't until more than two months ago that Go'el contacted Rexxar again, who had wandered into Feralas for unknown reasons, and told him about the changes in the Mok'Nassa clan.

Go'el had long decided to go to Draenor in person to welcome back his biological grandmother and the Mag'har orcs, so it was natural that someone would need to stand in front of him first.

Lexa, who happened to be planning to return home, was the most suitable candidate.

Rexxar, who returned to Draenor, headed straight for the Blade's Edge Mountains, and successfully reunited with the Mok'Nathal clan, which was in full swing.

Although Leolocs and Lexa, father and son, were very tough and didn't say anything nice, at least they didn't quarrel again.

Knowing that the mother clan swept away the previous decline and climbed to the top with the help of Sharlayan, Rexxar, who already admired Sharlayan's strength and firm belief in protecting Azeroth, felt even more grateful to him.

After finishing his personal affairs, Rexxar bid farewell to his father and his tribe and set off for Nagrand, preparing to complete the official affairs entrusted to him by Warchief Go'el and personally check on the current situation of Grandma Gaiaan and the Mag'har clan.

After entering the Nagrand Prairie, Rexxar unexpectedly encountered Samuro, who was unfortunately ambushed and was being besieged by a large number of ogres.

After all, Samuro is still just a mortal, and has not stepped into the realm of demigods to gain the ability to fight one against a hundred.

The warm-hearted Rexxar immediately led his animal companions to help and rescued Samuro who was trapped in a bitter battle, and thus established a friendship with this noble Fire Blade Sword Master.

Samuro was undoubtedly shocked when he learned of Azuka's perverse ambitions from Rexxa.

Samuro had long known that Azuka was not a good person, but he really didn't expect that this guy who would do anything to achieve his goals would actually want to disrupt the new tribe that had finally established a foothold in Azeroth.

After struggling for a while, the hesitant Samuro returned to Havalo to seek the opinions of the elders.

With the support of a large number of indignant tribesmen, he finally decided to return to Azeroth with Rexxar to clean up the family of the Burning Blade clan and get rid of this false chief who ruined the clan's reputation.

By the way, I also try to persuade them to bring back the young fighting strength of the Fire Blade clan who were held hostage by Azuka.

Samuro was in his prime when he participated in the invasion of Quel'Thalas.

More than ten years have passed, and as he grows older, Samuro's beard and hair gradually turn gray.

But after all, he is still younger than Grom, has not yet entered the period of decline in strength, and is still at the end of his peak period.

And after clearing away the haze in his heart, Samuro's strength was no weaker than when he fought against Sarlayan.

Azuka, who has long given up on being a swordsman, really has no confidence that he can beat Samuro, who has not yet fallen from his peak.

"You..." Azuka looked at Samuro who walked next to Grom in disbelief: "You are actually still alive?"

"Otherwise?" Samuro stared at the astonished Azuka with an indifferent expression: "Do you think I have been killed by the assassin you sent? Then you underestimate me." (This chapter over)

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