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Chapter 1638 The reunion of father and son after a thousand years of separation

Sarlayan and Fandral have known each other for more than ten years. Compared with Tyrande who only talks and fights for power, Fandral Staghelm is a down-to-earth man of action. He is really on the front line when something happens.

It is precisely because of this spirit and ability that he is willing to personally lead the team and do hard work, Fandral has extremely high prestige within the night elves.

Before Malfurion returned, Fandral's fame even surpassed that of Tyrande, the high priest who held the Moon God belief system.

Fandral was the first generation of druids brought up by Malfurion himself. Fandral has always been grateful and respectful to his mentor.

If it weren't for Malfurion's sake, Fandral, who had always disliked Tyrande's naive and playful behavior, would have overturned the table in anger.

Even so, Fandral made no secret of his disdain for Tyrande's ability to govern. He uttered the widely circulated famous saying many times in public.

"Tyrande has no idea how to lead our people."

Not only Fandral, there are also many people in the Cenarion Circle who question Tyrande's ability.

But the high priest of the Moon God, Gen Hongmiaozheng, was unstoppable. Not only was she the partner of the druid leader Malfurion Stormrage, she was also backed by the Moon Goddess Elune. The druids were trying to manipulate her power. I can only dare to be angry but dare not speak.

After Malfurion returned from the Emerald Dream, Fandral was finally freed. He could finally put aside the burden placed on his shoulders by his mentor and do something he liked.

Although Fandral always complains that Sarlayan likes to add burdens to him, in fact, he himself has always enjoyed it.

With Fandral personally leading the team to tackle the problem, the Sholazar Basin has been developed to some extent, and he does not need to personally urge the remaining parts.

By the way, in a strict sense, Sholazar Basin and Un'Goro Crater are both Freya's ecological laboratories.

After defeating Yogg-Saron and regaining her sanity, Freya theoretically has the right to take back the management rights of these two areas.

However, for the sake of Sharlayan, Freya readily transferred the ownership of Un'Goro Crater and Sholazar Basin to Quel'Thalas and the Dark Night Republic respectively.

After leaving Sholazar Basin, Fandral, who couldn't rest, received a new mission from Sarlayan.

Coincidentally, the new type of Arcandor used to neutralize the power of the void was also developed during this period.

In order not to have another quarrel with the canary raised by his mentor because of the reversal of Naga's curse, Fandral packed his luggage and took his family to the distant Draenor, highlighting an invisible To be pure.

While locking Fandral's position, Sarlayan also saw a female night elf beside him who was also digging in the dirt.

Not far behind the two of them, another elegant young night elf woman was looking at them with a smile.

Before Sarlayan could ask, Vastann shouted in an excited tone: "I saw them! It's father and Leyala, and..."

When Valstann died, his and Leyala's daughter was not yet born.

Judging from the old father's meticulous attitude towards the female night elf next to him, Valstein had already guessed her identity.

"Dude, don't get excited."

Sarlayan smiled and reassured: "You are right, that young woman is your daughter, her name is Astalia."

Astalia was born during the War of Quicksand, nearly a thousand years ago, so of course she has grown up.

However, perhaps because of the over-protection and doting of her mother and grandfather, Astalia, who is nearly a thousand years old, can still see some childishness on her face.

...But one thing is that this child does not seem to be lacking in nutrition. Her figure has long developed into a bulge.

Sometimes Sarlayan himself found it funny.

He himself is obviously still a young man who is less than a hundred years old, but when facing the descendants of close friends like Astalia, he always subconsciously adopts the mentality of his elders.

However, in fact, Astalia is much older than him.

[The experiences are different, right? How can a child raised in a greenhouse compare with someone who grew up in the flames of war? 】

[Indeed, Sarlayan's mental age far exceeds his actual age, and it doesn't matter what kind of big guys he can be friends with now? 】

Sarlayan saw the barrage's speech, and he himself was quite emotional about it.

The sentries at Staghelm Watch had long seen the strange, large bird approaching rapidly.

The firebird Rukhmar is highly recognizable, and there is only one in Draenor and Azeroth combined.

Compared to other classes, druids have a much greater chance of coming into contact with wild demigods.

Some of the druids stationed in Draenor had seen Rukhmar in the Emerald Dream.

Until now, Sarlayan was the only one who could use the avatar of Rukhmar.

There was no need to think too much. After the druid sentinel discovered his trace, he immediately told the news to Fandral who was busy in the fields.

"Oh? Sarlayan is here?"

After listening to the sentry's report, Fandral rolled up his trousers like an old farmer and looked into the sky with his hands on the arbor. Astalia, who was standing behind him, also imitated her grandfather's posture and joined in the fun.

"Ha~ That guy..."

Fandral laughed and shook his head: "You probably have some work to entrust to me again, Leyala, you take care of Astalia first, and I'll go talk to him... eh?"

After all, Fandral is a veteran night elf who has lived for more than 10,000 years. The Hunter (Sentinel) Eagle Eye Technique is not a difficult skill to learn, so it is not surprising that he can master it.

Through the eagle eye technique, Fandral saw a figure on the back of Sarlayan, who transformed into a firebird.

Although the eye-catching blue skin and the snow-white wings growing out of his back looked quite strange, Fandal always felt that the other person's face and expression looked very familiar, but for a while he couldn't remember where he had seen it before.

This is natural. After being reincarnated into Grien, Valstein's face did not change much, but his overall appearance was already very different from what he had been before his death.

Valstane has been dead for nearly a thousand years. Although Fandral can still remember everything related to him, Valstane's specific appearance is inevitably gradually blurred in his memory.

This is also one of the reasons why Fandral was deceived by the Nightmare King with fake Valstann in the first place.

As Sarlayan gradually approached and began to descend, Fandral, who had been thinking hard for a while, gradually opened his eyes, and his extremely healthy heart began to beat faster.

"Leyala! Astalia! Come here, you guys!"

Leyala, who was wiping the black mud off Astalia's face, turned to look at Fandral in confusion.


"Leyala, look over there!"

Fandral raised his hand and pointed in the air excitedly: "Does the person on Sarlayan's back look familiar? Am I mistaken for the person?"

While Fandral was talking to Leyala, Sarlayan had already landed on the ground through a high-speed dive.

Before he landed, Vastann spread out the snow-white wings behind him and "jumped" in advance, landing steadily on the ground with his own wings.


Leyala also opened her eyes wide, staring in disbelief at the little blue man who looked similar to her husband.

"Mom? Grandpa?"

Astalia was very confused by the change in the two people's expressions, but Fandral and Leyala, who were breathing more and more rapidly, could no longer care about her for the time being.


After landing, Sarlayan released the avatar of Rukhmar and returned to his human form. He waved to Fandral with a smirk and said, "Old friend, are you surprised or surprised? Don't tell me you haven't recognized him yet."


Fandral suppressed his inner excitement, and confirmed to Sarlayan one last time with trembling hands.

"Salayan, he is really..."

Sarlayan stood up on tiptoe and patted Fandral on the shoulder: "It's true that it's fake. Although the appearance is different, the essence of a person will never change. Just believe in your own self-consciousness."

Vastann, who was timid in his hometown, took the initiative to bow to Fandral and saluted Fandral with a complicated expression: "Long time no see, father, Leyala... and my daughter, Astalia."


Astalia, who had little life experience, was stunned for a while when she heard the other party's name. Then she tilted her head in hindsight: "Are father?"

At this time, Fandral had already rushed forward and gave Valstein a bear hug excitedly.

"Vastann?! Is it really you!"

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