Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1628 Unexpected Discovery

The class gradient in Suramar is very clear, and the city's planning is also distributed according to this idea.

The center of the city is naturally the Dark Night Fortress where the Sons of Night ruling team works. The inner ring of the city closest to the Dark Night Fortress is the beautiful aristocratic district.

The farther outside the city, the lower the class of the residents.

The area where Sarlayan and Valeela are now located is in the southwest corner of the Noble District.

Judging from the urban planning ideas, this should be the place where meritorious little nobles live.

Because Sarlayan suddenly felt a very weak evil breath, the two temporarily stopped going deeper into the Night Fortress.

After a thorough investigation, unfortunately, the temporary residence of the Eredar Twins in Suramar was not found. The evil energy that Sarlayan felt came from a very strange-looking badge.

"This thing..." In a single-family house, Valeela looked at the extremely irregular-shaped badge in front of her in confusion: "What on earth is this? The Medal of Honor of the Burning Legion?"

"No, probably not."

Sarlayan touched his chin thoughtfully: "Judging from the shape, this should be some kind of certificate of honor issued by Suramar... or the early Dark Night Empire."

"Unfortunately, the patterns and words on the surface have been scratched off, and the identity of the holder cannot be inferred."

"The emblem of the Dark Night Empire..." Valeela frowned and thought, "Why does the emblem of the Dark Night Empire have such a weak aura of evil energy?"


Sarlayan curled up his lips with a half-smile: "Have you forgotten Azshara...or the position of most of the upper elves at the beginning of the War of the Ancients?"

Valeela was obviously stunned for a moment, and then she suddenly said: "You mean, the holder of this badge is a remnant who supports the alliance between the Dark Night Empire and the Burning Legion?"

Sarlayan nodded: "It's almost the same. If that's the case... we found an important clue by accident."

Not every Highborne noble is as righteous as Dath'Remar Sunstrider and Kurtalos Ravencrest.

Led by Xavius, most of the high elves at that time were confused by the pie painted by Sargeras, and were eager to follow the queen on their journey to the boundless starry sky.

But what the outcome was... everyone knows.

According to Sharlayan's speculation, the owner of this badge should be a meritorious officer loyal to Queen Azshara.

Most likely, he was injured when he came to the Suramar area on a mission to suppress rebellion, and was temporarily placed in Suramar by his superiors to recuperate.

By the time he recovered from his injury and was about to return to the team, Grand Magister Elisande had made up his mind to help the two sides. He used the power of the Eye of Aman'Thul to open a barrier and cover the central city of Suramar, completely isolating the people inside and outside the city. connect.

Ten thousand years have passed, and this officer who did not break with the demons still has the same concept as before, believing that the legion of demons should be allies of the Dark Night Empire.

And his outdated ideas coincidentally attracted the attention of the legion spies headed by the Eredar Twins.

After all, they are officers who have won commendations. Even after the war is over, badge holders will be promoted more easily than others.

If nothing else, this person should be a member of Suramar's senior management, which can just make up for the shortcomings of the junior eredar twins who cannot enter the core layer of Suramar.

After continuing to search the room, the experienced Valeera quickly found a deliberately hidden secret compartment under the desk and dug out a stack of secret letters.

After browsing through it roughly, Sarlayan had a playful smile on his face.

"There are quite a lot of people. It's just right. It saves me the trouble of finding people to act."

In order to lure Kil'jaeden the Deceiver from Argus to Azeroth to deal with it, Sharlayan originally planned to create an opportunity for the Burning Legion to infiltrate into Suramar City thinking they were safe until they captured the Shadow. Well rights.

At first, Sharlayan planned to entrust Queen Azshara to perform a scene called "Revival of Old Love", asking her to take the initiative to contact the Legion and invite demons into Azeroth again in the name of the queen.

However, the risk of doing so is very high, because Azshara lost contact with the Burning Legion ten thousand years ago.

According to the intelligence obtained by the Legion, the former Queen of the Night has taken refuge in the ancient god N'Zoth.

The Old Gods represent the forces of the void.

As we all know, the original goal of Sargeras' creation of the Burning Legion was to "purify" the world with flames before the Lord of the Void engulfed the universe.

Putting aside whether Sargeras' logic is correct, this at least shows that the Burning Legion will never allow the Void forces to grow.

In their view, Azshara, who had had contact with the Old Gods, was not worthy of trust.

Perhaps you can barely gain the trust of the fraudster after some complicated operations, but there is a point in saying that this process of winning trust may require a considerable price to pay, and it is the last resort when you have no choice but to do so.

The existence of this group of Suraman's moles freed Sharlayan from having to work out other plans and could take advantage of the situation and take advantage of the situation.

Only with this more natural transition can he be more certain to win the trust of Kil'jaeden, who is naturally suspicious.

"In that case..." Valeera frowned and asked, "Can't we get rid of the eredar twins before Kil'jaeden officially enters Azeroth?"

Sharlayan spread his hands helplessly: "Every gain must come with a loss. In order not to arouse Kil'jaeden's vigilance and suspicion, let's let them enjoy their lives for a few more years."

Valeera rubbed her brows with a headache: "What about this rescue operation? Can Kalecgos really be rescued without conflict with the twins?"

"Well..." Sarlayan smiled with a deep look in his eyes: "It depends on how we operate next."

According to what Kalecgos said before leaving, he apparently realized through Sharlayan's reminder that the eredar twins had probably cast some kind of charm spell on him, which greatly increased Kalecgo's power. A desire in some way.

Kalecgos may be a waste, but he is not stupid.

After realizing the crux of the problem, he immediately asked for leave from Longmian Temple, intending to resolve his "private relationship problems" as quickly as possible.

However, Kalecgos, who was overconfident, was still underprepared. He failed to realize that the eredar twins were also genuine demigods.

It is not difficult to accept that the twins who cooperated tacitly could defeat him in a one-on-two situation when they were not fully prepared.

Valeela's biggest headache now is how to rescue Kalecgos without falling out with the eredar twins.

Kalecgos already knew the truth to a certain extent, and the eredar twins obviously would not let him go easily.

After leaving the home of the badge holder named Homs, Sarlayan contacted Wyrmrest Temple in front of Valeera.

After hearing with her own ears that Sarlayan ordered Onyxia to bring the Blade of the Dark Empire and come quickly, Valeera guessed his idea of ​​​​solving the problem.

"You plan to secretly subdue the Eredar twins and use shadow spells to modify their memories?"

"That's right."

Sharlayan said meaningfully: "Due to Kalecgos' reckless actions, the twins also realized that their identities were exposed."

"Let's not mention the original intention of those two people to contact Kalecgos. Kalec is also an elite member of the blue dragon clan. It is undoubtedly a waste to kill them like this."

"Thinking about it, if I were an eredar twin, I would definitely use Kalecgos's identity to make an issue, and most likely I would use various brainwashing methods to control Kalecgos' will."

"Since you are in the first grade of junior high school, don't blame me for being in the fifteenth grade. The Burning Legion is not the only one who knows mind control spells."

"Since everyone wants to go together, let's have a head-on confrontation and see who is more skilled."

Just as Onyxia stepped into the teleportation to the Suramar region, Oreses and Thalorath were also worried about how to deal with Kalecgos.

Unexpected and reasonable.

When the two first came into contact with Kalecgos, they didn't have any complete conspiracy plan. Just like Valeela said, they just took a fancy to Kalecgos's appearance and strong body, and simply wanted to gain something. The ultimate sensory stimulation.

The most important thing is that Oreses and Saloras did not recognize Kalecgos's identity at all at that time. They thought that this guy was just an ordinary Nightborne arcanist, and they only cursed him. Just to add interest.

It wasn't until Kalecgos came to the door angrily and took the initiative to reveal his identity that they suddenly realized that they were out of luck. (End of chapter)

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