Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1640 I have an immature idea


Illidan suddenly became interested when he heard this: "What? You want to attack Argus? Do you need me to leave for Marton immediately?"

Seeing Illidan gearing up, Sarlayan waved his hand with a wry smile: "Don't get excited, I do want to give Kil'jaeden a 'surprise', but it's not what you think."

"Illidan, do you know the origin of Adal who is now in charge of Shattrath City?"

Illidan was stunned when he heard this: "Akama said before that the Holy Light Jigsaw Puzzle seems to come from... a cosmic-level organization called the Holy Light Legion?"

Sarlayan nodded solemnly: "Yes, the Holy Light Legion, a powerful force that can travel around the vast universe, one of the representatives of the Holy Light side."

Shahras seemed to have thought of something when he heard this, and raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Your Excellency Shenying, do you want to..."

Sarlayan smiled meaningfully: "It seems that Shahras has already thought of it. Yes, I plan to entrust the Holy Light Legion to take the opportunity to invade Argus and make some big news for the Burning Legion's lair."

Even Shahras, who has been paying attention to the current situation of Argus through his fellow agents, does not know that the main fleet of the Holy Light Legion led by Zera, the Mother of Holy Light, has sneaked near Argus.

Unfortunately, they have never been able to find an opportunity to break through the legion's defense network. In order to avoid alerting the enemy, they have remained in a latent state until now.

According to the information provided by the barrage and Adal's own information, Sarlayan knew that Zera, the Mother of Holy Light, was a rather radical "person".

As long as she is given a chance to invade Argus, Zera, who is becoming more and more obsessed, will definitely not give up easily.

With Argus' defense temporarily empty, the main fleet of the Holy Light Legion should be able to cause a lot of trouble to Kil'jaeden.

While the Deceiver was busy defending Argus, it was the perfect time for Illidan to set out to seize the Sargerite Keystone.

Sarlayan wanted to personally participate in this operation to ensure that the plan was foolproof.

However, considering the upcoming elemental tide, he may not be able to squeeze out time by then.

The elemental tide will completely erupt in less than a month, and in order to seize that fleeting opportunity, the Legion of Light must launch an attack before troops from other galaxies return to support Argus.

Sarlayan guessed that the hot-tempered Zera would launch an attack within a month. That was the time when the ancient god's forces, which had been suppressed for too long and were once released, were causing the most trouble.

Illidan was a little dissatisfied with Sharlayan's distrust: "Do you think I will fail if I act alone? You underestimate me too much!"

Sarlayan smiled bitterly and shook his head: "That's not what I meant. I'm just used to being cautious. Since there is a plan with a higher probability of success, why should I choose the far away one?"

"Tsk~" Illidan smacked his lips in displeasure: "In short, as soon as I receive news of the attack on Argus, I will immediately set off for Marton."

"I won't consider whether you can catch up. It's best if you can come. If you can't, don't force it. I will definitely bring back the Sargrith Keystone and take the initiative to counterattack Argus in my own hands."

Sarlayan smiled and spread his hands: "That's all I can do for the time being. Later I will go to Shattrath and tell Adal the information about the empty defense of Argus."

"In addition to taking advantage of the situation, we must also focus on how to resist Tichondrius's fleet raid."

"I have a half-baked but interesting idea about this."

Sarlayan looked at Illidan with interest: "This plan requires the Sargrith Keystone as a prerequisite."

The green halo behind Illidan's eyepatch flickered slightly: "You mean, use the Sagrit Keystone to open the portal directly to Argus, and send Tichondrius and others who have come from afar back to the legion's base camp. ?”

"That's right." Sarlayan said with a sneer: "By then, the Holy Light Legion's offensive should have entered a period of weakness."

"Kil'jaeden, who had just freed up his hands, suddenly learned that the Nathrezim traitors had unexpectedly returned. How do you think he would treat Tichondrius and his friends?"

"Hmph!" Illidan shook his head helplessly: "You are really vicious... But I have to say that this is a very interesting plan. I would call it dog-eat-dog."

‘That’s called driving away wolves and devouring tigers, you son-in-law. ’

After negotiating the follow-up cooperation with Illidan and Shahrath in the Black Temple, Sarlayan rushed to Shattrath to meet A'dal, and then traveled throughout Draenor to inform the major forces remaining in the world. Be prepared for battle in advance.

According to the Burning Legion's offensive habits, Tichondrius should have lowered a large number of airdrop pods as soon as he arrived on Argus and built the Burning Legion's frontline camp on the ground.

Illidan, who holds the Sargerit Keystone, needs some preparation time to activate the portal directly to Argus.

During this window period, Draenor's remaining forces must block the Burning Legion's most ferocious three-axe attack and buy enough time for Illidan, who is hiding behind to do the big work.

Since Azeroth was probably still busy dealing with a series of changes brought about by the Elemental Tide at that time, there was a high probability that they would not be able to spare any extra troops to reinforce Draenor, and they would have to rely on themselves to work hard to block the Legion's offensive.

When he met Solas again, the Lich King could clearly see the look of complaint on his face.

"Salayan, what did you do with Frostmourne? Why does this once powerful magic sword feel so much weaker?"

"Ah this..."

When talking about this topic, Sarlayan can't help but feel a little guilty.

The large number of souls consumed in Frostmourne were not the work of Sharlayan, but the fault of Zai Tian's heartless military leader.

However, there is one thing to say. In that desperate situation, Sarlayan did not think there was anything wrong with the soldier's actions.

If the warrior master hadn't used Frostmourne to rise up and injure Zoval, it's still unknown whether they could have escaped from the abyss.

But in any case, the souls Ner'zhul and Arthas accumulated in Frostmourne for many years are indeed very consumed, and this will inevitably affect the power of Frostmourne, which becomes stronger the more souls are digested.

The reason why Sarlayan left Frostmourne to Solas was partly because he did not lack artifacts, and partly because he also took into account the characteristics of demons.

As we all know, Frostmourne has the special ability to absorb the soul of its attacker, which is undoubtedly a killer weapon for demons who need their souls to escape back to the Twisting Nether for resurrection.

Except for the Nasrezim clan, which has a special way to escape Frostmourne's soul absorption, all demons killed by Solas with Frostmourne will be completely consumed, and there is no possibility of resurrection.

"Sorry, Solas, this is indeed my fault."

Sarlayan apologized and explained to Solas: "Thanks to the help of Frostmourne, I was able to escape from the Maw smoothly, but the price was to consume a large number of resentful spirits stored in the magic sword."

"Hey~" Solas sighed helplessly: "Forget it, you repaired this sword anyway. At worst, I will just start accumulating it from scratch."

Thoras is not a sinister person like Ner'zhul who is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, but after all, he was once the king of a country and would never be kind to a woman.

Solas will not use Frostmourne to kill innocent people indiscriminately, but on the battlefield, he will never tie himself up because of Frostmourne's "evil ability" to absorb souls.

After all, weapons are just weapons. Whether they are good or evil depends on how their owners use them.

As the saying goes, it takes a thousand days to raise an army, but it takes only a moment to deploy it.

Solas has been hiding in the inhospitable Frostfire Ridge for several years, and the free-willed undead have long since adapted to the peaceful life they live today.

As the saying goes, the arrival of the legion fleet led by Tichondrius can allow the free will that has been idle for several years to be active and accumulate more practical experience.


When Sarlayan was about to say goodbye and leave, Alonsos Faol suddenly remembered something.

"Shalayan, Kel'Thuzad hurriedly set off for Azeroth after receiving your invitation."

"You'd better put him back before the war in Draenor begins. We still need him to command the lichs."

"Huh? Oh, I know."

Sarlay was stunned for a moment before responding subconsciously.

Due to the many unexpected events recently, he almost forgot the purpose of calling Kel'Thuzad to Dragonblight.

‘There is still about half a month before the elemental tide breaks out. Let’s see if Kel’Thuzad can find anything useful from Galakrond’s bones during this time. ’

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