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Chapter 1598: Respect the fate of others and let go of helping others

After being imprisoned in Torghast for many years and looking back countless times on the numerous crimes he committed in the past, will Alsace feel remorseful?

I'm afraid only he himself knows the correct answer to this question.

The commander-in-chief made a lot of stupid decisions in the original history. From the perspective of a high elf, Sarlayan would never have the slightest affection for this great humanist.

However, at least in the current timeline, Garithos died tragically under the magic sword of Death Knight Arthas before he could do any evil.

It's unreasonable to blame Garithos for something that hasn't happened yet, and Sharlayan wouldn't be so stingy.

The Lordaeron lords whose souls were partially digested by Frostmourne have long been mutilated and unconscious, and what remains is only ineradicable hatred and obsession.

If it hadn't been for Wei Nali's kindness in protecting Alsace's soul, he would have been torn to pieces by those hideous-looking ghosts.

But Wei Nali could only do this. She could not harmlessly separate the resentful spirits tightly entangled in Alsace's soul.

“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.”

Sharlayan used the power of death to cover the remaining grievances of Arthas and the lords of Lordaeron.

"There is no need to bring your previous deeds to the peaceful kingdom of the dead. Go ahead. It's time for you to find a new path."

Using the AI ​​arbitrator...or the power of judgment temporarily granted by the Voice of Reverence to ensure the smooth return of Sarlayan, Sarlayan easily separated the entangled soul of injustice from Alsace's soul.

He could understand the hatred of Garithos and others towards Arthas. If their will was still clear, Sarlayan would not stop their legitimate revenge.

However, today, Garithos and others have long lost the ability to think independently, and will only follow the instinct of the wronged soul to attack enemies and all innocent people indiscriminately.

Regardless of whether it was for public or selfish reasons, Sarlayan would not allow them to stay here.

Packing all the wronged souls into a group and temporarily bringing them into the Realm of Blight, Sarlayan plans to return to Oribos before the Arbitrator sends them to death.


After dealing with the injustice, the four people present looked at Alsace, whose brows gradually relaxed.

Wei Nali consciously stepped forward to check Alsace's condition: "His soul was severely damaged by the bite of the ghosts of the enemy. It should take a period of cultivation before he can wake up."

Sarlayan nodded: "Then take him back first. Wei Nali, hurry up and pack your luggage. It's time for us to leave this ghost place."

When the teleportation boundary monument that has been activated is used again, it will not cause a huge noise like the last time. As if going out for an outing, Sarlayan and his party returned again without knowing it, taking Wei Nali and Arthas. Oribos.

At this time, Zoval, the master of the Abyss, was still in the Sanctuary of Control, having a very troublesome fight with Denathrius, who was trying to seize power.

After seeing the voice of respect still waiting by the Well of Souls, Sarlayan immediately threw the wronged souls of Lordaeron lords into balls to him.

"I'll leave these guys to you, see if there's any way to repair the broken parts of their souls."


After catching the wronged soul ball in a hurry, the voice of respect pondered for a moment before giving an answer.

"This... let's leave it to the arbitrator to decide."

"Theoretically, the Shadow Realm does have a special country that can repair remnant souls, but these souls are so damaged that I can't guarantee that they will be cured."

"And I have to say something ugly before, even if the soul body can be repaired and their consciousness restored, the memories lost by these wronged souls due to damaged souls cannot be recovered. It is almost equivalent to a brand new soul."

"Is this so..." Sarlayan nodded thoughtfully: "Well, this may be a good thing for them. They should have long wanted to forget those painful memories that are unbearable to look back on. "

"As for this..."

The voice of respect looked at the broker following Sarlayan with interest: "If I remember correctly, this girl is an unlucky person who was illegally exiled by the Wei Consortium many years ago, right?"

"Ouch~" Wei Nali complained sarcastically: "I didn't expect that the great voice of respect would still remember me, a little guy. It really makes me extremely honored."

"Ha~" The voice of respect ignored Wei Nali's strange temper: "Servants of the God are not interested in the power struggle within the Brokerage Group. Whoever wins or loses has nothing to do with us."

"Since the Abyss Walker has helped you escape from the Abyss for the first time, you'd better cherish this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"Of course, as an outsider, I don't want to persuade you to give up hatred. It's just a suggestion. The specific choice depends on you."

Also settled in the Eternal City of Oribos, the relationship between the God-servers and brokers is like that between the official governing body and private capital groups.

Perhaps a lower-level servant of the God official would accept the filial piety of some financial groups and help them do some things within the scope of his authority, but with the status and structure of the respected voice, he could not get involved in these frivolous transactions.

Therefore, the persuasion of the Revered Voice is indeed based on an objective and neutral stance.

He believed that Wei Nali should not waste her precious chance of rebirth on boring revenge.

From Sarlayan's point of view, he did not intend to do this kind of persuading people to be generous, and judging from Wei Nali's attitude, it seemed that he did not intend to listen to the persuasion of the respected voice.

The Voice of Respect didn't care about this, since he had already reminded him when he needed to.

In the words of Danmu, respect the fate of others and let go of helping others.

After returning to Oribos last time, Sarlayan asked the high-level god servants about the general situation of the brokerage consortium in his spare time.

The Wei Consortium that Wei Nali once worked for is just one of countless brokerage consortiums.

At least on the surface, Wei Consortium's reputation in Oribos is pretty good, and it's unknown why Wei Nali was exiled by the top management of the consortium.

Sarlayan doesn't care about the internal power struggle of a brokerage consortium. He has more important things waiting to be dealt with.

However, for the sake of the pleasant cooperation with Wei Nali, after watching the eager agent leave, Sarlayan entrusted the Voice of Respect to help Wei Nali solve some less sensitive problems when necessary.

The voice of respect...or perhaps the top management of the God-server has no intention of getting deeply involved in the internal issues of the Soul Brokerage Group, but it is harmless to just help with some insignificant favors.

After receiving the nod from the respected voice, the three of Sarlayan temporarily settled in Oribos, planning to wait until Alsace woke up before considering the next plan.

Thanks to the treatment provided by the Godservers, five days after leaving the Maw for the second time, Arthas, who had been unconscious for many days, finally opened his blue eyes that were exactly the same as Calia's.

Without the shield of the Helm of Dominance and without the abundant soul fire, his eyes looked almost the same as before.

"I... am here?"

Struggling to sit up from the ornately decorated bed, Alsace looked around with a confused expression, not knowing where to start to sort out his thoughts.

"Oh, you finally woke up."

A god-server floating in mid-air entered the room at just this moment.

"Wait a moment, I will notify your acquaintance to come over and explain the situation."

"Wait! Answer my question first... Tsk!"

The god-server ignored Alsace's request, floated out of the room, and walked away into the corridor.

Arthas didn't know how long he had been in a coma. He just felt that his whole body was sore and weak, and his soul power was severely depleted. He couldn't use any strength at all, and he couldn't even get out of bed and walk.

In desperation, Alsace could only sit on the bed and wait for the acquaintance mentioned by the weirdo to arrive.

"Hey~Prince Arthas, you finally woke up."

A familiar voice came in from outside the open door, and Alsace's eyebrows twitched subconsciously.

He recalled some not so good memories.

"...Duke of Deep Shadow?"

"Wrong." Sarlayan walked into the room with a smile and waved his hand: "Your information is out of date. Now I am the Grand Duke of Quel'Thalas, but I don't have to be so formal. You can call me whatever you want. .”


After pulling out a chair in front of Alsace's bed and sitting down, Sarlayan stopped smiling and his expression became serious.

"Prince Alsace... let me still call you that."

"After these years of imprisonment in Torghast, do you still adhere to your original extreme ideas?"

"This question is very important. Think it through before answering it. Don't act out of emotion."

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