Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1600 The tide of elements is coming

As expected, it was as expected by Sarlayan.

When he was ready to push open the door of the Lord's Mansion, Tinagosa, who sensed a familiar aura, was the first to drop what she was doing and rush out, slamming into Sarlayan's arms with her rocket headbutt as usual.


Feeling that his chest had withstood a greater impact than before, Sarlayan groaned and then smiled and rubbed Tina's head: "Yes, your strength has improved a bit, and you should be not far from a breakthrough." ?”


Tinagosa skillfully hit the snake and climbed onto the stick, and finally climbed to the position she was most familiar with - Sharlayan's shoulder.

"Almost, it's still a little later than Gianna. It should be within 1-2 months."

Jaina and Tinagosa have been friends since childhood, and there is no obvious difference in their talents.

In the early years, the immature Tinargosa was relatively lazy and not as diligent as Jaina, so she was separated by a small distance.

After falling into the last bottleneck before breaking through the shackles of mortals, Jaina, as a Kirin Tor councilor, focused part of her energy on handling official duties, giving Tinagosa, who was still making rapid progress, a chance to catch up.

The implication of Tinagosa's words made Sharlayan raise his eyebrows: "Jaina finally broke through?"

"Hmm~" Tina Gosa happily sat on Sarlayan's shoulders and swayed her short legs: "Just half a month ago, she was currently in retreat to stabilize her state. It will probably take another 2-3 months. Will come out of seclusion."

Sarlayan smiled and patted Little Tina on the head: "This is a good thing. It will be your turn next. I look forward to that day."

While the two were talking, Stellagosa, who was slowly following over, shook her head helplessly: "This girl is still slacking off. If she could seize the time and work hard, she would have had a chance to break through before Jaina, who was busy with official duties. of."


Sarlayan took the initiative to step forward and gave Little Xingxing a hug: "It's not a good thing to push yourself too hard. Just let nature take its course. I will find an opportunity to explain the specific reasons to you in detail later."

"Did anything major happen in Azeroth while we were away? How is the progress of the elemental disturbance?"

Speaking of business, Stellagosa immediately corrected her attitude and left Sarlayan's warm embrace.

"I was about to report this to you. Let's go back to the office first."

The outbreak of the elemental tide is not a one-time event without warning.

Long before Sarlayan went to the Shadow Realm, members of the Earth Ring who spread around the world to collect intelligence had discovered clues one after another.

All elemental convergence points across Azeroth are gradually becoming active.

This phenomenon of elemental activation is not actively caused by the four elements, but is an inevitable precursor before the elemental tide breaks out.

By observing and studying the progress of elemental activation, Nobundo, the leader of the Earth Ring, accurately predicted the time when the elemental tide would erupt.

If no other accidents occur along the way, the elemental tide should officially erupt on May 17, 21 Black Gate, which is 3 months and 25 days ago.

Stella Gosa: "The time predicted by Nobundo is very accurate. I specifically asked the clone of Tide Hunter Neptulon... about this matter, and the time he gave was also very different."

"Is it close to 4 months..."

Sarlayan's expression was a little solemn: "If I hadn't guessed, in the last four months, the activation of elements in various parts of Azeroth will become more and more serious, right?"


Little Xingxing added with a serious look: "Even if the crest of the elemental tide has not yet arrived, the various precursors caused by the activation of elements cannot be underestimated."

"Nobundo led all the members of the Earthen Ring to rush out and head to every elemental gathering point in Azeroth."

"Even so, Earth Ring's manpower is still stretched thin, so Nobundo can only entrust us, who have extensive connections, to issue the recruitment announcement on our behalf."

Sarlayan nodded nonchalantly: "It is imperative to expand enrollment. What is the specific situation?"

"Well enough."

Stellagosa took out a stack of documents from under her desk and pointed at them while explaining: "Falstad and Kurdran sent over most of the free Wildhammer shamans without hesitation. Delai All capable shamans in Nigeria have not been spared."

"Kain Bloodhoof and Ulan Gaoling also gave us great support for our request for help. They each sent more than 80% of the shamans from their respective tribes."

"As for the trolls..."

Stellagosa smiled bitterly and rubbed her brow: "The Gurubashi Empire is still actively participating even though it has insufficient manpower. In addition, I have also sent invitations to Drakkari and Zandalari."

"Dakkari gave some perfunctory reasons for rejection, and the invitation to Zandalari simply fell into nothing."


Sarlayan sneered and said: "Forget it, let them go. I didn't expect the trolls to have a good view of the overall situation, otherwise they wouldn't have fallen to this step by step."

What? You said there are still forest trolls? Sorry, this person has not been found.

The last large clan of forest trolls, the Mossrot Trolls, was wiped out more than 2 months ago by the Kingdom of Lordaeron, which finally had time to clean up its internal troubles.

Zumashal, the base of the Rotten Moss Clan, was razed to the ground by Lordaeron's elite troops. Only a handful of people escaped, but this was of no use.

At this point, the four major clans of the forest trolls, Amani, Rotten Moss, Evil Branch and Dead Tree, were wiped out one after another, leaving only the insignificant small clans such as Fire Tree and Burning Thorn.

Moreover, these iron-headed green-skinned fanged monsters are still following Red Blackhand's "orthodox tribe" to seek death. The complete destruction of the forest trolls should not be far away.


Sarlayan suddenly remembered something: "Where are the orcs? Gu'ir should have returned, right?"


Stellagosa continued to explain calmly: "The tribe's chief Go'el returned to Azeroth three months ago with the four Mag'har giants and more than 70% of the Mag'har orcs."

"Orgrimmar has been very lively recently. Many people meet up for duels in the arena every day... Of course, it's not Makgora, it's just an ordinary actual duel."


Sarlayan was not surprised by this. After all, the orcs were originally a warlike race that worshiped power.

Since there are no foreign enemies to fight for the time being, those energetic young orcs can only vent their excess energy in the arena.

"After Go'el returned, he immediately responded to the call of the Ring of the Earth. The person who led the orc shaman to join us was our old acquaintance - Agnalan of the Mag'har clan."

Sharlayan shrugged: "As expected, Agna is a restless person, so we can take this opportunity to quickly integrate into Azeroth."

Little Xingxing nodded in agreement: "According to Nobundo, the joining of the energetic Agna helped him share a lot of pressure."

"With the help of this batch of reinforcement shamans, the Earthen Ring can finally suppress the small-scale geological disasters that are emerging all over Azeroth."

"But this is only temporary."

Stellagosa's expression became serious again: "According to Nobundo, as the elemental tide gets closer, more visions will follow."

"We'd better notify all countries in advance to prepare emergency plans and be ready for the impact of a large number of elemental creatures at any time."

Geological disasters are only one of the hazards of elemental tides. More active elements will inevitably give birth to a large number of elemental creatures.

Most of these new elemental creatures have low intelligence and only act according to instinct.

In human terms...the earth element can subconsciously cause earthquakes, the fire element can ignite everything indiscriminately, the water element can set off waves, and the wind element can cause storms.

This kind of prevention work cannot rely solely on the non-governmental organization of Earth Ring. It requires all countries in Azeroth to work together to prepare for the situation in advance.

...Of course, you can also choose not to listen. Don't blame Quel'Thalas for not warning you when the country is destroyed by a swarm of elemental creatures.

"Okay, I roughly understand the situation now."

After listening to Little Xingxing's coherent report, Sarlayan nodded thoughtfully: "Let's stop talking about the issues on the mortal level first."

"What about the approaching phenomenon of planes caused by the approaching elemental tide? How is the progress now?"

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