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Chapter 1681 I heard that you are physically immune?

Ragnaros is an ancient lord who has survived from ancient times to this day, but compared with the Dark Empire period tens of thousands of years ago, his strength has never improved significantly since reaching its peak.

This rule can also be applied to other kings of elements. What their strength was during the Dark Empire is still the same now, with almost no progress.

For an immortal element like Ragnaros, who has been making no progress for so long, Sharlayan's progress is unimaginable.

During the Battle of Molten Core a few years ago, Sharlayan was just an ordinary mortal who didn't catch his eye.

Just a few years later, when he met this tiny "mortal" again, Ragnaros felt a fatal threat from him.


Ragnaros, who was suffering from pain in his left leg, subconsciously hit back and slammed the warhammer down. Even though his movements were far more agile than his bulky body, he still could not keep up with Sarlayan's fighting rhythm.

Being big has its advantages. In Ragnaros's view, an ant that is no higher than his knees will be smashed into a "sajiang" if it is hit.

However, is it really that easy?

No matter how agile Ragnaros' movements are compared to his size, his overly large body will always slow down his movement speed.

Sarlayan uses flash to dodge, and activates the power of time to move faster. From the beginning of the battle to now, Ragnaros has been beaten unilaterally, and he has never been able to touch the corners of Sarlayan's clothes.

When hit by Sharlayan's weapon, the sharp artifact sword had no threat to the physical damage caused by Ragnaros' elemental body. What annoyed the Firelord the most were the ones that rushed into his body along the wound. Alien energy.

The War Sword of Valarjar had a very tortuous past before it was tamed by Sharlayan. This set of artifacts from Odin was occupied by Hela for a long time.

Odin and Hela successively infused their own unique power into the Valajar War Sword, and the two opposing forces of light and shadow that were supposed to conflict with each other reached a delicate balance within the sword.

But this balance is only limited to the inside of the artifact. Once Sarlayan takes the initiative to release the two energies at the same time, the incompatible powers of light and shadow will burst into a powerful destructive power of 1+1 far greater than 2 between the entanglements of each other.

Coincidentally, when Sarlayan was studying art with Old Bear Orr, he mainly studied a set of balancing techniques.

Not only is the balance of life and death used by the Thornspeakers, this concept can also be applied to the other two opposing groups of origin powers.

Arcane corresponds to evil, light corresponds to shadow.

If the War Sword of Valarjar is used by an ordinary warrior, there is a high probability that he will not be able to fully exert the full power of this set of artifacts.

After years of nurturing and training, the War Sword of Valarjar has become Sarlayan's exclusive weapon. Even if its creator Odin took it back, he would feel uncomfortable using it.

Facing a giant creature like Ragnaros, Sarlayan chose to combine the Warraghar War Swords into a giant sword that was taller than others, in order to increase the hit area as much as possible.

It turned out that Ragnaros did not have a good solution to this alien energy rushing into his body.

Issalayan's current strong physical fitness can already easily swing the combined giant sword with one hand.

Seeing that this kind of attack from the outside to the inside was effective, Sarlayan chose to continue to increase the pressure without hesitation.

After flashing again to avoid Ragnaros' hammer blow, Sarlayan handed the giant sword to his right hand, and the artifact bracelets on his forearms automatically came to his left hand to form a long spear (staff). .

This Titan's Grip fighting style with left gun and right sword is unique to Sarlayan. Facing battles in different environments, he can flexibly adjust the focus of his attacks.

The giant sword is more destructive than chopping, while the spear is excellent in penetrating power, and can effectively cause piercing damage to enemies with higher defenses.

Ragnaros was not stupid either. Seeing that Sarlayan was unable to hit the slippery hand for a long time, he took the initiative to shrink his overly large body and transformed into a bald man about two meters tall with blazing flames burning on his head.

Now the two men's size and mobility were basically matched. Ragnaros finally caught Sharlayan's trajectory for the first time, and used the Saffron Warhammer to force him to cross his weapons and block frontally.


Just when Ragnaros, whose morale was boosted, was about to suppress the enemy with brute force, he unexpectedly discovered that the reaction force from Sarlayan's weapon was not small at all.

"Do you think..." Sarlayan's mouth curled up with a strange arc: "I am the kind of agile warrior who can only fight guerrilla warfare?"

"Sorry, you guessed wrong!"


The spear and the giant sword simultaneously exerted force to counterattack outwards. While forcing Ragnaros back half a step, Sarlayan switched from defensive to offensive and swung the giant sword for a frontal slash.

"With the blessing of multiple powers, I am an all-round warrior in the true sense!"


While Valarjar's war sword and Saffron's war hammer were clashing, the artifact spear in Sarlayan's left hand suddenly popped out like a poisonous snake, piercing Ragnaros's right rib from an angle that he had no way to avoid or block. .

The power of creation and death injected into the body took effect at the same time, making Ragnaros miserable.

The Fire Lord's elemental body is effectively immune to physical damage, but he cannot resist this energy attack.


For the first time since the war started, Ragnaros, who had numerous wounds on his body, let out a groan of pain, which meant that Sarlayan had actually caused harm to the Firelord.

Forcibly suppressing the boiling alien energy in his body, Ragnaros managed to counterattack the war hammer, and used the rapidly heating flames to temporarily force Sarlayan back.


Sarlayan, who took a few steps back to adjust his condition, was also uncomfortable. The Fire Lord's attack power was not beyond his endurance, but the high-temperature flames attached to the Saffron War Hammer really affected him. Influence.

At this time, Sarlayan's hands holding the weapon were a little burnt, and the self-healing ability that automatically took effect with the power of life was quickly restoring his burned parts.

This is under the premise that the protective ability of the power of the earth continues to take effect. If he confronts Ragnaros without any defense, even a demigod with similar strength will not be able to withstand the violent flames that accompany the Fire Lord's attack. .

Although Sarlayan can continue to heal his burned body, his recovery speed is not as abnormal as that of the ancient god.

If this battle lasts too long, sooner or later the rate of self-healing will not keep up with the rate of new injuries.

‘Although it’s a pity, let’s make a quick decision. ’

Sarai, who held his weapon tightly, activated the entire set of colorful protective powers safely and efficiently.

Within a certain period of time, the earth power can take effect overclocking, the life power will ensure that he will not change his movements due to injuries, the dream power can add a "penetrating" mental attack to his attacks, and the time power can accelerate himself and slow down the enemy at the same time. , Arcane power can ensure that Sharlayan is temporarily not affected by spell recoil.

Coupled with the already existing gods descending to earth and strengthening the dragon form, Sarlayan played all the trump cards he could in a short period of time.

Sarlayan, whose whole body was covered with fine golden scales, suddenly flashed to the right side of Ragnaros behind the wound stabbed by the Staff of Balance, and the Valargar War Sword in his right hand slashed back horizontally with a frequency greater than the previous attack.

Ragnaros was caught off guard by Sarlayan's sudden increase in the frequency of his movements.

Due to the need to devote part of his attention to expelling the alien energy that was conflicting with each other in his body, Ragnaros' reaction speed was obviously half a beat slower.

Valajar's war sword rubbed against Saffron's war hammer, which was raised to block, and cut another deep wound on the Fire Lord's already injured right rib.

Before the four mutually exclusive powers could erupt in Ragnaros' body, Sarlayan, who activated the power of time, teleported above his head again like a silhouette fragment.

The ready-to-go Staff of Balance drove straight from Ragnaros's "fiery" head.

Thanks to the elemental body's immunity to physical attacks, the Fire Lord, whose elemental core has not been penetrated, will not die on the spot even if it is cut into pieces, and can quickly reassemble his body.

However, at this time, Ragnaros clearly felt that his elemental core was still intact, but he had truly felt the approach of death.

The four energies that were blasted into the body with the weapon were super doubled, and Ragnaros was finally unable to control the chaos in his body.


With the protection of arcane power, Sarlayan forcibly ignored...or temporarily delayed the magic recoil of Blink, and moved to a safe distance before Ragnaros' elemental body exploded due to energy conflict.

Ragnaros, who desperately protected the core of the element, was not dead even though he was blown to pieces, but... Sarlayan obviously would not give him another chance to reorganize his body.

After escaping the explosion, Sarlayan teleported back to the core of the King of Fire Elements, which was no longer blocked. He raised his sword expressionlessly: "King of Fire Demon, say your final farewell to this world!"

"Qiang!" (End of this chapter)

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