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Chapter 1603 Even the donkeys in the production team dare not do this

Even someone as energetic as Sarlayan began to feel tired after spinning for so long.

Thanks to Colorful Dragon's strong physical fitness, his physical condition is still very good, and his fatigue mainly comes from the mental level.

"This can be regarded as a test of my own practice, and I have personally verified the correctness of the concept of 'wear and tear'."

After returning to Quel'Thalas without stopping, Sarlayan, who was sitting in his office, smiled bitterly and rubbed his brows.

"To be honest, if I continue to work at such a high-intensity level, I may develop a strong rebellious mentality within ten years."

There is no doubt that people are lazy.

People with a high degree of self-discipline can temporarily suppress the inertia stemming from instinct through strong willpower, but this is only a temporary solution, not the root cause.

Sarlayan himself is a prime example.

Now he can still use the motivation of protecting his family and the world to drive himself forward, but after more than ten years of continuous high-intensity work, his spirit can already feel obviously exhausted.

Even the Aspect Dragon, which has been carrying pressure on its shoulders for tens of thousands of years, has never worked as hard as he did, putting most of the work that should have been completed by the entire Azeroth in decades on his own.

In the words of barrage, even the donkeys in the production team would not dare to do this. This is completely overdrafting their own health and passion.

In terms of health, Sarlayan is not worried. The demigod's strong physique far exceeds the imagination of mortals.

But mentally... Sarlayan can't guarantee that he can always maintain this indomitable passion.

Today, Sarlayan has an increasingly clear premonition that once a certain critical point is exceeded, the momentum he has maintained so far is likely to decline off a cliff.

Therefore, even if he still feels uncomfortable, Sarlayan must learn to use various entertainment methods to relieve stress and adopt the work mode that combines work and rest as Danmaku calls it.

After completing the preparations before the arrival of the elemental tide, Sarlayan planned to take advantage of the last three months to relax, otherwise the string he was always tightening would break sooner or later.

Kael'thas, who is preparing to go to Lordaeron to attend the Alliance Conference, also expressed his support.

"If you want me to say..."

In the living room of the Sunstrider King's Court, Kael'thas pointed at Sharlayan, who looked tired, and said, "You just push yourself too hard. I have never heard of anyone daring to get involved like you." of."

"Listen to me and give yourself a good vacation."

"Anyway, the preparations before the war are almost complete. You can rest assured and leave the rest to us."

"You can't always put the pressure and responsibility on yourself, right? After all, you still need to train some talents."


Sarlayan leaned back against the soft backrest of the sofa and took a deep breath: "It's really time to rest. Even if I continue to force myself to work, my efficiency will inevitably decline."

Kael'thas smiled and said, "That's right. I only realized this problem after I got married."

"There is never enough work to do. If you ignore the feelings of your family because of your busy work, that is putting the cart before the horse."

"How long has it been since you played with Valeera and the others? Let's use the last period before the war to release the accumulated fatigue."

"When the elemental tide officially arrives, even if you want to be lazy, you won't have the chance."

Sharlayan and Kael'thas have known each other for many years. As political allies and close personal friends who are also determined to reform Quel'Thalas, Kael'thas has inevitably been influenced by Sharlayan, the scroll king.

This can be seen from his sleepless work state before marriage, which is one of the reasons why Anasteria is eager to arrange a queen for Kael'thas.

Continuing the family lineage was only one of his considerations. At the same time, he also hoped that after his death, he would still have family members who could hold back Kael'thas who was rushing forward.

Judging from the results, Anasteria's backhand did work.

After getting married, Kael'thas consciously reduced his work intensity and tried his best to spend some time with Queen Anweina every day.

Kael'thas, who was a bystander, had long wanted to use himself as an example to persuade Sharlayan, but he had never been able to find a suitable opportunity before.

After watching Kael'thas personally lead the large delegation to set off, Sharlayan stood in front of the Shepherd's Gate in Silvermoon City for a while and then let out a heavy breath.


"On vacation? At this time?"

In the living room of the Lord's Mansion in Unicorn City, Valeera, who had just finished grading the documents, looked at Sarlayan in shock, and subconsciously raised her hand to touch his forehead.

"You don't have a fever, do you? Or is the sun coming out from the west? You actually offered to take a vacation."

Sarlayan spread his hands in confusion: "Can't I take a vacation? Anyway, all the preparations that need to be made have been made. Let the other detailed work be left to the people below."

Valeela was still a little surprised: "I don't have any objection, but have you made any plans about where to go on vacation?"

Sarlayan shook his head: "I don't have any special plans. I just stopped by to meet Caliya and Jaina."

"I can understand seeing Jaina..." Valeera rubbed her temples with a headache: "At this juncture, are you sure Caliya can spare the time to see us?"

Valeera knew why Sharlayan wanted to go to Lordaeron, and he planned to tell his only living relative about the latest news about Arthas.

However, as Valeela said, as the leader of the alliance, Caliya is currently busy preparing for the upcoming alliance conference, and it is unknown whether she can spare some private time.

Sarlayan smiled calmly: "I didn't say that I had to meet Caliya in person. If she is really too busy, just leave her a message and wait for her to find some free time to have a detailed interview."

"Okay." Valeera nodded noncommittally: "But we have to wait until Stella and Oni come back before setting off, right?"

"I don't know what the progress is on their side."

As soon as Valeera finished speaking, she and Sharlayan sensed familiar space fluctuations almost at the same time. This was Stellagosa's magical aura.

"We're back!"

Before anyone arrived, the two of them first heard Tinagosana's whirring call.


Valeera snapped her fingers with a smile, and the next second she used her increasingly proficient space power to teleport the three people who had returned to the Lord's Mansion from the hall.

Of course, this was mainly because the three people who were teleported had no intention of resisting.

"Brother Sarlayan, give me a hug!"

Tinagosa was not surprised by the sudden teleportation. As soon as she stood firm, she threw herself into Sharlayan's arms and acted coquettishly.

Sarlayan rubbed the little guy's light blue hair lovingly while looking at Stellagosa with questioning eyes.

Onyxia? This guy had already thrown himself into the sofa with a lazy look on his face, as if he wanted to fit in with the sofa and never come out again.

Stella Gosa smiled and reported to Sharlayan: "This trip went very smoothly. The four guardian dragons attach great importance to the concept of 'wear' proposed by you... They have more or less felt the impact of wear and tear. own impact.”

Sharlayan was not surprised by this: "Since Ulduar was sealed due to infighting among the Titan Guardians, the four Aspects have been adhering to their duties for tens of thousands of years."

"Even if they can relieve the pressure through various means, such a long time will definitely leave a deep mark on their souls, and there will inevitably be mental wear and tear."

Stellagosa continued in agreement: "As you expected before, Nozdormu's wear and tear state is the most serious after seeing countless timelines."

"According to the standards you set in advance, his mental state has approached the critical point. Even without the influence of the Eternal Dragon King, Nozdormu may lose control sooner or later."

Sarlayan touched his chin with a serious expression: "Then... what did he say to my proposal?"

Stellagosa: "In principle, I agree with your suggestion. Under the persuasion of Dragon Queen Solidomi, Nozdormu decided to gradually hand over the authority of the Guardian of Time to Crown Prince Anachronos."

"Ysera and Alexstrasza have also made it clear that they will follow up as soon as possible. After all, they have no shortage of heirs they have already cultivated."

"On the Blue Dragon side..."

Stellagosa smiled bitterly and spread her hands: "His Majesty Malygos is still not convinced. After the inspection of the other three dragon kings, it is basically certain."

"The tens of thousands of years of crazy life not only did not increase the wear and tear, but to a certain extent, it released the mental pressure he had accumulated before. It can be regarded as a blessing in disguise."

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