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Chapter 1634 The decisive and ruthless fraudster

After rescuing Kalecgos, Sharlayan handed over the eredar twins whose memories had been modified to Aluriel.

Under Aluriel's personal supervision, the Nightborne construction workers worked quickly with the assistance of more than a dozen arcanists, and it took only a few hours to repair the twin huts that were badly damaged by the battle.

After sending off Sarlayan and others, Aluriel ordered his magic swordsmen to carefully carry the eredar twins who had not yet awakened into the newly repaired home.

After all preparations were completed, Oluriel and others quietly evacuated the neighborhood, and the barrier that shrouded the neighborhood also dissipated.

The consultant responsible for attracting attention also finished his speech at this time. The residents who had had enough of the excitement chatted with each other and returned to their homes, unaware of the big commotion that happened next door not long ago.

When Sarlayan and his party teleported back to Wyrmrest Temple, because the distance was too far, the spiritual suggestion that Onyxia continued to give was automatically lifted, and Oreses and Saloras, who were lying on their big bed, woke up leisurely. .


Although Sarlayan took action to heal all the external and internal injuries on Saloras and Oleses, the vitality they lost due to their injuries could not be replenished so quickly.

Oreses, who was not seriously injured, was fine. Saloras immediately felt symptoms similar to hypoglycemia after waking up. She sat on the bed and calmed down for a while before gradually clearing her thoughts.

"Are we...drinking?"

In the memory implanted by Onyxia, Oreses and Saloras attended a carnival party together last night. They had so much fun that they fell asleep after returning home.

If they feel something strange and take the initiative to investigate, they will find that there really was such a party last night.

At least, that's what all the relevant characters in their memories would say.

Oreses smiled bitterly and spread her hands: "It's too indulgent. Fortunately, nothing was exposed...wait a minute."

Halfway through her words, Olaise suddenly rubbed her eyebrows thoughtfully: "I remembered, we got some important information before we got drunk last night!"

Saloras also retrieved this forged false memory and nodded sternly: "Nasrezim lied about his origins. They may be spies from the Shadow Realm. We must report it immediately. To Lord Kil'jaeden?"


Olaise said with a solemn expression: "Although we don't know whether this information is true or false for the time being, we need to convey it to the superiors in time."

"If the Nasrezim clan really originated from the Shadow Realm... then they must have a big plan to infiltrate the Burning Legion. The Legion must be prepared in advance."

Before the Geminis took the initiative to contact Kil'jaeden, spies lurking in other areas of the city sent Kil'jaeden's warning first.

Taking this opportunity, the Geminis sent the secret they "discovered" back to Antorus.


After reading the information, Kil'jaeden patted his desk gloomily, lowered his head and pondered for a moment. He said to a Man'ari's confidant secretary beside him: "Send someone into the Shadow Realm to find out. I will do it as soon as possible." to determine the authenticity of this information.”

The male secretary said with a troubled face: "Lord Kil'jaeden, we have no contact with the Shadow Realm. The rules of that ghost place have always been that you can enter but not leave."


Kil'jaeden sneered: "As long as the benefits are sufficient, there are no rules that cannot be broken."

"In this way, you secretly contact the Shadow Realm officials in my name. As long as you can confirm whether this information is true, the Burning Legion owes the Shadow Realm a favor."

"Yes! I'll go right away."

After watching his secretary leave his office in a hurry, Kil'jaeden suppressed his anger and leaned his head on the back of the chair to collect his emotions.

"I hope this is just random news made by people in Azeroth, otherwise..."

The Nasrezim are demon elders who have joined the Burning Legion since its establishment. If they really originated from the Shadow Realm, they must have another purpose in joining the Legion. This means that the three giants of the Legion are all attracted by this group of natural spies who are good at acting. Playing around.

Kil'jaeden really didn't want this possibility to come true, because it would make him, the famous wise man in the universe, stupid, but... he had actually prepared for the worst.

Precisely because he was a wise man, Kil'jaeden was able to use only one clue to deduce the seemingly reasonable actions of the Nasrezim clan in the past, but in fact they had other mysteries.

"The Lich King Ner'zhul..." Kil'jaeden's eyes flashed with a cold light: "Ha~ What a wishful thinking."

Another Man'ari female secretary in the office asked with a worried face: "Lord Kil'jaeden, do you need to recall Tichondrius and others?"

"No need."

Kil'jaeden's eyes flickered for a while before he made a decision: "No matter what their true position and purpose is, at least on the surface, the Nasrezim dare not do anything that harms the interests of the Burning Legion."

"Let them wander around for a while. It would be best if Tichondrius, with all his strength, can take down the Dark Temple. If not..."

"Anyway, don't rush to alert the enemy yet."

Kil'jaeden, who had already calmed down, looked around at the other secretaries in the office sternly: "Before I took the initiative to disclose it, they kept this news in my stomach!"


Sarlayan is not a magician who can accurately predict the future direction.

It was impossible for him to predict Tichondrius's actions in advance, and he didn't even know that the leader of the Dread Lord had been resurrected.

At least until Tichondrius completes Kil'jaeden's mission and returns to Antorus, it is unlikely to see internal strife within the Burning Legion.

However, the problem came again. It was not easy to take down the Dark Temple.

It is true that Tichondrius was well prepared for this expedition, and the lethality that the three main fleets could inflict was far beyond that of manpower. However, the defensive forces that Sarlayan left in Draenor were not just for nothing.

Once the Black Temple is in emergency, Shattrath's Holy Light Legion, Frostfire Ridge's Free Will Undead, and the Alliance and Horde armies remaining in Draenor will immediately lend a helping hand.

With the cautious Shahras taking precautions in advance, Tichondrius's plan to capture the Dark Temple in a flash was impossible to realize.

Once the war reaches a stalemate, Sharlayan will immediately lead Azeroth's reinforcements through the Dark Portal and rush to Draenor.

Moreover, Sarlayan's plan was not entirely ineffective.

Under the condition that Kil'jaeden was willing to pay a certain amount of benefits, the military leader who was temporarily in charge of the affairs of the Shadow Realm responded to his question very readily.

Sarlayan soon learned the news from the Shadow Realm, and with it came another piece of information that he entrusted to the Eternals, which I will not list here for the time being.

Let’s go back to Kil’jaeden first.

After receiving confirmation from the Shadow Realm, Kil'jaeden's suppressed anger completely exploded.

Since Tichondrius led the elites of the Nasrezim clan to fight abroad, and also held a powerful space fleet in his hands, Kil'jaeden did not make any fanfare.

But this does not mean that Kil'jaeden, who has always been vengeful, will just swallow his anger.

Half a month after Tichondrius led his army on the expedition, bad news suddenly reached the ears of all legion members.

The star in the galaxy where Nazreza is located, the "hometown" of the Nazrezim clan, suddenly exploded for unknown reasons.

This collapsed star eventually evolved into a huge black hole, sucking in several planets including Nazrezim. All Nazrezim in the planet had no bones left, and not even their souls could escape. out of this giant black hole.

Sarlayan was not particularly surprised when he learned the news from the war master who had been paying attention to the matter recently. Kil'jaeden was not the kind of person who would not fight back after suffering a loss.

Unfortunately, Tichondrius and other decision-makers of the Nasrezim clan did not die with their "home planet", but were lucky enough to receive Kil'jaeden's orders first and go out to fight.

This news was sent by Shahrath to the Dark Portal not long ago, and was then passed back to the Wyrmrest Temple by the dragon spies stationed in the Cursed Land.

As for the other news that the war master came from the Shadow Realm, it was about Fandral's son, Vastann Staghelm.

Fandral has helped Sharlayan a lot over the years without any complaints. Out of the idea of ​​reciprocating the favor, Sharlayan plans to facilitate the reunion of Staghelm and his son and completely eliminate the knot hidden deep in Fandral's heart.

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