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Chapter 1626 Shocked to hear about the Eredar Twins

After all, Alexstrasza has quite a few spouses, and Tallan and Krasus are just the lucky ones who have survived to this day.

According to credible gossip, the number of Alexstrasza's spouses even exceeded double digits when the number was at its highest. She herself has never shied away from this, and she is obviously a queen who knows how to play.

"Ahem~ Okay, then I'll just tell you."

Sarlayan calmed down his emotions and said solemnly to the two dragon kings: "At that time, we talked about Kalecgos's excessive mating desire, and suspected that he was under some kind of charm spell or curse."

"Judging from the change in Kalecgos's expression at that time, he seemed to have thought of something, but when it comes to personal privacy, he did not explain the details to us."

"A curse..."

Malygos narrowed his eyes slightly: "It's not impossible. Although Kalecgos was also very playful in the past, he was not so easily controlled by his lower body."

Alexstrasza asked doubtfully: "As a magic dragon, blue dragons are inherently resistant to spells and curses. As an elite of the blue dragon clan, Kalecgos can easily do this without knowing it." Have you been cursed?"

Malygos lowered his head and pondered for a while before giving the answer: "Of course it is impossible for a mortal to confuse an adult blue dragon, but... what if the other party is a demigod who is skilled in the art of charm?"

"Blue dragons are resistant to various spells, but this resistance is far from immune. When the spell casting intensity is higher than a certain level, it will still have an effect."

"Demigod?" Sarlayan's expression became serious: "Let me ask, where has Kalecgos visited most in the past year or two?"

"The Broken Islands." Malygos smiled bitterly and rubbed the center of his brow: "That little brat makes excuses to run to Suramar every three days. He probably hooked up with a child of the night."

Blue dragons are indeed very philanthropic, but they also have a certain focus when choosing a lover.

The people of the opposite sex most favored by blue dragons are those with arcane magic, such as high elves, naga, children of the night, Sindra ancient spirits, etc.

To Malygos, who was also very playful in his youth, the fact that Kalecgos found the Nightborne as his lover was not a big deal worthy of concern.

Compared with those evil beasts looking for female dwarves, female furbolgs, and female kobolds, Kalecgos's XP is at least in line with the blue dragon's aesthetics.


A look of surprise appeared in Sarlayan's eyes, and he smiled with interest: "I can probably guess what's going on. Let me first go find Suramar's old friends and ask about the situation."

Ever since Queen Azshara raised Nazjatar from the bottom of the sea and announced her return forcefully, Suramar, which had always maintained an independent city-state, finally found its backbone.

After being awakened by Thalyssra, the chief arcanist of the High Elves and Suramar, and others, Elisande realized the limits of his abilities.

If it's arcane research or combat, Elisande is very confident in himself.

But a powerful combat mage or scholar mage may not necessarily make an excellent leader and manager.

Elisande is a typical example.

Fortunately, Elisande is more self-aware than a certain high priest who is both good and fun-loving.

Since Suramar reopened the city, the Grand Magister has handed over the heavy responsibility of managing the city to the advisory group headed by Talisa, and let professional people do professional things.

Under the management of the advisory group, Suramar's situation cannot be said to be prosperous, but at least it is stabilizing and improving.

There is a saying in another world that is not only afraid that brothers will have a hard time, but also afraid that brothers will drive Land Rover.

The Nightborne are close relatives of the High Elves and Night Elves. Since Suramar re-contacted the world, compared with these two brothers, the Nightborne, as a descendant of the Highborne, suddenly felt that the world was different.

The Republic of Dark Night has inherited the legacy of the ancient Dark Night Empire, and its current achievements are not surprising. Elisande believes that a certain high priest who is also a political troublemaker like him has slowed down the development of the country in the past ten thousand years. .

The high elves were originally just a small group of high elves separated from the night elves society. After more than 7,000 years of reproduction, Quel'Thalas has climbed to the second place in Azeroth in terms of comprehensive national power.

With two brothers, the eldest and the second oldest in Azeroth, standing in front of them, it is only natural that the people of Suramar would have a psychological gap.

With the return of Queen Azshara and a large number of Naga kings, the Dark Night Empire, which should have been destroyed long ago, also has the opportunity to revive again.

The arrogant Nightborne still look down on the ugly and twisted Naga, but Suramar's senior leaders have already learned from Sharlayan that all Naga will return to the night elf form they are familiar with within a few years.

The total population of Naga is larger than that of the Dark Night Republic, but more than 70% of it is brought by Queen Azshara through special means.

The personal combat power of these cannon fodder Nagas is far inferior to that of the orthodox night elves. Azshara is not even sure whether these cannon fodders can transform into night elves by eating the fruit of Arcandor.

The population of the new Dark Night Empire is indeed large, but it contains a lot of water. In terms of comprehensive combat effectiveness, there is still a certain gap compared with the long-standing Dark Night Republic.

But even so, the Dark Night Empire is already the thickest thigh Suramar can accept.

Returning to the rule of Queen Azshara is a natural thing for the Nightborne, who still retain a large number of arcanists.

However, Queen Azshara has been away from the mainstream society of Azeroth for 10,000 years, and many new generations of Nightborne lack enough understanding and respect for her.

In order to regain her prestige and influence as soon as possible, Azshara hopes to capture the Burning Legion's important stronghold in Azeroth-the Tomb of Sargeras.

However, the Tomb of Sargeras was related to Sharlayan's subsequent fishing plan. Under his repeated instructions, Azshara reluctantly nodded and agreed that she would not order the army to invade the Tomb of Sargeras.

The clone of the Demon King Sargeras lies in the deepest part of the Tomb of Sargeras. Even if it is just a clone that has long lost its soul, the evil energy exuded by the fallen titan is far stronger than the demon lord.

Except for the Nathrezim, who acted alone without telling the Deceiver, almost all the demons still left in Azeroth were concentrated on the Broken Shore, which had long been riddled with evil energy.

After months of fierce offensive and defensive battles, Azshara's troops successfully captured all the strongholds outside the Tomb of Sargeras, completely surrounding the Demon King's Tomb, which was transformed from the Great Moon Temple.

Although they failed to achieve full success, the victory in this foreign war did allow Azshara to once again win high prestige in Suramar.

With the initiative of the advisory group headed by Elisande and their assistance in building momentum, the Light of Light successfully took over the rule of Suramar.

Today, some of the Nagas who were the first to eat Akandor have transformed back into the form of night elves, and their shadows can be vaguely seen in Suramar City.

However, while the Dark Night Empire was suppressing demons and steadily increasing its national power, some spies with ulterior motives also took the opportunity to sneak into Suramar City.

The Nathrezim are the race of all demons that are best at disguise and infiltration, but there is another race of demons that is not far behind them.

That is the Man'ari who is the main body of the Burning Legion...that is, the red-skinned Eredar who were corrupted after being infused with evil energy.

There was a reason why the Eredar were attracted by Sargeras and even showed up in person to recruit them.

This race does not seem to have too outstanding characteristics, but from another perspective, this also means that the Eredar people have no obvious shortcomings in all aspects and are truly all-round talents.

Compared with the Nathrezim, the eredar's ability to disguise and penetrate is not much worse, and their personal combat effectiveness far exceeds that of the weak Dreadlord.

Combined with the secret information previously obtained from Queen Azshara, Sharlayan had long known that many demons who were good at disguise had secretly infiltrated Suramar, including a group of eredar ace spies who directly took orders from the Deceiver. .

Kalecgos is also a veteran of the game Flowers. The person who can coax him into confusion is definitely not a low-level bastard succubus.

Coincidentally, Queen Azshara sent someone to deliver important information not long ago.

The people responsible for leading the group of eredar spies are a pair of Man'ari sisters. They are named Oreses and Saroras. They are the most important intelligence leaders of the deceiver Kil'jaeden.

Why did Azshara recognize them?

Because she had seen the eredar twins from a distance long before the War of the Ancients. At that time, they were auxiliaries sent by Kil'jaeden to assist the Defilers in their intelligence work.

"The Ereda Twins..."

Sharlayan, who rushed to Suramar with Valeela, tapped his forehead thoughtfully with his fingers: "Kalegos did say 'them' at that time, right? That guy was quite good at playing."

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