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Chapter 1612 He who has a bad mouth must die first

Realizing that something major might happen in Dalaran, Edwin temporarily put down his paperwork and took action himself after his young daughter Vanessa left.

What surprised Edwin was that the Black Scythe Council, the old neighbor next door to the Uncrowned One, was also secretly making small moves.

What is cause for alarm is that those who operate quietly happen to be liberal warlocks who are extremely threatening in the intelligence files of the Uncrowned.

In addition, there are a group of new faces that have never been registered before, including people of all races.

'Could it be...'

Edwin, who was lurking in the dark with a black scarf and a mask, narrowed his eyes slightly. This experienced thief pieced together a conclusion based on the existing intelligence. It was unclear whether it was correct or not.

‘If my speculation is true... the Black Scythe Council may suffer a serious blow this time. ’

The conclusion that Edwin pieced together was already very close to the truth. He could probably guess the identity of those strange faces, and most likely they were some kind of demon incarnation.

There are many demons with the ability to transform. The low-level ones are only succubi, and there are too many high-level demons. Shivalla and Nasrezim are all good ones.

A group of radical warlocks who advocated no taboos came out at this juncture, which was obviously not a good idea.

Edwin did not rush to alert the enemy. He quietly followed the group of warlocks and demons, following them out of the sewers and onto the streets of Dalaran.

Under normal circumstances, Nasrezim, who is good at plotting, would not have taken rash actions before there was concrete news.

But this time before they set off from the Twisting Nether, Mephistros, the second-largest figure in the clan who was temporarily acting as the clan leader, gritted his teeth and issued a death order.

Even if he doesn't hesitate to lose, he must teach Sharlayan Deep Shadow, who ruined his master's perfect plan and forced him to escape into the Maw, an unforgettable lesson.

Since Mephistros said so, Nasrezim, who was responsible for the actual execution, could only obey his orders.

Fortunately, demons are not afraid of death. Anyway, if they die, their souls can slip back into the Twisting Nether and wait for resurrection.

After confirming that Sarlayan and others had left Dalaran, under the hysterical urging of Mephistros, the nathrezim who sneaked into the sewers of Dalaran in advance could only bite the bullet and take action.

Today, Dalaran's defenses are empty, and many high-end combatants are not in the city for various reasons.

If the news that something went wrong with Jaina's seclusion is true, the only high-end combat force they need to face is Aethas Sunreaper.

Even if Aesas is very powerful, facing the swarming warlocks and demons, he will still be unable to fight with two fists.

Even if the news of Jaina's injury was just a smoke bomb she deliberately released, the Nasrezim clan, which had dispatched nearly ten high-end combatants in the face of two epic high-level arcane masters, was not worried at all.

Mephistros firmly believed that even if this was a deliberately laid trap, the combatants at the front could complete the beheading mission before the trap closed.

As long as the mission can be completed successfully, it won't hurt even if all these executioners die, since they can still be resurrected anyway.

If Jaina hasn't broken through yet, Mephistros' plan to exchange lives for lives cannot be wrong.

But unfortunately, even if there is only one level difference between demigods and mortals, their performance in battle is completely different.

When the warlocks of the Black Scythe Council lifted the defense of Jaina's mage tower from the inside through the internal response arranged in advance, even Van Cleef, who was following behind to watch the show, felt a little confused.

‘Did I guess wrong? Is there really something wrong with Lady Proudmoore? ’

The normal operation of the mage tower is extremely important for the arcanist. With the assistance of this huge magic workshop, the arcanist sitting on the home court can exert combat capabilities beyond his own limits.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, arcanists will pay special attention to the defense system of their own mage towers to ensure that they will not be compromised at critical moments when facing foreign enemies.

‘No, that’s not right. ’

After a moment of self-doubt, Edwin touched his chin thoughtfully: 'It was too smooth, just like Ms. Proudmoore took the initiative to open the door and invite the enemy to enter. ’

‘Since she dares to do this, it means that she is absolutely sure that she can delay it for enough time without the help of the mage tower? ’

‘Or maybe... Grand Duke Shenying and his entourage didn’t really leave at all? Is the current situation just a deliberate show on their part from beginning to end? ’

Edwin's guess soon came to an answer.

After breaking into Jaina's mage tower, the low-level demons summoned by the warlocks such as void walkers, imps and succubi rushed to the front, while Nasrezim, who transformed into mortals of various races, stayed at the back to observe the situation.

These cunning demons always sense something is wrong.

The liberal warlocks greedily tried to loot all kinds of precious materials in the tower.

For these spellcasters living at the bottom of society, the spellcasting materials Jaina left in the mage tower are extremely attractive.

But for Jaina, who was originally the princess of Kul Tiras and now has Sharlayan's backing, these seemingly precious materials are just disposable bait.

Edwin, who was hiding behind and watching the battle, witnessed with his own eyes the warlocks gradually divided into three rows with different intentions.

Just after Edwin also sneakily entered the mage tower, the door that was supposed to have been destroyed by the insider and triggered the mechanism suddenly closed with a "bang".

Taking this as a signal, the various functions of the mage tower that had been actively shut down began to operate normally again. The low-level demons rushing at the front were sifted by the defensive spell cross net built into the mage tower as soon as they met.

It was only then that the warlocks, who were blinded by greed, realized that something was wrong. They turned around in shock and anger and tried to question the mole who opened the door for them.

However, at this moment, the mole suddenly showed a very scary and weird smile, and his seven orifices began to spurt blood at the same time. Soon he fell to the ground with the weird smile and began to twitch, and he stopped breathing.

"We've been set up!"

The leading liberal warlock stuffed the precious materials he had just collected into his robe, and shouted in shock and anger: "This is shadow spell mind control! Damn it! That sea bitch full of fish smell..."


Before the leader could finish speaking, the corpse of the previously fallen mole suddenly exploded from the inside, with flesh, blood and bone fragments spraying around like cannonballs.

The first one to bear the brunt was the foul-mouthed warlock leader. His body was riddled with holes, and his face, which was the most severely injured, was no longer human.

At the same time, the Nasrezim who stayed at the back did not bother to hide. They tore off their disguises and tried to work together to force open the closed door of the Mage Tower.

"Don't waste your efforts."

Jaina, who was wearing a five-color shield, walked down the stairs with a frosty face. In her hand, she held a staff that exuded a strong arcane aura - the Staff of Alunes.

Sarlayan, Valeela and others were not far behind Jaina at this time, but they were not in a hurry to show up and gave up the main stage of the performance to the host Jaina.

By the way, the corpse explosion technique before was done by Sarlayan, in order to punish the man who spoke unabashedly.


The staff of Aluneth tapped the ground lightly, and the sorcerers who were lucky enough to survive the corpse explosion were grabbed by the legs of stone hands that suddenly stretched out from the ground in the tower.

Amidst the screams one after another, these unlucky cannon fodder were forcibly pulled into the ground by the mimetic earth element spell, and soon there was no movement.

"Dread Lord, or do you want me to call you Nathrezim, the watchdog of Denathrius, the bereaved dog?"


Originally, the Nathrezim were still thinking about how to escape this trap, but Jaina's venomous ridicule unified their thoughts.

"Destroy this bold mortal who insults my lord!"

A dozen swarms of the Dreadlord's signature rotten bugs were released at Jaina almost simultaneously, and the Nathrezim seemed to have seen the final outcome of this shameless mortal.

"That's it?"

Jaina's unhurried voice continued to come from behind the gathered spells of the putrid insect swarm.

"It's just a small trick."


A strong wind blew up without warning in the sealed mage tower, and the turbulent air flow swept back all the rotting insect swarms, blowing them in turn towards the unprepared Dread Lords.

"I've always been curious, do you have extra resistance to your favorite spells? You can even be immune to the damage it causes."

"Unfortunately, the answer seems to be no." (End of Chapter)

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