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Chapter 1663 Colorful black? But that's it

When Deathwing was still known as Neltharion, he was the undisputed leader of Wyrmrest Temple, and even Alexstrasza willingly took a backseat.

As the guardian of the earth, the black dragon king Neltharion is easier than other dragons to hear the rhythm from the depths of the earth.

As we all know, creatures like the Old God have already rooted their tentacles deep underground in Azeroth.

Even if they are still in a sealed state, they can indirectly affect the creatures of Azeroth through various small means.

Perhaps Neltharion himself couldn't tell clearly when he began to be affected by the whispers from the depths of the earth.

The Black Dragon King, who once swore to protect Azeroth, finally surrendered to the ancient gods due to his twisted will. From then on, he became enemies with his former brothers and sisters.

After changing his name to Deathwing, although his will was completely corrupted, the mad dragon king's intelligence was not affected much, and everything he did was still based on his own heart.

Whether it was the period of Neltharion or the period of Deathwing after the fall, the Black Dragon King's arrogance and arrogance were of the same origin and had never been restrained.

For Deathwing, the tragic defeat in Grim Batol is still fresh in his memory.

To be more precise, it's a grudge.

Deathwing has lived for tens of thousands of years. Even in the tragic death battle with Galakrond and the battle in the War of the Ancients where he forcibly drove the dragon soul and tore his body apart, he still achieved something in the end.

The battle of Grim Batol was different. Deathwing confidently laid out the situation and was about to show up in person to harvest the final results. However, he was suddenly hit by a set of punches that almost killed him on the spot.

Judging from the results, Deathwing's plan against the Dragon Soul can be described as a disaster.

Not only was the dragon soul that was the target of the seizure destroyed on the spot, he was also attacked by the four dragon kings who had planned it for a long time.

If Malygos hadn't been unconscious and emotionally active and destroyed the tightness of the siege, Deathwing might not even be able to escape.

If the dragon soul, which absorbed part of the original power of the four dragon kings, was not destroyed, even if Deathwing could not defeat the four dragon kings whose strength was greatly reduced, it would at least be guaranteed not to be easily suppressed.

But if he faced the four Dragon Kings in their heyday, he would still have a high degree of confidence in winning one on one... After all, after being infused with the power of the Ancient God, his strength was substantially higher than the other Dragon Kings by a small margin. cut.

If it was one versus two, Deathwing would have no choice but to prepare for evacuation in advance.

One-on-three... the moment he sees the opponent, he will immediately turn around and leave.

Although Malygos's surprise attack was not what Deathwing had expected, he was confident in his own strength and did not choose to escape.

The Black Dragon King is not known for his nimble movements. The arcane dragon breath sprayed by Malygos is already in front of him. At this time, it is too late to avoid it.

While raising his hands in front of him in a defensive posture, Deathwing also vigilantly observed the situation near Malygos, who was pounced at full speed.

Except for a glass stone dragon that was most likely an enemy in disguise, Deathwing did not feel the power fluctuations of his other siblings.

Although the power fluctuation of the disguised glass stone dragon is not bad, it is still far behind the top combat power of Azeroth at the level of the five dragon kings.

After confirming that Malygos had no strong backup, Deathwing was reassured.

In his opinion, his stupid brother was probably mad again, so he left the other dragon kings and came to Deep Rock Continent alone to seek revenge on him.


The menacing arcane dragon's breath soon completely submerged Deathwing's human form. Under the dazzling blue-purple light, Sarlayan, who was also gliding at full speed, could clearly see a figure that was still standing firm.

Deathwing's movements are indeed not flexible enough, but his ability to gallop on the battlefield so far depends not on his dodge ability, but on his nearly invincible and powerful defense.

Of course, the solution mentioned here is Neltharion before his body collapsed.

Whether he wanted to admit it or not, the side effects of forcibly driving the Dragon Soul did cause serious injuries to Deathwing that would never heal.

Without the reinforcement of external armor, Deathwing's body would sooner or later disintegrate on its own.

This is Deathwing's biggest weakness. In barrage terms, this is his Achilles' heel.

After experiencing the Battle of Grim Batol, Deathwing learned the lessons of defeat.

His newly built set of elemental armor was extremely strong, and the rivets at the joints of the armor were specially reinforced.

According to the guide provided by Barrage before the operation, if you want to tear apart Deathwing's armor again, it is undoubtedly an inefficient choice to attack it head-on. You can only find a way to destroy the huge rivets that fix the armor one by one.

As the guardian of the earth, Deathwing's defensive power is already the best in Azeroth, and it is even more powerful after being assisted by the Elementium Armor.

With defensive preparations in advance, the arcane dragon's breath that Malygos spat out with hatred did not cause substantial damage to Deathwing.

Sarlayan watched with his own eyes as the shadow shrouded in arcane light gradually expanded in size. Deathwing apparently planned to transform back into a dragon prototype and fight Malygos.

"Stella, it's time, follow the plan."

Stellagosa, who lowered her center of gravity on Sharlayan's back to reduce wind resistance, also responded through the soul link: "I understand, you must also be careful, Deathwing is not an enemy that can be defeated easily, so don't be greedy for success. "

After leaving these words, Stellagosa jumped out from Sarlayan's back, and the next second she activated the flash technique and appeared in a low-lying open space outside the Twilight Dragon Army Camp.

Meanwhile, Malygos has become entangled with Deathwing, who has returned to dragon form.

But this time, Malygos didn't rush forward to fight melee like he did in Grim Batol. That's not the blue dragon's strength.

The Spellweaver split into three as Deathwing fluttered its wings and took off. The main body and two clones cast spells of different types and attributes at Deathwing.

Deathwing knew Malygos very well. They had competed and fought many times in the early years, so they were not confused by Malygos's clone.

"hold head high!"

After breaking out of the coverage area of ​​the Arcane Dragon's Breath, Deathwing responded without showing any weakness with a strike of the Shadow Flame Dragon's Breath, covering the three Malygos at the same time.

Under Sharlayan's rather amazed attention, the three Malygos activated the flash spell almost simultaneously, each appearing in different directions and continuing to cast spells.

"Uh~ Three uses of distraction? Is this okay?"

Sarlayan, who was eating melon nearby, just sighed slightly. At this time, he had already included the twilight dragon guards on the ground who were obviously slow to react a beat into the attack range.

In a one-on-one fight, Malygos may not be a match for Deathwing.

But only those who are inferior can attack with short attacks, and Deathwing cannot defeat him in a short time.

In order to allow Malygos to obtain the best duel environment without interference from external forces, Sharlayan's first task is to clear out the twilight dragons staying in the camp as soon as possible.

The twilight dragons that can be selected as guards by Deathwing all have high intelligence, which means that their artificial intelligence is relatively high, and they will be more difficult to deal with than the ordinary cannon fodder twilight dragons.

Sarlayan and the Twilight Dragon Guard breathed out their dragon breath almost at the same time.

The color of the twilight dragon's breath is very strange. In barrage terms, it is colorful black. It is obviously not composed of a single energy system.

As Sharlayan understands, today's twilight dragon is just a degraded copycat version of the colorful dragon, and more power of the void has been added as the basis for the research on the colorful dragon.

Due to the sudden exit of lead researcher Nefarian, the completion of Twilight Dragon fell far short of Deathwing's original expectations.

Even these individuals with a relatively high degree of completion are still essentially semi-finished products.

You can get a glimpse of it from their mixed-colored breath. The power of these twilight dragons is extremely unstable and may self-destruct at any time due to the conflict of forces within their bodies.

It is precisely because of the unstable power that the breath of the twilight dragon, which seemed to be overwhelming in numbers, gathered together, but was suppressed by the breath of Sarlayan alone.

The pure golden multicolored dragon's breath and the colorful black twilight dragon's breath formed a counterattack in mid-air. The golden dragon's breath was advancing bit by bit with less defeating more.


As one of the twilight dragons output excessive energy, causing an imbalance of power in the body, Sarlayan seized the opportunity to increase the output power, pushing back the swarm breath of the twilight dragon in one fell swoop.


The clash of energies produced a violent explosion that attracted some attention from Deathwing.

To him, these half-finished twilight dragons are just cannon fodder that can be discarded at any time, as long as they can persist until he defeats Malygos.

On the other side, Stella Gosa, who left the battlefield early, was filled with strong fluctuations of space power.

The little star that no one pays attention to is secretly executing the plan specified by Sarlayan in advance - using himself as a space beacon to activate the power of shaking people.

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