Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1607 Shock! The Grand Duke of a certain country entered the palace of the Queen of another c

At present, the leaders of Azeroth, including Caliya, are focusing on the ongoing alliance conference. In order not to cause unnecessary attention and speculation, Sarlayan did not visit openly through formal channels.

After many years, he once again used familiar methods to sneak into this heavily guarded palace.

It has to be said that compared with the period of internal turmoil, the security intensity of the palace has obviously increased a lot.

When Sarlayan quietly touched the Queen's office area, most of the palace maids were rushing around holding documents in their hands.

Obviously, the maids here not only perform maid-like tasks, but also need to assist Jialiya in handling government affairs.

The entire Lordaeron has been very busy recently, and Calia's exclusive Queen's team is no exception. The intensity of their work can be seen through these maids with hurried steps and thick dark circles under their eyes.

In addition to the usual trade cooperation negotiations and dispute mediation, the more important discussion item at this alliance conference is the allocation of defense zones and the definition of their respective responsibilities after the arrival of the elemental tide.

Sharlayan does not need to worry about this kind of thing. Driven by the upcoming overall situation, the leaders of various countries should be able to negotiate most cooperation projects before the elemental tide officially breaks out.

Sarlayan, who had turned into a little black cat, waited in the queen's palace area until 7 o'clock in the evening, and then Caliya returned to her palace with a tired look on her face, accompanied by a large number of maids.

As mentioned before, Jialia's body that had received the blessing of life could still hold on, but the long hours of high-intensity work made her mentally overwhelmed.

This Super Standard Alliance Conference is expected to last for a week. As of today, more than half of the conference process has passed, and the heads of countries are still struggling to define the defense zones and responsibilities that each other is responsible for.

After all, no one wants to suffer at the expense of others in such a large-scale war that affects the entire Azeroth. This is also human nature.

Seeing Caliya shooing away all the maids and lying facelessly on her luxurious bed with her eyes closed, Saryan walked out of the shadows.

"Don't tell me that you plan to continue working after taking a nap. Is it necessary to work so hard?"

Jialia, who was brainstorming, was obviously stunned.

"This familiar voice...Salayan?"

The last time Caliya had a face-to-face interaction with Sarlayan was several years ago.

As the portable communication terminals and arcane base stations promoted by Quel'Thalas gradually become more popular, Calia can maintain remote communication with Sharlayan through her mobile phone, but she still regrets not being able to meet him in person.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Both Caliya and Sarlayan have their own responsibilities to bear. There is not much private time left for them, and the opportunities to meet are naturally very few.

"It's me, long time no see, Queen Calia."

Caliya sat up from the bed despite her exhaustion and rolled her eyes with a playful expression that did not match her dress.

"Come on, it's just the two of us here, why should we call her queen? Just call her by her first name as usual."

"Or do you want me to call you Teacher Shenying?"

"Ha~" Sarlayan, who transformed into a human form in front of Caliya, shook his head and laughed: "Compared with the respectful attitude when you studied under my name, how can you still have the humble attitude of a student now? Teacher's It’s better to skip the title.”

It was a rare opportunity to meet Sarlayan. The tired look on Jialiya's face faded a little. She changed the subject with a smile and asked: "I know you have a lot of things to do all year round, so you took the time to come here to see me. It must be important. Tell me about the matter? You might as well speak up."

Sarlayan smiled and nodded: "Quickly, since that's the case, I won't go around in circles."

After retracting the smile on his face, Sarlayan's attitude became more serious: "I just returned from the Shadow Realm not long ago... You should still remember where the Shadow Realm is, right? I remember I mentioned it to you. .”

Jialia's color fluctuated slightly: "Remember, you said at the time that it was the final destination of all the dead. Teacher Fa'ao should have gone to the Shadow Realm to enjoy a peaceful afterlife."

"That's right." Sarlayan sighed and said: "Unfortunately, Alonsos Faol was awakened from a peaceful death by the necromancer of the Scourge Legion, and was killed before he could be picked up by the messenger of the Shadow Realm. Forcibly brought back to the human world."

"This is how most of the undead resurrected by the Scourge Legion came. The so-called Scourge Legion is that the Lich King took some of the souls from the Shadow Realm and forcibly requisitioned them."

"When the turmoil in the material world subsides, the undead, including Solas, will still return to the Shadow Realm... Of course, it ultimately depends on their own wishes."

Not all undead want to go to the Shadow Realm to enjoy happiness, and some people still linger on the bonds that have not been completely severed in the mortal world.

When the many crises in Azeroth come to an end, the free-will undead led by Solas will choose whether to go to the Shadow Realm to start a new life, and Sharlayan will not interfere.

Judging from Calia's slightly embarrassed expression, the ice-smart Queen of Lordaeron had roughly guessed what Sharlayan wanted to say.

Anyway, it's either related to Terenas or news related to Alsace.

Sarlayan didn't like to lie, so he gave the answer straight to the point: "You should have guessed something, yes, I brought the latest information about Alsace."

Hearing the name of her fallen brother again after so many years, Caliya's white palms suddenly clenched, she took a deep breath to adjust her emotions and then managed to say in a calm tone: "Go on, I'm mentally prepared."

Sarlayan smiled and spread his hands: "Don't be so nervous, it's not bad news."

"To put it simply, Arthas is still 'alive'... Although he has indeed endured a lot of torture in the past few years, he can still be considered as repaying the sins he committed in the past."

"Of course, this is not enough."

Sarlayan told Caliya all the latest information related to Alsace without reservation.

After listening to all the information, Jialia had a very complicated expression: "Really... This is indeed good news. At least the child finally realized his mistake."

"I hope he can really change his mind and redeem his past sins in Revendreth. If there is a chance..."

Sarlayan smiled and nodded: "As long as you can spare time, I can take you to the Shadow Realm."

"Huh..." Jialiya let out a heavy breath and suppressed the restlessness in her heart: "Now is not the time. We have more important problems to solve right now."

Sarlayan nodded knowingly: "I know, I have been running around recently in preparation for the official outbreak of the elemental tide."

The countries in Azeroth mainly discuss issues at the mortal level, while Sharlayan needs to consider extraordinary-level threats.

In order to avoid disturbing Caliya's work status, Saryan did not tell her that he had completed his work and was on vacation.

Therefore, Jialia did not hesitate to take the initiative to discuss private matters with Sarlayan at this time.

Once the tight nerves are loosened, it will not be so easy to return to the previous high-intensity working state.

It was precisely because she had guessed this in advance that Valeera, a jealous little girl, could safely and boldly take her little sisters around the city. She was not worried that Sarlayan would fight the troubled Caliya at this juncture. Got to be hot.

...Of course, some routine beatings are still necessary, just in case.

In the past month or so, Caliya has had very little rest time, and Sarlayan does not want to let personal matters further compress her sleep time.

After briefly reporting Alsace's current situation, Sarlayan decisively waved goodbye to Caliya, who could hardly open her eyes.

"Listen to my advice, don't follow my old work style, which is so stressful. Sooner or later, your nerves will be completely broken. You have to learn to combine work and rest."

Jia Liya smiled bitterly and nodded: "I know, this period of time is very busy. After the conference is over, I plan to temporarily delegate power to the parliament and relax and adjust myself."

"a wise decision."

Sarlayan transformed into a raven that could be seen everywhere: "Then, I'll take my leave first. If you need anything, you can contact me on the phone at any time."

After holding on to her fighting eyelids and watching Sarlayan spread her wings and leave, Caliya smiled silently.

"You can obviously tell people about Alsace remotely through your mobile phone... Do you really have other plans?"

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