Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1647 Deathwing’s trump card: Twilight Dragon takes action

In order to use this elemental tide to achieve his goal of turning a corner, N'Zoth hid alone in the dark depths of the sea and planned for thousands of years.

When C'Thun was about to be defeated by the Quicksand Alliance, the Thousand-Eyed Demon asked N'Zoth for support, but in order to avoid getting burned, N'Zoth did not lend a helping hand.

When Yogg-Saron was surrounded by a group of Titan Guardians, he also asked N'Zoth for help, but still received no response.

After killing two compatriots who were more powerful than him, N'Zoth is the only orthodox ancient god left in Azeroth.


Of course N'Zoth, who was kidnapped by a Xeraki (Mithrax), knew of his existence, but in the eyes of the Thousand Beard Demon, this man-made thing born in the Titan Laboratory was just a poor imitation. , an embarrassing task.

In order to achieve the ultimate goal of escaping from the prison and dominating Azeroth, N'Zoth cannot afford to miss this elemental tide.

Except for the Nightmare King Varoson who was still hiding in a corner to recover from his injuries, N'Zoth turned over all the cards in his hand.

In the early morning of the next day, just as Sarlayan and his party were preparing to continue their departure after a night's rest, the Ring of the Earth once again sent an emergency notification from the stronghold near the Great Vortex.

This time, the problem was not in the Deep Rock Continent of the Earth Elemental Realm. The crisis came from the bottom of Azeroth.

Hundreds of strange dragon creatures with dark purple scales emerged from the bottom of the sea. The shamans of the Earth Ring said that they had never seen such dragons with extremely strange scales before.

"Dark purple scales..."

Sarlayan's eyes narrowed slightly: "Twilight dragon? I thought Deathwing failed to complete the research before the plan was launched, but the results were still produced."

Since Nefarian, the chief scientist of the black dragon clan, jumped ahead of schedule, the research progress of the Twilight Dragon will inevitably be greatly affected.

Sarlayan guessed that Deathwing personally joined the research team as a last resort and took the lead in the attack.

Because it was only a glimpse, the shamans of the Earth Ring did not yet know the characteristics and actual combat power of the twilight dragon.

According to what they said, the twilight dragons that rushed out of the sea were divided into several small groups and moved together in different directions.

Among them, two groups of twilight dragons flew to the west of Kalimdor, one from the south and the other from the north, while the other four groups went to the Eastern Kingdom together.

Sarlayan smacked his lips in annoyance: "Tsk! It happens to be at this time."

"There's nothing we can do, let's split up."

Sharlayan lowered his head and pondered for a moment before adjusting the arrangement and giving the order again: "One of the groups of twilight dragons will definitely rush to Quel'Thalas to support Deathwing. Valeera, I'll leave it to you in the Eversong Forest. If necessary, You can call for reinforcements from Longmian Temple when the time comes."

The Dragon Clan would not easily intervene in disputes between mortal nations, and Sarlayan had no intention of changing this iron law passed down from ancient times after taking over Wyrmrest Temple.

But this time the action involves the dragon traitor Deathwing and his twisted creations, and the dragons have very good reasons to get involved.

After accepting the order, Valeera nodded solemnly and said: "It is not realistic to kill Deathwing in Yongsong Forest, but I will find a way to repel this round of Twilight Dragon's attack as soon as possible."

Before anyone else could react, Valeela activated her space power and left on the spot.

"Style LS Leian turned to look at Little Xingxing with the same serious expression: "You immediately return to the Longmian Temple to coordinate. I have a hunch that this round of Twilight Dragon's attack will affect a wide range, and it is up to you to coordinate the attack. Mobile reinforcements everywhere. "

"I see."

Stellagosa nodded solemnly, and immediately activated the teleportation technique to return to the Dragonblight Wilderness far away in Northrend.

"at last……"

Sarlayan looked at Onyxia who sighed helplessly: "Stop sighing. Faced with this kind of crisis that affects the whole world, you don't think you can stay out of it and fish, do you?"

"Ha~" Onyxia smiled bitterly and shook her head: "I know, if you need me to do anything, just tell me."

"Help me contact Nefarian. As the former leader of the twilight dragon research project, he must be very familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of the twilight dragon."

"Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. Before a full-scale conflict breaks out with the Twilight Dragon, we must understand their strengths and weaknesses as soon as possible."

"Okay, I'll set off right now...but I still need your help."

Onyxia spread her hands helplessly: "I'm not like Valeera and Little Star, who can teleport on their own."

Since Nefarian found his way back, he and Inas returned to the Blackwing Blood Circle on the top of Blackstone Mountain - Nefarian's real core laboratory.

Even Deathwing didn't know that his precious son had secretly dug into the mountain to build a secret laboratory, and it was also built under the nose of the Blackwing Lair that he entrusted to Nefarian for safekeeping.

Don't tell me, this trick is really useful in the dark under the light.

At least so far, the fallen black dragons under Deathwing have not discovered the existence of the Blackwing blood ring.

Ever since Nefarian rebelled and left, Blackwing Lair's influence has been far less than it once was.

To this day, many black dragons still live in this important stronghold of the fallen black dragons, and they still control the miserable slaves of the Blackstone (Black Teeth) orcs.

However, due to the lack of high-end combat power, the black dragons of Black Wing Lair no longer dare to be as domineering as before, and they are restrained even when operating inside Blackstone Mountain.

In the past, there were two big bosses in Blackstone Mountain supporting two mortal forces. One was the clone of Ragnaros, the Fire Demon King, and the other was Nefarian, the Black Dragon Crown Prince.

Ragnaros's clone was killed by the coalition forces summoned by Sharlayan, and Nefarian also escaped into the higher Black Wing Blood Circle without anyone noticing.

The Black Iron Dwarves and the Blackstone Orcs, who once fought each other's brains out under the instruction of the big boss behind them, have been living in peace for the first time in recent years.

The difference between the two is that the Dark Iron dwarves, who have embraced the Alliance, took the initiative to shift the political center to the Three Hammers Council in Ironforge.

The number of Dark Iron dwarves left behind in Blackrock Abyss is only about 30% of their peak number.

A considerable number of Dark Iron dwarves were tired of the dark life underground and moved to the Blackstone Plains and Searing Canyon outside Blackstone Mountain.

Some people, led by Dagran Thaurissan and Moira, moved to Ironforge, the real political center of the Kingdom of Khaz Modan.

Compared with the Dark Iron Dwarves who take the initiative to let go, the Blackstone Orcs who have no autonomy can only be passive and low-key.

Without Nefarian's backing, the fallen black dragons who stayed behind in Blackwing Lair lacked confidence. They always felt that Wyrmrest Temple might attack at any time.

In order to minimize the chance of being targeted by Wyrmrest Temple, this group of black dragons could only turn their tails between their legs and become dragons before Deathwing returned.

And as Deathwing broke out of the Maelstrom and returned to Azeroth, the Blackwing Lair, which had been low-key for a long time, finally became more prominent again... at least that's what it seemed on the surface.

"It's so noisy!!"

When Onyxia was teleported directly into the Black Wing Blood Circle by Sharlayan, she immediately heard Nefarian's extremely irritable venting roar.

"Hey~" Inas, who was also unable to concentrate due to the noise from the ghosts and cries downstairs, sighed helplessly: "Just bear with it, who told you to choose the laboratory here."


Onyxia curled up her lips with some gloating: "My dear brother, you seem to be having a hard time recently."

Nefarian rolled his eyes at her irritably: "You shouldn't be here just to watch my jokes, right? If you have anything to say, just say it."

Onyxia smiled and shrugged: "It's refreshing, then I won't go around in circles."

"I want information about Twilight Dragon. The more detailed the information, the better."


Nefarian touched his chin thoughtfully: "No wonder those idiots are so noisy recently... Deathwing is back with the Twilight Dragon?"

"Interesting." Nefarian subconsciously paced back and forth in the laboratory, his face full of curiosity: "How did he solve the fatal genetic defects left by the Twilight Dragon? Or... not at all. solve?"

A glint flashed in Onyxia's eyes: "Fatal genetic defect? ​​Dear giegie, please elaborate on this topic."


Nefarian, who was brainstorming, was so frightened by Onyxia's deliberately coy voice that the hairs all over his body stood up.

"...Be normal, I'm scared."

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