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Chapter 1583 The determination of the wallflower

Sharlayan left Sindani and her ritual chamber in Maldraxxus, nominally as a precaution, but actually to prevent this wavering guy from meeting Denathrius again. defection.

Since Denathrius was desperate to abandon his lair and adopt the strategy of changing his family, Valeera responded quickly and ordered Sindani to lead the remaining troops of Maldraxxus to attack across the board and join the overwhelming vanguard to attack Nathria Castle in one fell swoop.

Sindani's passive thinking is actually easy to grasp. They will only follow the stronger side and will always have the upper hand in the situation.

Denathrius mistakenly believed that Gristea and the Winter Queen had completely subdued the entire Maldraxxus, including the Ritual Chamber.

Even if Maldraxxus does not have a military leader, with the strength of half the kingdom of Revendreth against the other two and a half kingdoms, the chance of victory is still very slim.

This is like what the barrage said about attacking three mines with one mine. In addition to attacking quickly with surprise troops, the longer the time goes on, the more disadvantageous it will be for Denathrius.

Therefore, based on the information currently available to Denasius, it is understandable to make such a desperate choice.

...Of course, the best choice he thought he had made was actually the only choice forced by Sarlayan using various external conditions.


In the Central Arena of Maldraxxus, after receiving the latest order from Valeela, Sindani and Akalek, the two remaining marquises, chuckled in unison.

Although they smiled at the same time, the meaning behind their smiles was completely different.

Akalek's smile expressed a sense of relief that he had expected, and it was more or less mixed with some teasing and teasing towards Sindani.

Sindani's smile was more complicated. Perhaps only she knew how many layers of meaning this chuckle contained.

"The matter has come to this, there is no point in talking more."

The cunning Marquis of Ceremony quickly sorted out his complicated emotions and gave a decisive order to the Maldraxxus coalition forces that were already ready to go: "Warriors! The opportunity for revenge you have been waiting for is here!"

"All the troops! Set off immediately! The target is Revendreth, the enemy headquarters!"


Maldraxxus is originally the strongest military force in the Shadow Realm, and the people who can be assigned here are war mad who are eager to continue fighting after death.

Even if the supreme commander-in-chief has not yet returned, the Maldraxxus militants who have long been accustomed to rushing to the battlefield will never be frightened.

Rather, they were full of expectations for the upcoming battle.

The mighty undead army, led by the two marquis, entered the secret passage leading directly to Revendreth in an orderly manner.

Revendres on the other side of the passage, after learning that Denathrius had left, Caixus immediately arranged for Baron Draka to come to the exit to guide the reinforcements.

The exit of the teleportation channel found using the secret information left by the war master is located in the south of Naslia Castle, in a remote forest called the Disaster Forest.

This is also the reason why Caixus and Renathol were able to quickly capture the nearby town of Dread Valley and the Midnight Market after joining forces.

After politely saluting Akalek and Sindani who came with their troops quickly, Draka said straight to the point: "Two Lords, according to the plan specified by the Marquis of Creation in advance, your goal is to march westward as quickly as possible. Take the Ashmoor and Sinfall Keep."

"As long as we can capture the Sinful Castle, our military will be able to surround Fort Naslia from two directions. With Denathius leading his elite troops out, victory will be close at hand."

Sindani looked at Sinfall Castle on the high ground northwest of the Calamity Forest with somewhat complicated eyes.

"I understand. After capturing the Sinful Castle, we will also divide our forces according to the plan to block the only way from Naslia Castle to the Dominion Fortress, and completely trap the enemy in that isolated city."

The entire Revendreth is a country built with Castle Nathria as its center. There are four main intersections leading to Castle Nathria, two of which are the Hall of Atonement and the Castle of Sin, which guard both sides of the fort.

In addition, Dark Bay Town originally had a bridge leading directly to Naslia Fort.

In order to maximize the time cost for Revendres's official army to pursue the guerrilla rebels, this bridge was blown up by Reinasol a few years ago.

Denathrius' side has tried to repair it many times since then, but each time it was interrupted by the well-prepared rebel troops, and the repair has not been completed until now.

The last road into the city connects to the Dominion Fortress in the northwest corner of Revendreth. This sturdy fortress originally belonged to the Stoneforge and her Stoneborn Legion.

After the rebels began to pursue guerrilla tactics, the Stone Legion took the initiative to abandon the command fortress that they originally planned to defend, and scattered them into pieces among multiple rebel strongholds.

The Dominion Fortress captured by Denathrius was just an empty shell, with nothing left inside.

Due to the remote location and lack of strategic value, Denathius did not send a large number of troops to the Dominion Fortress. This important stronghold, which was once one of the bases of the rebel army, was so abandoned.

Sarlayan speculated that if the war at Nathria Castle goes unfavorably, the Venthyr nobles who were left behind by Denathrius to guard their home would most likely abandon Nasiaria Castle, which was surrounded by two sides and leaked from all directions, and would instead retreat to a position that was easy to defend but difficult to defend. The commanding fortress that was attacked was still alive.

Sarlayan did not intend to give them this opportunity. Although Denathrius had a high probability of going back, what if?

If this group of Venthyr nobles really persisted until Denathrius returned for reinforcements, relying on the geographical advantages and solid city defenses of the command fortress, it would not be easy to capture this mountain fortress.

In order to avoid complications, Sarlayan made a plan before the war began to block the Venthyr nobles' last retreat before they fled.

After watching Draka, who came to deliver the message, mount a stone descendant and fly away, Sindani sighed with relief.

"You really have considered everything. I don't want to compete with such a scary person."

After making up her mind, Sindani finally let go of her inner entanglements, and her originally hesitant eyes became firm.

"Forget it, it's time for the Shadow Realm to see the strength of the Ritual Chamber for the first time in a long time. We are not just a turret that only hides under the protection of our comrades and chants spells!"

Again, Maldraxxus is the gathering place for war madness.

Even the seemingly arrogant lichs in the Ritual Secret Academy were mostly combat casters who fought on the battlefield during their lifetimes, and were completely different from academic mages in the conventional sense.

Otherwise, they would not be qualified to be ranked as the two most powerful secret houses in Maldraxxus along with the Soul Chosen Secret House.

Due to Sindani's vacillating position, the Ritual Chamber had almost lost control of the civil war in Maldraxxus. Sindani placed all the blame for her affair with Denathrius on the executed Baron of the Ritual. .

Under the personal leadership of Sindani, the sharp-eyed spies headed by Akalek saw the powerful firepower of the Ritual Chamber again after many years.

The Fallen Castle is located on the Ash Wasteland. Speaking of this wasteland, we have to mention the battle between Revendreth and the Legion of Light.

There is no need to go into details about the reasons for the war. The final result was that Denathrius was forced to agree to banish the Nasrezim clan from the Shadow Realm, which resulted in the retreat of the Holy Light Legion.

The Ash Wasteland was the battlefield at that time, and to this day, this wasteland still retains an excess of Holy Light.

Because of this excess power of light, this originally fertile land has become the miserable state it is now, barren of any grass.

Denathrius later made the best use of the resources and used the Ash Wasteland as a place of exile. He used it to exile those poor nobles who failed in the court struggle. Sinfall Castle was a fortress used to monitor these exiles.

But speaking of it as a fortress, compared to the Hall of Atonement and the Tongyu Fortress, the scale of Sin Fallen Castle is obviously much shabbier.

The reason is simple, there is no need for so many jailers to stay here.

For the souls in the Shadow Realm, excessive holy light is like a violent poison. If you are not careful, you will be "purified" by the power of light remaining here.

Compared with the pampered Venthyr, Maldraxxus soldiers who are accustomed to fighting are more hardworking and hardworking.

The burning of the Holy Light is indeed uncomfortable for them, but it is not completely unbearable.

Under Sindani's personal command, it took less than half a day for the coalition forces composed of the three secret chambers of Sacrifice, Creation, and Decay to break through the Castle of Sin, which had a natural moat defense.

After taking down the only shelter in the ashes of the wasteland, Sindani and others, who were severely burned by the holy light, temporarily stopped to repair.

Akalek and Sharp Eyes Secret Academy, who came slowly behind the army with umbrellas, took over the follow-up work. They would sneak into the domination fortress as quickly as possible, drive away the few defenders in the city from the inside out, and completely seal the city. The retreat from Fort Nasriya.

Just as Maldraxxus and the rebels began to attack Fort Nathria on both sides, Oribos, which had been peaceful for many years, also ushered in the first battle after Zovar was suppressed.

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