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Chapter 1650 High EQ: Most elemental creatures have pure minds

There is an idiom called There is no coincidence.

With Rastakhan's return to power, Zandalari's foreign policy has undergone some changes from when Prophet Zul was in power.

In the words of Vol'jin, who is still undercover in Dazar'alor, Zandalari has become more aggressive.

Zul's attitude towards the three feudal empires was quite tactful. He hoped to persuade all the trolls to return to the rule of Zandalari without any bloodshed.

Rastakhan is more direct. He wants to use force to force all troll clans to surrender to Zandalari.

Rastakhan's plot against the Drakkari trolls and Shan'darar had already failed before the Tide of the Elements broke out.

After receiving Sarlayan's guidance, Lylas quickly found the Zandalari assassin hiding in the darkness.

Lured by Lylas' specially arranged bait, the Zandalari assassin hiding in the mountains tried to intercept the road again and was caught red-handed.

Lylas led the paladins of the Morning Frontier Legion and overturned this group of assassins, which only had about a hundred people.

After the war, the master of Lyras boldly visited Gu'dak, the capital of the Drakkari, carrying the head of the Zandalari assassin leader.

After being beaten twice by Quel'Thalas, Frost King Malak no longer had the heart to cause trouble to the high elves anymore.

Knowing that the Zandalari were still evil and wanted to continue to sow discord between the Drakkari and Shandalar, Malak was furious and promised on the spot that he would completely break with the Zandalari and prohibit any Zandalari trolls from entering the Drakkari Empire.

At the same time, Zandalari also sent men to the forest trolls and jungle trolls' inherent territory.

However, the forest trolls have long been completely destroyed by Quel'Thalas' relentless and continuous attacks, and the forest trolls have a close relationship with the high elves.

Rastakhan once boasted in high-level meetings that he would completely subjugate all troll clans within three years and rebuild the ancient glory of the Zandalari Empire.

However, the bad news that came back one after another made Rastakhan, who was full of confidence, a little worried.

In desperation, when he sent people into Tanaris, he ordered the envoys to give up their tough tactics "temporarily" and returned to Zul's soft tactics.

Wojin: I’m laughing so hard, my family, that the daddy I took out was eaten back so quickly.

No matter how much Wo'jin laughed at him behind his back, as a senior politician who has been in office for more than 200 years, Rastakhan's face was thick enough.

The king ignored the matter as if it was nothing, and tried to deliberately lead the members of the Zanchuli Council to question Lazan's ability...or, in other words, intelligence.

No one would doubt Lezan's personal strength. Even if we look at the entire Azeroth, there are not many people who can defeat Lezan head-on in a fair one-on-one battle.

Originally, Rastakhan planned to continue his efforts to unseat Lezan and replace Bwonsamdi, who has a stronger overall view and strategic ability, to help him fight for Azeroth.

The outbreak of the elemental tide forced Rastakhan to temporarily modify his plan. He planned to take advantage of the unrest in Azeroth to quickly expand Zandalari's sphere of influence.

Dreams are beautiful, but reality is cruel.

Just as the high-spirited Rastakhan ordered the initially rebuilt gold fleet to return to sea, the Kul Tiras patrol fleet, which had evacuated the waters off Zandalar a few years ago, appeared silently in the newly reborn gold. In the sight of the fleet.

Although Rastakhan was arrogant, he knew that the newly rebuilt golden fleet was no match for the old man of Kul Tiras.

In order to preserve his strength, he could only bite the bullet and recruit the golden fleet back.

The farce that was changed overnight made the Zanchuli Council unable to rectify the situation. They began to suspect that Rastakhan had been wasted in the years after he left the center of power.

Although the Zanchuli Council did not dare to question it face to face due to the remaining power of Rastakhan, many relevant rumors had already leaked out in private.

These rumors will undoubtedly have a great impact on Rastakhan's governance.

As a result, the angry Rastakhan began the much-loved process of catching the mole.

But... wherever there is oppression, there is resistance.

Rastakhana's hysterical embarrassment further deepened the suspicion of the Zanchuli Council.

Under Vol'jin's secret instigation, some council members have begun to discuss whether to promote the young and powerful Princess Talanji to the throne to replace the current God-King who frequently makes mistakes.

Jarod did not have an insider like Sharlayan, and he was unaware of the undercurrents within Zandalari.

In order to ensure smooth logistics, Jarod left a thousand-man garrison in Tanaris.

No matter how much Noggenfogg tried to persuade Lotus, the remaining troops would not take the initiative to attack Zul'Farrak. Their only mission was to hold the supply line.

It is said that compared to the Sandfury Trolls who have always clung to their own one-third acre of land and never left Tanaris, Jarod hated the profit-seeking goblins who lied and made trouble everywhere in the world.

Jarod knew that the bosses behind the Venture Capital Company and the Steamwheedle Consortium were different, but in his opinion, no matter which consortium they came from, goblins, a race that could give up anything in order to gain profits, were not worthy of trust.

But Jarod also had to admit that goblins were professionals when it came to making money.

The logistical route from Feralas to Uldum is too long and the transportation risks are high.

Although he was very reluctant, Jarod could only choose to temporarily cooperate with the goblins to shorten the transportation route and have Gadgetzan provide logistics supplies directly to the front line.

At the moment, Jarod doesn't know the local situation in Uldum, so he can't put his money on the Tol'vir who don't know whether they are willing to provide material.

After all, the night elves had never had any contact with the Tol'vir before, and both sides lacked understanding of each other.

As Jarod and Maiev led their army to continue southward, they happened to encounter a group of Sandfury Trolls who came to attack Gadgetzan.

But this time there was no cover from the sandstorm, and the two sides could see each other from a long distance in the endless desert.

Noggenfogg hoped that the night elves could fight the Sandfury Trolls so that he could persuade the garrison to help the Steamwheedle Consortium establish oil fields.

But Jarod is obviously not stupid, and he doesn't want to cause trouble again on the way to help Uldum.

The Sandfury Trolls did not want to provoke another powerful race when they started a war with the goblins.

With both sides having scruples, the two unexpectedly encountered troops passed each other without incident, which made Nogfogg, who was waiting for the battle in the distance with his telescope, very angry.

During the process of entering the deep sand plain and heading south, Maiev once asked Jarod if he wanted to go to the Cave of Time to say hello.

Since the Caverns of Time were not in the same direction as the entrance to Uldum, Jarod gave up the idea after considering it for a while.

At the same time, Sunderland, the Wind Chaser, who was hiding inside the Obelisk of the Sun, finally learned the full story of his plan to lure the enemy from Sarlayan.

"You mean..." Sunderland pointed to himself in surprise: "Use me as bait?"

"if not?"

Sharlayan smiled and shrugged: "You should know Windrider Al'Akir better than I do. There are not many baits that can attract him to personally go out, and you are one of them."


Sunderland, whose strength has long been restored to its peak, is not afraid of a head-on battle with Al'Aqir. Even if he cannot beat Al'Aqir one-on-one, with Saryan present, he does not believe that Al'Aqir can win the final victory.

"If Al'Akir knew I was here, he would definitely not come alone, but would bring an entire elite army with him."

Sunderland asked with some worry: "With the strength we have now, can we really behead Al'Akir in the midst of an army?"

Sarlayan rolled his eyes angrily: "Can't you think about it? Who said we were going to fight Al'Akir's elite here?"

"If we really want to fight head-on, what's the difference between fighting here and fighting at the Sky Wall?"

Sunderland scratched his head in confusion: "What do you mean?"

Sarlayan sighed helplessly: "I finally understand. All of you elemental creatures have very pure minds and don't have so many twists and turns in your mind."

[High emotional intelligence: pure mind]

[Low EQ: Tiehanhan who doesn’t use any brain]

【Grass! (a plant)]

Saryan ignored the naughty barrage, took a deep breath and patiently explained to Sunderland.

"We will not reveal the news of your return to full strength to Al'Akir. Instead, we will tell him through your agent installed in the Sky Wall that you are still seriously injured and your own strength is at a loss."


Sunderland had some doubts about this: "That guy Al'Akir has always been scheming. Will he really believe this kind of rhetoric?"


Sarlayan said meaningfully: "I will make up a complete story based on your experience when you were imprisoned in the Skull of Imprisonment. With the help of Ragnaros, who has no knowledge of the species, Al'Akir will most likely do it." Believe this story."

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