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Chapter 1685 One Peach Kills Three Soldiers

In order to explore the current situation of the Dragon Islands, Sarlayan made some arrangements in advance before setting off from Wyrmrest Temple.

If nothing else happens, Valeela and the others should be discussing this issue with the guardian dragons.

Although the culprit that caused the elemental tide has been sealed first, the aftermath of this drastic change sweeping across Azeroth will continue to spread.

After the problems of the four elements are completely settled, Sarlayan will definitely find a way to enter the sealed Dragon Islands.

As a member of the Dragon Clan, whether for business or personal reasons, Sarlayan had to visit the place where the Dragon Clan originated.

Facts have proved that although Ashaman is withdrawn, her insight is no worse than those of the sophisticated wilderness demigods.

Ashaman provided Sarlayan with the three Fire Lords who are most likely to succeed the Fire Lord. Among them, Leolis, who must be difficult to convince, has already taken the lead, and the remaining two have come to participate in the armistice agreement. It can be said that he stands out among the five flame lords.

This is not because of Sarlayan's preconceptions. Putting aside their actual abilities, the five strange fire elements standing in front of him can indeed see the difference in demeanor at a glance.

Except for Bell Locke and Shane Nox, Sarlayan didn't bother to remember the names of the three restless Fire Lords. Anyway, they were destined to just follow them for fun.

Shane Knox and Bell Locke, who were originally calm and composed, suddenly felt a chill. Sarlayan was looking at them with eyes that seemed to contain some kind of unexplainable malice.

In fact, this is just an inevitable side effect when the Eagle Eye technique is activated, and Sarlayan has no intention of doing anything to them.

‘Level 64 and level 63…the difference in personal strength is not big. ’

Sarlayan looked at Bellok, who had been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, with interest: "He is indeed a famous warrior in the Land of Fire. Now that Leolis and Ragnaros are both dead, This guy should be the undisputed strongest person in the fire element clan. ’

In order to avoid alerting the enemy, when the fire element lords gathered in front of the Saffron Fortress, Sarlayan did not hastily activate the Eagle Eye technique to observe their strength, and therefore missed the opportunity to confirm Leolis' level.

Now that Leolis is dead, Sarlayan can only roughly speculate that the ancient fire elemental's level should also be around level 64.

As the king of the fire element, part of Ragnaros' strength is supported by the Heart of Fire, which is similar to the protective power that can only be mastered by the Aspect Dragon.

Without the additional blessing of the Heart of Fire, Sarlayan guessed that Ragnaros' true strength would only be at level 65, not much better than Bellock and Leolis.

As we all know, the passionate fire element is a race full of martial virtues. If you want to control those unruly fire lords, the new Fire Demon King must have a strong combat power that can defeat invincible opponents in the land of fire.

Shannox's level 63 is not low among many flame lords, but it is still a little behind Bellock.

If Bellok hadn't taken the initiative to expose the fact that he had been hiding his clumsiness before, Sarlayan might still have hesitated when choosing a new Fire Demon King.

After confirming that Bellock was not just a man of muscles but not a brain, it was natural that the balance in Sarayan's mind would gradually tilt towards him.

However, Bellock is different from Mysler, who is completely supported by Sarlayan, and is also far from Sunderland, who has a deep personal relationship with Sarlayan.

To put it simply, Sarlayan was worried that the brave and resourceful Bellok family would dominate.

If this guy continues Ragnaros's diplomatic strategy of alienating Azeroth and getting closer to hostile forces after taking power, he will be feeding a tiger into trouble.

Therefore, Sarlayan planned to backhand a competitor who could create obstacles for Bellok.

No matter how high Bellock's real strategic ability is, due to the tens of thousands of years of previous self-destructive performances, the inherent impression of him by the fire elements is not so easy to change.

In other words, it is impossible for Bellok to take off the label of a reckless man in a short period of time, and his interpersonal relationships among the Fire Lords cannot be repaired in just a few years.

In contrast, Shane Knox's network of contacts is far superior to that of Bell Rock.

Even if Bell Locke succeeds as the King of Fire Demon, at least for the next few years, he will still be a loner. Shane Knox can take the opportunity to unite the unwilling Fire Lords to fight against Bell Locke.

Taking further consideration, the fire demon clan represented by Shannox and the other flame lords are also not of the same mind. Sarlayan's plan is just right to form a tripartite confrontation between the Fire Demon King and the flame lords.

Horsepower can be seen from a distance, and people's hearts can be seen from time to time.

Sarlayan is still unsure of Bellok's true thoughts, but he always believes that no one can hide his true intentions forever.

If Bellock really has other plans in mind, Sarlayan is confident that he can easily control him. If it really happens, at worst, another Fire Demon King will be replaced.

The armistice negotiations went smoothly. At this point in the war, both sides had no intention of fighting anymore.

The purpose of the Kalimdor coalition is just to drive the fire elements out of Mount Hyjal, or... out of the densely populated areas in northern Kalimdor.

Completely eliminate the fire element?

That is impossible.

As long as Azeroth exists, it is impossible for this world to lack any element. Once the balance of elements on the planet is destroyed, it will inevitably lead to catastrophic consequences.

After Bellok and Shannox promised to relocate on behalf of the fire element, Malfurion, Hamuul and Varok happily signed the truce agreement.

At Sarlayan's invitation, the fire elemental will be relocated to Un'Goro Crater in southern Kalimdor, using the Fire Plume Mountain in the center of the crater as the latest coordinates for the entrance to the Land of Fire.

Nominally, Un'Goro Crater is an enclave under the jurisdiction of Quel'Thalas, but in fact this area has always been managed by the Shadow Family. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the exclusive overseas territory of the Shadow Family.

Based on the personal relationship between Kael'thas and Sharlayan, as long as the Deep Shadow family can maintain the continuous and stable operation of the oil-related industry chain, Quel'Thalas will not bother to bother with the Un'Goro crater on the other side of the sea. What residents.

Un'Goro Crater and Sholazar Basin are both the experimental greenhouses of Freya, the guardian of life. Now that Freya has regained her sanity, these two areas should theoretically be reclaimed by her.

However, during the short and long period of time when N'Zoth confused her mind, Freya unconsciously opened up a large-scale life greenhouse inside Ulduar.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and the ecological environment of Un'Goro Crater and Sholazar Basin has long been out of Freya's control. With new toys in hand, she has lost the ability to continue observing these two greenhouses that have long been out of control. interest.

When Sarlayan went to Ulduar before, he specifically asked Freya about this matter. The gentle guardian of life did not hesitate to hand over the disposal of Un'Goro Crater and Sholazar Basin to Sarlay Security Authority. .

Sholazar Basin was the sweet bait thrown by Sarlayan to lure the night elves into Northrend.

After years of development, the night elves have already established a foothold in this basin with a suitable climate, and Sarlayan has no intention of taking it back.

Un'Goro Crater has always been under the management of the Deep Shadow Family. With Freya's endorsement, Sarlayan can more confidently intervene in the crater's affairs.

By the way, there is a super-distance portal connecting Un'Goro Crater and Sholazar Basin. It was built by Freya herself in the early years. Residents of the two places can communicate with each other through the portal at any time. .

The Deep Shadow family settled in the crater just to dig for oil and make money, and had no interest in local ecological research.

Since the year before last, night elves druids who have settled in the Sholazar Basin have applied to enter Un'Goro Crater. They hope to obtain Sarlayan's permission to conduct in-depth research on the flora and fauna of Un'Goro Crater.

Sharlayan had no reason to refuse their request. Night elves and high elves were nearby to monitor them, and he was not afraid that the fire elemental who settled in Fire Feather Mountain would make any big news.

At the end of the negotiation, under the longing gazes of the five Fire Lords, Sarlayan threw the Heart of Fire to Bellok without any hesitation.

Of course, he would not directly say that Bellok was his chosen new Fire Demon King.

"This thing should be returned to its original owner. As for what to do with it, it's up to you to decide."

Seeing the changes in the demeanor of the five Fire Lords, Sarlayan's mouth curved in a strange arc, and then directly sent the words into the mind of Shane Nox, who had a somewhat complicated expression, through soul fluctuations.

"Shahnnox, Lord of the Fire Demons, I say hello to your fellow Exotusto."


Shane Nox, who was worrying about the ownership of the Flame Heart, moved slightly, and looked thoughtfully at Sarlayan with a smile on his face from the corner of his eye.

‘Could it be that he wanted to... ha~ That’s it. ’

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